
Chapter 258

Chapter 258

On my way back, I filled the cart with wood again. This time, I had a cart, but I also had a bag full of meat on me. The return journey was as exhausting, as it was before. When I finally returned to the Apium, I collapsed onto my ass, and breathed heavily. 'Turns out, I did it again. This is not bad though. If I push myself so hard, I may be able to reach my Inner Limits faster' I thought.

I took a rest that day, and returned to work the next day. Time passed, as I tried to find a solution to the problem of my water delivery system. I observed the fields, and noticed a weird pattern. 'The pattern is different for each herb, but it is there. I can exploit that, in order to design the water delivery system' I thought. It wouldn't be easy, and for that, I needed Frosty's help again.

After a few days of thinking, and arguing. We came up with a method. It was simple, but also complex at the same time. The channels would need to follow the pattern, but that was the simple thing. Not only I needed the channels to follow the pattern, I also needed for them to be of varying sizes again. The complexity of what looked to be a simple task, climbed like crazy, and became one of the most difficult things I invented.

'The process will be automated. I will not even have to bring the water, to the fields. This can be accomplished with more channels. If my plan succeeds, Atols can implement all of that, and build channels from the huge main tank, straight to the fields. This would revolutionise the way Atols farm' I thought.

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There was still loads to do, so I went to work. Atols that worked in the fields, were kind enough, to harvest my herbs as well. They of course gave me everything, that was harvested from my field. I couldn't help but think, that those simple Atols were very honest, and straightforward. It were the higher placed Atols, that became corrupted, and only thirsted for more power.

I work on my invention, for a very long time. In between, I went out hunting again, and I also collected more wood. When i did that, I also trained at the same time. I figured that it was the only time, I had for training. After many hours, days, sweat and problem solving, I finally managed to create the water delivery system, and implemented that to my real field.

All the Atols, that helped me tend to my field while I was working, watched with anticipation. Ulon said "Go on, do it. We waited for so long, I want to see it work!". I nodded my head, and unblocked the tank, which held the water. The water travelled to all the channels. Some were filled, while others emptied. More tanks were placed in between the sections, and collected the water. This looked like a work of art, not a simple water delivery system.

You could see the channels being filled up, then emptied and filled up again. It looked like a living being, began to take its first breaths. Soon, the water arrived to the specific fields, and watered them. The amount was just enough, the method of delivery was completed. The patterns, were accomplished. My invention worked.

The Atols screamed happily "It Works!", "This is amazing!", "Now we can rest!". They were all happy, while Ulon patted my shoulder, and said excited "Well my boy, you really did it. You accomplished something, that will be used by Atols for generations. You revolutionised the way, we are going to farm. This will be written in our history. Come with me, I will introduce you to someone".

I was a bit stunned, but followed after Ulon anyway. We went to an area, which I didn't visit before. This was the place, where the Council of Apium was. Ulon said "I'm taking you, to meet with our Fraction Leader. She will be very happy to know, that your invention works". I didn't ask anything, and decided to just meet with that Fraction Leader.

The Council of Apium area, contained three buildings. Each was different, and one could easily guess, to which fraction it belonged. The Floral Fraction building, was made from plants. It looked like the plants grew in specific way, and created a building. The Craftsmen Fraction building, was created from wood, with very detailed features. It looked very beautiful, and very refined. The Warriors Fraction building, was not build from wood, but stones. This was the only building, I saw built from stones so far. It looked domineering and hard to penetrate.

Ulon took me to the Floral Fraction building, and we climbed the stairs. The upstairs possessed only one room, it was opened on the whole floor. The floor and walls, were made from some kind of vines, while the furniture, was made from some sort of mushroom looking plants. Inside the big room, behind a large plant desk, sat an Atol dressed in elegant robes. Her clothes seemed to be made from plants, and fitted the overall atmosphere of the room very well.

Ulon introduced the person behind the desk. "This person here, is our Fraction Leader Florin" he said. He then looked at me, and probably wanted to introduce me as well, so I helped him out, and introduced myself. "Just call me Dark Traveller". Florin looked at me, and said "It's a weird name, but nonetheless. I heard that you created a watering system, that will revolutionise our farming. This is a huge contribution to my people. Tell me, how can I reward you?".

I thought about it, and nothing really came to my mind. I then came up with something, and asked "Do you perhaps have more herb types, that you grow? As a Fraction Leader, maybe you could share some of your herbs with me". She smiled, and said "You are quite intelligent, to ask for such a thing. To answer your question. Yes, I do have my personal herbs. Although, I can't let you grow them outside of this place. If you are satisfied with some of them to study, and use, then I will be happy to give a few to you. But you will not be able to plant them".

I nodded my head, and said "That would be great. Can I ask about something else too?". She nodded her head, and said "Sure, go ahead". I asked "Can I examine the Ophilis Reeds and Aliris Plants, in more details? I'm aware that I can't take them away from here, but I want to figure out, how to extend the lifespan of Serelis. This would help a lot".

She smiled again, and said "It seems, you have great ambitions. Not only did you help us improve our farming, you also want to improve Serelis. If I allow that, would you be willing to share your findings with us?". I thought about it, and said "Yes, as long as I can take as much as I need, when I'm done". She became surprised, and said "You are quite confident, about extending the lifespan of Serelis… Very well, I will allow you to study those plants in close details. I myself wonder, what you can accomplish".

I nodded my head, while she asked "Is there anything else, you would like?". I was a bit baffled, and said "No, I'm fine. I already got what I wanted, and there is nothing else, I would like from you". She nodded her head, and said "Great, you are not greedy either. I will pass the herbs onto Ulon, when they are ready. This will be written in our history, and your name shall be remembered, for what you accomplished, improved the lives of my people". I thanked her, and we left.

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