
Chapter 257

Chapter 257

I returned the next day, and went straight to work. I carved out the channels of varying sizes, using the simple tools that I had. These were the tools, I got from Woody a long time ago. They were still in my bag, and a good thing I didn't throw them away, as they became very useful. Mostly chisels and hammers were available to me, I had no saws, but this wasn't a problem. I could chop the wood to a specific length using the Razor's swords. 'Who would have thought, that I will find some use for those swords. They do act like a saw, so me using it like a saw, should not be a problem!' I thought.

I worked for a few hours, and created a lot of different channels. 'I now have to test them, and build a miniature field, that looks like mine' I thought. With that, I went to Ulon. He said "You can use some space, next to your field. This should be enough for you, right?". I nodded my head, and did just that. I dug some holes, and made a replica of my field. Although it didn't contain any herbs, it looked the same, and this was enough.

I placed different types of channels around the mock up field, and poured water into the main tank, that I also created. The main tank would be used to house all the water needed for the plants, that required watering each day. It would also contain the additional water, which would fit into the other channels. I still didn't know the exact amount of water, so I had to test it. I filled half of the tank with water, and waited for it to travel to all the channels. When the tank became empty, I Immediately noticed that it wasn't enough. I poured another half, and waited. This time, the smaller channels were full, while the bigger channels were about half full.

'So the channels I created, are too shallow. I need different channels, and bigger ones as well. Back to work then' I thought, and went back to creating more channels. I worked like this for couple of days, until I found the specific sizes I needed. 'This should do it, now the other problem at hand' I thought.

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I had to create this watering system in such a way, that the bigger channels containing a lot more water, wouldn't just flood the rest of the field. 'But how should I do this?' I thought. I wrecked my head about it, but nothing came to me. I decided to ask Frosty again. I asked "Frosty, you have any ideas?". Frosty came out, and found a stick on the ground. Frosty wrote, that I needed more tanks, in order to displace the water that collected in the bigger channels.

I was stunned, and asked "You've done this before, or something? It seems that you know how to do it no problem". Frosty smiled, and wrote "It's simple". Like hell it was. Either way, Frosty's idea was again very good, so I decided to incorporate that. Instead of only channels, I need to add additional tanks, where the water from bigger channels would flow into. With appropriate tanks, I could deliver the water to specific sections of my field, when the time was right.

I went back to work, and created different sizes of tanks, to test out on my mock up field. I played with varying sizes of tanks this time, and after some time, I finally managed to find the right solution. 'Great! Finally, the channels and tanks are ready. Now I just need to figure out, how to distribute the water, and we are home dry' I thought. As I was about to end my day of work, Ulon came along, and asked "So, how is it going?".

I replied "Quite good actually. I already have the watering system built. Now, I just have to figure out, how to deliver the water to those plants that need extra care. Arran Grass, Oviral Plants and Ghost Flax, don't need so much attention, therefore I can use a normal method of delivery. Ghost Flax just needs more water, which can be accomplished with bigger channel. The Blood Yarn is not an issue as well. It only needs to be watered once in a while, but it has varying watering periods. This could be accomplished, with couple different channels. The problem is, how to deliver water to Night Safis, and Earth Grabbing Sprout".

Ulon nodded his head and said "You came quite far, with just a few days of work. Keep it up, and hopefully, we will have this working full time". I nodded, and said "I will try my best, but it will take some time". Ulon waved goodbye, and left. I didn't tell him about the biggest problem. 'The issue is, the way that the herbs grow. There is no progression from old to young. They grow from the middle of the section, to the outside. If the whole field is supposed to stay that way, there is too much randomness. I need to find patterns, in order to solve that, otherwise this will not be possible for herbs such as Blood Yarn' I thought.

I decided to end the day, and go back to my room. 'Maybe Frosty can help me again. After all, it seems to know much more about it, than I do. I wonder, where Frosty gets all that stuff from?' I thought. Back in my room, I asked Frosty about the problems I encountered, and again got some ideas. Frosty wrote, that in order to water the herbs, which needed special care, I could make some additional features inside the channel on the required section of the field. This would allow for a specific type of watering.

For example, if I wanted to water Earth Grabbing Sprout, I would need a hole in the channels, that would concentrate the water, and drop it onto the herb. There was more and it could solve a lot of problems, but one still remained. "I still don't know, how to make all the herbs grow in a specific way. I need to look for patterns, but I don't know if this will be enough" I said. Frosty nodded, and agreed. This was something, none of us could figure out, without watching how these herbs grew.

The next day, I told Ulon that I will be leaving for a while. He asked "Are you going to collect more wood?". I said "That, and I need to go hunt some animals. I will be back in about three or four days. I hope you can take care of the field for now". Ulon shook his head, and said "You don't have to ask. I already told you, don't worry about the field, and do what you have to do. I already saw what you did, so I believe you can create this thing. Even if it takes you a long time, this will stay with us, for the rest of our lives".

I nodded, and left towards Wilderness. This time, I took a cart with me, because besides hunting, I needed more wood. 'I will gather some wood, as I return from my hunt. The best creatures, would be Ognars, but I will hunt anything edible at this point' I thought. I was in luck, as I found a group of Ognars, after about a day of travel. I immediately hid my presence, and used a different plan this time. 'Let's see, what this Bladeless Sword can do' I thought, and made my way towards the group.

When they least expected it, I appeared next to the Ognar, and activated the Formation inside the sword, while swinging it down. "Swoosh!", "BOOOM!". The Ognar's head, was pretty much chopped off. It died instantly, after receiving that kind of attack. 'This weapon is great! It took me so long, just to kill one of them with my daggers, yet this sword… It's great. I will need to practice more, while using that sword in the future' I thought, and attacked other Ognars.

The group I encountered, consisted of four Ognars. This was manageable, since one of them died from one swing of my sword. After a bit of jumping, and running around. I managed to kill the other three Ognars. 'This amount of meat, is too much for me. I will have to leave some. I was too excited about the sword, that I killed them all' I thought, and butchered the creatures. My bag was full of meat, and I couldn't fit any more inside the bag. It was hard to walk, this was not the only weight I had. I was still carrying other stuff with me, so the weight was much greater than just meat. I decided not to put the bag onto the cart though. 'This should be a good training… again' I thought, and dragged the cart towards Apium.

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