Life Drain System

Chapter 187 - Going On A Date

    Seeing this, Yueliang clearly hearing what she asks, but wanting to make sure that is her real choice says. "What did you say? It was too quiet." He teases while giving her a chance with a smirk.

    "Yes" She says a little louder, making the ladies around go.  *Eeep. Or whatever that cute squealing noise it that women do.

    Yueliang smiles as well as he hears the good news, but also because he gets to see her shy face blush some more. While he is not one to tease others, it just feels so great to see her happy, with that angelic smile of hers.

    Wanting to get away from this topic, Rin pretends to come out of cultivating and says. "Well since I have taken care of the most immediate threat now, things should be more peaceful, shall we go get something to eat children?"

    Rin asks everyone sitting in the circle while using his soul to 'talk' to Yue. "Do not act strange, it is just your grandpa. Anyways, I do not care as much about the others but even if you are my grandson do think I will let you get away with harming my daughter you have another thing coming. So if you will be with her there are two main rules you must follow, first treat her the best to your abilities, and second you will make her your first wife! If you accept nod your head."

    Rather than feeling threatened, Yue feels it is just the protective family witch makes him happy to see, anyways without delay he nods his head, while using his soul communication thus surprising Rin. "Do not worry, I accept, and I will always treat those I love well. Regardless, shall we get going gramps?"

    Without answering Rin stands up, but Blake having noticed what was going on asks. "Why did you nod your head, and what did he say?" 

    Not surprised that she would be the one to notice the few seconds of silence, and what happened, Yue just replies quietly as he starts standing up reaching out his hands to help the ladies up. "Just a protective family, nothing to worry about."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

    In his voice she can hear that it is a bit more complicated than that, but seeing as it is not a lie, she takes his hand and gets up leaving it at that. Then everyone follows the emperor to the dinning hall to go eat. 

    Many minutes later they all arriving in the dining hall and the 7 of them all take their seat. But not all together since the three of royalty, Rin, Ai Lan, and Yueliang all take their seat on the raised platform area. Although the other four do sit very close on the left side of the room closest to Yueliang.

    Looking down from his seat, Yueliang notices the kunoichi who he had not noticed following them thus causing him to think. 'Well she is certainly good at her job since she could hide herself among so few people. I wonder how good she is by herself without others to hide among?'

    Either way, without a word said on either side, food is brought out by various servants carrying silver platters holding various different cakes which both look and smell mouth watering causing everyone in the hall to have to keep their mouths tightly shut so as to not embarrass themselves.

    Meanwhile Yue asks. "We are having desert and cakes for breakfast? Not that I am complaining, just a surprise is all."

    "Well, why not, it it made both healthy and delicious. It is both filling and fulfilling. As you said before there are many reasons not to do something but you only need one to do it, although here we have many. Haha. Plus we are obviously celebrating the fact that we have endured yet another assassination attempt." Rin replies.

    Hearing this, Yue thinks. 'I agree, have just endured another annoying invasion.' Then replies. "Of course, especially since the more you gain the worse your life will be, tired all the time, blood clotting, gout, and many other things. And it is just a massive waste of food at that point. I actually had a friend who died because of that just about a year ago. But he is probably living his life happily wherever he may be."

    The emperor Rin nods and smiles at how his grandson is very accepting of the truths of the universe.

  Regardless, the platers of food are quickly placed before everyone, a soothing tea is served as well, then just as before the servants quickly and quietly move behind them so as to not disturb the guests nor the masters meals.

    Every body quickly starts eating, some more elegantly than others, as clearly the stranger has only eaten among commoners before. Thus giving a rough idea of her background, but at the same time gives an understanding to why she does things the way she has so far.

    Yueliang finishes his meal quickly and then gets up to head down to the table where the others are at the moment. Walking over, Yue then says. "Miss Kunoichi, we.."

    "Let me stop you right there." The kunoichi says after swallowing her mouthful of cake, and after a breath continues. "My name is Raynari, not kunoichi. That is just my job, so please do not call me that your highness."

    With that said, Yue quickly says. "Alright, my apologies miss Raynari. Now to finish what I was saying earlier. We can discuss the rest of the details of our agreement later, however at the moment, there is something I must do." 

    Not saying anything else, Yue turns his head towards Orslaine and extends his hand to help her up really quick. 

    Seeing this, she quickly swallows her ice cream before reaching up and taking his hand, then asking. "Where are we going?"

    However mid way through her sentence the two have already disappeared from the dining hall and reappeared at a private beach. Not a single person around, but in every direction one looks they might think they were looking at the garden of eden. Seeing mystical plants all around, pristine crystal clear ocean, and dolphins jumping out of the water as if trying to display a show for all to see.

    With such a mystical sight all around her, Orslaine asks. "Did you take us to heaven? If not what place could be so beautiful as this?"

    A smile forming on his face, he replies. "Nope, just a new world that I happened across when practicing this technique. Although, I figured there was something you would like here much more than just the sights, but I could be wrong."

    Curiosity filling her mind, she cannot help but quickly ask. "What is it?"

    "Well, seeing as you enjoy combat, I thought that maybe you might enjoy fighting some creatures you might not have seen before. If you look behind you, it seems one is coming this way." Yue says while trying to maintain and air of mystery and feeling the ground rumble.

    Looking behind her, and feeling the ground rumble with every step the creature takes, it quickly comes into sight, and her eyes wide, wondering if she could even harm such a thing, asks. "What is that? I am pretty sure you are over estimating me by a massive margin if you think that I could even leave a dent in that creatures scales, whatever it is. If I was prepared, maybe I could dent a scale but that seems about it." She explains as she feels worry growing with every step closing the distance between them.

    Hearing her reply, Yue slowly answers her question and worries. "It is probably not as difficult as you think, it is just a tyrannosaurus rex from my old world. These creatures used to roam that planet long ago, until they were wiped out by nature in some way or another."

    *Loud Booming Roar

    "No.. Nope... Definitely not!" She exclaims as she quickly clings onto Yueliangs arm as she hopes for him to protect her, or at the very least get her out of there.

    Still having not left, she worries they are going to die together, which while romantic, she does not want their relationship to be so short lived. But before she can say anything the creature leans over opening its mouth towards them. And while they would not even be able to fill the gaps between its teeth, who is the creature to refuse an easy meal.

    However seeing the worry on her face, Yue closes his eyes and folds space backwards, thus making them appear on the back of a large dolphin in mid air, where he says. "Hold on tight, Orsliane, and I hope you have fun.. Honestly I have never ridden a dolphin before, but if I am to ride one with anyone, you would certainly be my first choice pick any day."

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