Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 184: The Tests [Part 4]

Chapter 184: The Tests [Part 4]

Kai was paralyzed. No limb could be moved, it was as if his body froze. And that it did. His fair skin started to become green. His golden eyes looked infectious. Green veins ran up his neck. What was this? Was this Jin's power? Kai trembled as he stood there. Was this poison?

Jin quickly sprinted toward Kai. Midway there, he jumped into the air and dashed. Then, he dashed twice again, going higher into the air. Smirking, he, hair blowing wildly behind him, raised his dagger as he began to crash down on Kai, who still stood stagnantly. 

Kai moved his pupils up. Jin's figure was coming straight for him. He would die at this point. He groaned, trying his best to move. He needed his hands to use his Ability, but he didn't even have those. 

Jin was near. Bloodlust was in his green eyes. Cliff appeared, falling right next to Jin. His clothes rippled in the powerful gusts of wind. 

"You don't have to kill the kid to get the experience points ..." Cliff said and vanished. 

Jin grinned. "Too late!" 

Jin went crashing down on Kai. There was a shockwave for some reason. Jin got him. The blade had penetrated the flesh. Jin looked at Kai. His eyes widened a bit. He only pierced through Kai's forearm. 'He must've moved, and raised his forearm,' Jin thought, staring at Kai, 'this is getting fun!' 

Kai's arm was raised, and Jin's dagger was amidst the flesh of his forearm. The blade went in on one side and came out through the other. Kai panted stressfully. His brows were furrowed; his pupils were dilated. The green veins on his body started to disappear. 

The hovering Wizard sighed in relief, even closing his eyes and bowing his head. He thought he would have needed to intervene in order to save Kai's innocent life. He opened his eyes and smiled. Kai was not the coward he used to be in past. There was a chance of him winning the spar after all. 

Kai punched Jin to his face with his left arm. Jin retreated, receiving the blow to his face. He opened his hand. The was still in Kai's forearm. When he closed his hand again, the dagger appeared in this hand. He quickly slashed, clashing swords with Kai. 

Kai slashed again, this time with his other blade. He clashed blades. Blood ran down his forearm profusely. He felt a searing pain every time he moved the limb. But he had no choice, his other blade needed to be wielded by this injured arm regardless. 

Jin slashed. Kai slashed. Blades clashed. Kai slashed. Jin blocked. Blades clashed. Kai slashed again. Jin blocked. Jin slashed. Kai blocked. Jin teleported, and slashed. Kai slashed. Blades clashed.

Jin smirked. 'If all of this swinging keeps up,' he thought, 'I'd be getting another weapon special attack pretty darn soon!'

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Kai swung. Jin ducked. Kai swung with his other sword. Jin teleported. Kai turned and kicked him to the chest. Jin dashed forward again. He slashed with incredible might. Kai managed to sidestep. He quickly elbowed Jin to the right ear. Jin jolted. Kai punched him to the stomach. Jin staggered backward. Kai jumped high and kicked him to the head. 

Jin was knocked quite some distance away from Kai. He watched as Kai stood straight, breathing loudly. He looked down at his right blade, then pushed it in its scabbard. He lowered his now empty, injured, right hand to his side and held the sword in his left hand in a horizontal hanging left. 

As Jin sprinted toward him, getting ready to teleported, Kai spun. Kai's hand glowed red while spinning. A ball grew in his hand. He quickly hurled the translucent ball at Jin. 

Jin couldn't dodge whatever it was. It traveled at the speed of an airplane. There was a loud sonic boom. Once the ball reached his body, it suddenly blew up like a balloon, and left him inside of it. 

Jin looked around. He hadn't taken any damage. He grimaced, looking around. He was in the middle of a translucent, blue ball. When he took a step forward, the ball moved to keep him in the center of its spherical shape. 

He dashed toward Kai. But this was no ordinary dash. It was slow. Incredibly slow. His entire world was in slow motion. But on the other hand, Kai's world was normal speed.

He sprinted toward Jin. Jin was still performing that one dash. He couldn't do anything else. He was as slow as a sloth. He gradually furrowed his brows at Kai who came straight for him. 

Kai stopped, skating on his feet. He quickly slashed at Jin with both his hands. The blade went straight for his neck, near decapitating him. The red sphere was disappearing quickly. Kai clenched his teeth. The blade pelted him to the right. 

Jin wasn't stranding there. He missed. He turned around, only to see Jin standing there. He carried his hand to his neck, and smeared the blood from the tiny cut with his thumb. 

Jin was no longer smirking. 

Kai furrowed his brows; and raised his offhand. Suddenly, a red ball manifested in his palm. The warm, red glow was on his body. 

Jin took a step back. What kind of ability was this? He scoffed. Whatever it was, it was dangerous. The red sphere slowed him down more than ten

times. 'I have to figure out his Ability,' Jin thought 'or I can just end him before he does too much!'

Jin darted toward Kai. Then, he vanished. Kai smirked, spun and hurled the red, glowing ball at ... nothing. Jin wasn't behind him. His lips parted. Suddenly, he felt a blade enter his back. It didn't go too deep.

Jin yanked the dagger out. Blood splattered. Kai quickly spun around and slashed. Jin spun to his left. Kai missed. Jin kicked him to his side. He staggered. He slashed. Jin vanished, reappeared, and kick him to his other side. 

Kai staggered again. Jin slashed him to his back, and teleported. Kai spun around. He got hits from all directions. Jin hit him a powerful blow to his kidney. He groaned. "Ack!" He stumbed on his feet again.

Jin slashed at him, drawing blood. Then, he teleported. He slashed again, drawing more blood. He kept at these repetitive actions. 

Kai was receiving too many blows and cuts. He coughed up blood, doubling over. Then he received received gash to his back. He went darting forward, lurching. He was about to fall when he furrowed his brows and clenched his teeth.

He continued to receive hits but he held his ground. He charged up a ball in his offhand. But this ball wasn't red this time. It was blue. Jin's eyes widened. Kai quickly slammed the ball into the ground.

A blue sphere expanded around Kai's body. He then reached for his other blade with his offhand. He clenched his teeth tighter, drawing the blade feok

his scabbard. Jin stood out of the sphere. He cursed. Everything was happening fast. He had to put a stop to Kai. He teleported. 

Kai quickly raised both blades shoulder level and started spinning. Kai spun as fast as a tornado. Jin, who teleported to him, received several cuts to his body. He groaned as he teleported away. 

Cuts were at his arms, chest, and even abdomen. He held his right arm with a hand, his back hunched over. He looked at his system screen.

[HP: 23/47] 

[Opponent's HP: 10/34]

Then, he smirked. 'I have a system that shows HP and I get so engrossed in the fights that I don't even bother monitoring,' he thought, scoffing. 

His smirk then fell. That ability Kai used was intriguing. He had almost mastered it already. Jin stood straight. "Let me guess," he smirked, "the red slows you down and the blue speeds you up, right?"

Kai furrowed his brows. "You're right," he said sternly. "My sister healed you using her magic. Her magic allows her to skip time for the wound to heal themselves. That's why you still have scars. Her magic only affects the age of wound, and not any other part of your body, so you don't get old," he whipped out his blade. "I also have a time manipulation ability," he glared darkly, "and mine is incredibly dangerous too."

Jin closed his hand. His dagger manifested. "You're ability is cool and all but ..." He suddenly slashed at the air ridiculously.

[Weapon special attack (Gamma Explosion) upon next blow]

Jin's eyes erupted into green emanating aura. Then, his dagger. He started sauntering toward Kai. He continued, " ... you already lost this battle."

Kai placed his right blade in its scabbard and raised his offhand again. A blue ball manifested in his hand. "I said it before," he said darkly, "and I'll say it again ..." suddenly the blue ball became ten.

He made each of them slam into his chest all at once. He jolted back. His entire body started glowing blue. He started toward Jin, walking menacingly. He continued, " ... bring it!"

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