Life Drain System

Chapter 186 - Give An Answer

    The stranger rolls her eyes with a smile, as she waits for the others to arrive. Then once they had, she starts questioning them, and is surprised at how man high orcs, and high goblins there are. Although from there appearance, she could tell the high goblins have not completed their transition yet or they would be as tall as herself.

    Not just that they would also be very handsome or beautiful as opposed to their sort of classic video game sort of look. They would also become much stronger afterwards as well, causing her to feel slightly apprehensive about them, as they can become a big threat if one is not careful.

    Regardless, she talks to all the people there and the time passes, while Yueliang sleeps on the ground with a relaxed look on his face.

---- 5 Hours Later ----

    "I did not ask for a stomach massage." Yue grumbles aloud while half asleep and his eyes closed. However seeing as saying that does not stop it from occurring, he opens his eyes, to see what person is kicking him in the stomach. 

    "Rise and shine little prince." The Kunoichi says with a smile after he finally sits up, and she stops kicking his stomach.

    Feeling a better now that he has rested a little, Yueliang gets up only to see that he is surrounded by a few people who seem to have expectant gazes fixated on him. First he sees the kunoichi on his left then going clockwise Ai Lan, Orslaine, Victoria, Rin, and last but not least Blake standing behind him.

    Seeing this, he sighs before anything else. *Sigh. "I see, and to think I figured that I would be waking up to the sight of beautiful angels kindly awakening me. It seems instead of death life is still flowing through this mortal body of mine." Yueliang jokes, hoping to ease the tension in their gazes. Although a few seconds later seeing that that was not the case he crosses his legs while saying. "Okay, let us sit down first, and then you may ask away."

    With that said the group move over a little and make a circle as they sit so as to be able to face anyone when they are talking to each other. Rin being the last to take a seat, but the first one to speak up as he says. "My grandson, it seems you have grown quite the guts if you are willing to make deals behind my back without my permission. Have anything you care to say about this?"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    With everyone glaring at him, he takes a deep breath. *Exhales. "The deal would have had little affect on you. I am not so stupid as to not calculate the effect my actions could cause you. This was more to train some of my people, and for the most part she would mainly be in this room, so no one would really even know that we have an assassin here as a guest." He explains his reasoning.

    Rin feeling that his issue has been resolved, as the reasoning behind his grandsons actions are solid and clear, he reveals a smile to show his approval as he stays quite. The shinobi woman, seeing that the deal is no longer in jeopardy then also shows a relaxed expression as there is no longer an issue anymore.

    Victoria speaks up next. "How could you?" She exclaims.

    This time feeling very confused, Yueliangs eyes widen and he asks. "What did I do?"

    "You asked out Orslaine first! And then did not even ask the rest of us what about Blake, the others, and myself?" She asks, as Orslaine has an expression of confliction.

    Listening to what she was calling a problem, Yue answers while trying to speed up his thinking process. After all, just one wrong word could ruin everything. "My apologies ladies, it was not my intention to leave out any that I have in my heart. It is just that you were sleeping so peacefully, how could I wake you from your slumber. Then for Blake, you were busy and away at the moment, as for the others, how could I know their true feelings? So if I asked them, would I not make them feel a bit pressured?"

    Feeling a bit impressed by the wording that he tried to romanticize as much as possible he feels that with this, there should be no issues. Hopefully that is.

    Hearing this, Ai Lan feels it is logical as she has said nothing, and done nothing too definitive. And Orslaine just rolls her eyes with a smile thinking it is a funny reply, but could clearly see where he was going with this. Blake however seeing through his semi romanticized words, comments. "Even if we all agreed, which I am not answering for anyone, how could you remain so passive. You have not been trying either which way to either accept nor push us away. You need to make a choice and tell us rather than allowing us to keep hope if nothing will come of it. That is just cruel, so please be straight forward."

    With this being said, the stranger thought it was funny to listen to, where as Rin was starting to feel conflicted as he is not sure how he should feel about such things, but just over all comes to the conclusion. '*Sigh, it is to early to make a decision now. It will be best to wait until I know the full story behind this before making a decision any which way.' Then shaking his head he focus' back on those sitting before him.

    Being filled with a bit of guilt, as it it what he was doing, even if it was not on purpose he answers her expression of her feelings as such. "You all have been very patient with me, beyond that actually, and I am grateful. It was never my intention to cause you pain nor strife. But never the less to answer what you want to know. Yes. More specifically your feelings are not unreciprocated, I am very attracted to you as well, nay I love you. ..."

    "... Tori, our first introduction was when you were cooking cakes for fun. You are an amazing cook, a revolutionary chef, and your personality is like a shining light if one ever feels down. Blake, you are a genius in your own field as well, even creating portals and spaces. Our first meeting was when Yin blasted a chunk out of your restaurant, and it is wonderful having such a person to talk to and experience life with as well. ..."

    "... I love each of you in your own ways, and could spend hours describing the reasons why. It is not just you two either, there is also Orslaine, and even Ai Lan. There may even be more in the future, but still my feelings for you all know no bounds." Yueliang says, causing each of the ladies to blush happily, although Ai Lan feels a bit embarrassed and hides her blushing face in her hands.

    Rin feeling as though it is not the time for him to intervene, gets comfortable and starts pretending to cultivate even going so far as to move the chi around them, so as to listen to what is going on, but also to avoid disturbing their happiness.

    Although, Yue continues. "Either way, please do not think that I feel this is all. I will express my feelings to each of you soon, but to start with, Orslaine. Now that I feel the crisis is over, please answer this question. 

Once upon a summon,

My eyes landed upon you,

A relationship is coming,

Tell me do you feel this too?

Rationality has left the window,

My feelings cannot be wished away you see,

If you want me to stop tell me so,

If not, Orslaine will you go on a date with me?"

    Hearing this, the ladies all started giggling, blushing, and doing what ladies do when they feel something is just too cute and perfect. Even the stranger could not help but blush at the way Yueliang has done this. Rin just smiles inwardly, but keeps a straight face. The one in question just blushes and feels very shy at what was said.


  Getting no reply even after a minute, Yue starts to feel that he is likely going to be rejected once more, but tries to hold on and stay strong for a little while longer in case she is just being shy or something.

  A few seconds later, Orslaine with her blushing face makes a pouting face as she says. "You meanie, I told you to ask again after this whole ordeal has been dealt with. Then you come up with a romantic poem like that. ... Yes." She answers under her breath.

  Seeing this, Yueliang clearly hearing what she asks, but wanting to make sure that is her real choice says. "What did you say? It was too quiet.." He teases while giving her a chance with a smirk.

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