Loki’s Successor System

Chapter 185: Insane Battle

Chapter 185: Insane Battle

Jin bolted forward, a contrail of green emanating from his eyes. He needed to use his weapon special attack on Kai directly to end this battle once and for all. 

Kai's speed on was on a whole new level. His entire body was glowing blue. "This is where this spar ends, Jin!" He shouted. 

Jin leaped into the air. He raised his dagger overhead. Suddenly, Kai dashed into the air after Jin with incredible speed and kicked him to the stomach. Jin doubled over, midair. Kai spun and slashed his blade at Jin as he fell. Jin got cut to his chest. Before he could hit the ground, he teleported. 

[HP: 23/47] 

[Opponent's HP: 10/34]

Jin was on his feet again. He was further away; more than seventy meters away on the wall. Kai landed on his feet. He looked around for Jin, turning left, right ... he looked behind him, and then forward again, squinting. There, Jin stood. Kai scoffed. What made Jin choose to teleport so far away? Kai furrowed his brows, and bolted toward him. 

He reached Jin in merely four seconds. Jin dashed right as the glowing blue blade came darting from

the left. Kai was left open. Jin raised his dagger, squeezing it tightly. He tilted the blade and was about to slash ... no, he didn't slash. The weapon special attack would activate on his next blow. Jin hesitated. 

Kai slashed at his chest. Jin groaned. Kai spun, slashing at Jin's head. Jin cocked his head. The blade grazed his face, shredding his skin. Kai then spun, and kicked Jin to the chest. 

Jin was knocked down to his back; his eyes still glowing luminously green. He kept his eyes to slits. He was getting quite annoyed by thsi battle. 

[HP: 18/47]

While lying on the floor, he saw Kai bolting down from the sky, with a raised blade overhead. Jin simply teleported away. Kai crashed down, slashing at the earth. 

Jin reappeared a few meters to Kai's right. He opened his hand; his dagger suddenly vanished. His mask manifested on his face. His eyes retained its green erupting glow. 

Whereas, Kai's blue glow started to disappear. He turned to Jin and started sprinting toward him. Jin jammed his hands in his pockets. Kai slashed. Jin sidestepped then dashed, evading. Kai brought back the same blade he slashed to the right, slashing it to the left and at Jin's head. Jin ducked. His knees were bent, his back was hunched. He raised a leg, passing his balance over to his right. Kai raised his other blade. He slashed it down at the stumbling Jin. With one foot straight, and off the floorthe other on the ground, knee benthe dashed backward; just in time before Kai's blade could cut him. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Jin stood with his hands jammed in his pockets. Kai's face scrunched in anger. He dashed toward Jin. Jin stepped back. Kai slashed. Jin vanished. The blade slashed at where Jin was before; and would have cut his body in half had he not teleported. Right after the blade went to the right, Jin reappeared in the same spot.

Kai's glow disappeared. Jin furrowed his brows. "Now!"

He dashed forward and kicked Kai to his stomach. He then stepped back, and kicked him to the head. As soon as his foot came in contact with Kai's head; Jin dashed, sinking his shoe further into Kai's face and knocking him to the ground.

[Opponent's HP: 7/34] 

Kai performed a kick-up. He looked around for Jin. Suddenly, he received a cut to his body. He groaned. Then another. He felt a presence behind him. He looked over his shoulder. He saw a hovering dagger from ther corner of his eyes. He was cut to his back

Kai dropped his blade. It dropped to the ground. Kai received more cuts to his body. He raised his hand; and a ball started to manifest. He thrust the blue ball into the ground. A sphere appeared around his body. He held his sword with both his arms and started spinning like a tornado. 

This tornado didn't hit Jin even once. Jin was nowhere to be seen. Kai stopped spinning, panting loudly. Where did Jin go? 

Kai was paranoid. He kept spinning slowly, looking around. He couldn't find Jin. He looked up into the sky. Something was falling. Slowly, Jin was revealed; crashing down on Kai, his blade raised higher than his head. This attack became inevitable for Kai.

The Wizard gasped. 'The boy has used invisibility!' He thought 'How many abilities does even he own!? I have to stop him ... Kai will die if I don't intervene!' The Wizard was about to move; when he felt a presence. He strong presence. He looked up only to see a masked figure crashing down on him with a powerful glowing blade.


Jin was crashing down on Kai. Kai couldn't dodge. His brows curved upward. His doom was certain. Jin seemed like he was going to use his dagger to finish Kai off, when suddenly, he flipped midair, his leg raised. He slammed this leg into Kai's head in a downward motion. Kai's neck cracked. He collapsed. 

Jin didn't land. He teleported to his feet. Smirking, he looked down at Kai as system screens appeared in front of him. 

[Opponent's HP: 0/34]

[Task Completed]

[Exp: 21/70 | Level 9]

[+ 72 Exp, + 10 UP]

[Congratulations, you have leveled up!]

[Strength: 40]

[Health: 47]

[Speed: 18]

[Skill: 45]


[Exp: 23/75 | Level 10]

Jin looked at Kai and cackled in ridicule. 


The Wizard looked down at the wall. Another figure was crashing down down Kai. He looked up. A masked figure, with a violently blade was crashing down on


The Wizard had moved his head and received a graze. But even a graze resulted in a powerful, green explosion. 

The Wizard was knocked out of the air; he was no longer hovering, he was pitching down toward the surfacthe village.

While falling, a masked figure appeared right over his body, and plunched its dagger into his stomach. The Wizard gasped. The figure yanked the dagger out as they fell. Then, his mask disappeared, revealing Jin's smirking, arrogant face.

"Suprise, suprise!"

The Wizard smiled softly. Then, he vanished, reappearing higher in the air, hovering again. Jin was left falling alone. The Wizard looked at the wall, and saw Kai on the floor. His smile immediately fell. Kai wasn't the only one on the floor. Because there sat Jin. Jinappearing tiny in the distancestood and turned to the Wizard, peering into his soul from

the distance. 

The Wizard furrowed his brows. He was about to teleport to the wall when the same Jin who stood atop the wall appeared right up to his face, merely a hair's breadth away.

"Hi!" Jin said. 

The Wizard raised his hand. He thrust the hand forward. There was a huge shockwave that shook the sky. The Wizard cursed. He missed Jin. 'I'm despising teleportation,' he thought, 'how can this kid use it so expeditiously?'

The Wizard sensed a presence. Then another. More. Four figures, identical to Jin, came rushing for him. The Wizard scoffed. 'Clones,' he thought. The clones rushed in after him. Teleporting madly. They all closed in, nearing the Wizard.

When suddenly, a huge ring left the Wizard's body and spanned area. It was a huge shockwave that got three clones; bursting them into pulps of blood and scattering organs.

A drop of blood got on the Wizard's face. He scowled, bringing a hand to his face. He smeared the blood with a thumb. Then, he carried the finger to his nose and smelled it. 

'This isn't the blood of a human,' the Wizard thought, 'it's something more ... more divine ... but sinister ... incredibly sinister.'

The blood of the clones disappeared before they could even reach a surface. The splatters and gushes and drops, they turned into steam. But the blood on the Wizard's thumb was a clear exception.

The Wizard smirked. "So the real deal got hurt, huh?" His smile slowly fell again. Where did he get hurt? The Wizard kept his eyes peeled. 'The shockwaves would have pushed all the blood away from me, and not toward me. It's like a ring, a circle that expands. The only areas that do not get affected as much is under and above me. The blood came from,' he looked up, 'above.'

The Wizard hovered backward. 'This kid is clever. The clones were diversions to distract me while the real Jin swooped down from above! I must end him. He poses threat to the entire village!' The Wizard furrowed his brows.

He closed his eyes. And suddenly, glowing eye appeared on his forehead. Third eye spell. One that allows magicians to see beyond what normal eyes could. There were no limits with regards to distance. To see a person; you must have something that belongs to them. The Wizard rubbed his fingers together. The blood was still there, fresh but partially dried.

The Wizard was able to see despite having closed both his eyes. He zoomed in on land, getting closer. Closer. There! Jin perched at surface, leaning on the rocky bottom of the wall. 

"There you are!"

The Wizard opened his eyes, the third eye vanished. He bent his fingers freakishly, spun around and started charging an attack. Air sucked in to his hand. He suddenly thrust the hand forward. There was a ball of air darting toward Jin down at the surface.

Jin was at the surface, slumping. The air ball went straight for him at the speed of sound. But he vanished just in time. He was expecting an attack. He teleported about four meters away alone which in turn led to to the air ball hitting the wall against which he leaned a second ago. 

The air ball hit the wall, and sent rock and stone pitching and scattering sporadically. It was enough to bore a hole in the thick, heavy wall. Jin was too close to the explosion. He was sent pitching away. A rock hit him behind the head. Before he could collapse. He teleported away.

The Wizard cursed. "Jesus christ who was born in a manger, fuck!" 

There was a hole the size of ten Jin's stacked on top each other. The Wizard narrowed his eyes. "Jin wasn't supposed to mo" he paused, narrowing his eyes again, "but that attack wasn't even a powerful one. Am I that OP? Come on, wall!"

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