Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 243 - Herd Of Animals

When their lips locked together a wind wave slightly raised the few pebbles through the ground and the flowers. The flowers' petals floated in the air surrounding the couple creating a romantic image. The sun's rays enlightened them as the wind calmed down.

John smiled as with the corner of his eyes stared at the thousands of petals surrounding them. Roselyn giggled as well before she kissed him more passionately. 

"Someone is getting stronger and fully linking with nature," John whispered amused and proud and Roselyn slightly blushed.

She nodded as she turned around to stare at the petals, she moved her hand and those slowly dropped to the floor.

The couple walked on the edge of the gorge where the stones surrounded the water and they couldn't get wet.

Roselyn looked at John as he seemed in trace staring at the view, he was quieter than usual and he seemed more relaxed even if he had to remember difficult memories of his past.

That place truly seemed to have some power on him to make him change his mood and turn into a calmer person, Roselyn could understand why he loved that place, it was amazing and the view was heavenly. She could smell the scent of water and fresh moss, the red water gave that special place an uncommon touch that oddly enough truly reminded Roselyn of John.

They remained there to admire the gorge in silence like if they speaking would break the peace of that place, like if there were no words to be said, at that moment all they didn't need anything else but each other.

The wind brushed through Roselyn's skin lifting slightly her dress and her hair blowing in the air, she closed her eyes and spread her arms to fully benefit from that fresh wind that delicately rocked Roselyn's body in a heavenly dimension.

John meantime was reviving his past and all the times he had visited that place, whenever he was angry sad disappointed miserable, or even happy and joyful, he went there to fully enjoy that emotion whether it was positive or negative, somehow that place made his feelings intensify. He sat down on the same rock he was sat at that moment and he mulled over his decisions reasoning if he did the right thing or not. That was the special place where he could stay with himself without being in a hate-love war with himself but only peacefully dialogue with it.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After twenty minutes of peace, John stood up and smiled at Roselyn from upside as she hold onto his hand to stand up.

They headed back to the staircase to walk back in the carriage so that it wouldn't be too late when they returned home.

"Did you like it?" John asked one more time.

"I loved it," Roselyn whispered to John as she entwined her fingers with his and then wrapped his hands around her neck.

"Thanks for having shared this amazing place with me." She concluded staring at him like if he was one of the best things she had ever seen.

"Let's go back inside before it's too late," John replied as he wrapped his hand around her hips and they walked through the ivy.

As Roselyn climbed down the first stare she almost lose her balance as she suddenly began to feel dizzy and her vision slightly buried. She was feeling heated and her blood pressure lowered making her unable to stand up. She almost fell as she couldn't see the stairs.

"Rose!" John rushed to grab her and prevent her from falling.

He lifted her and sat her on the first step so that she couldn't fall.

He stared at her quite puzzled, he knitted his eyebrows down and kept staring at her like if he saw a ghost.

"It can't be…" John murmured making Roselyn frown trying to understand what he meant.

"What?" Roselyn asked in a low voice, John shook his head like if he didn't want to repeat what he wanted to say but on his face, the same concerned puzzled facial expression remained.

After about 10 minutes, when Roselyn's lips turned of their peachy color and she was less pale they walked back to the carriage. She held onto John so that in case she would feel sick again she would hold on to him.

The coachman smiled to the couple, "your grace, did you like the place?" He asked Rose, the man's voice was quite mature even if his appearance was very young. He was a short man very thin his voice didn't match his appearance.

"I did. I couldn't expect a more stunning and breathtaking view." Roselyn commented offering a smile as with the corner of her eye she stared at John who still had his confused facial expression.

Roselyn wondered if he was worried about her sudden pressure drop but it wasn't the first she had fainted so why he seemed this time even more worried about her health?

Roselyn traveled her gaze to him and she mouthed, "are you alright?"

John limited himself to nod and face a smile yet his eyebrows remained slightly frowned upon despite his best efforts to try to hide his distress.

"I feel better." She whispered to reassure him in case he may feel concerned.

All of a sudden the carriage skidded when it was hit by something. The horses wheelied and neighed at the jolt, they walked back of few steps and beaten the ground with their clogs noisily. The coachman pulled the brackets to reestablish the order but John leaned closer to the coachman and whispered, "shush, don't move."

The coachman immediately froze and the horses remained in the middle of the path gazing at the surrounding and blowing air. They scrutinized the surrounding like if something was going to happen.

Roselyn immediately held her breath, she unconsciously took John's hand to hold it tightly as soon as she heard him warning the coachman.

Roselyn lifted the curtain of the carriage as she heard some weird noises and many animals appeared from the trees. Animals of every kind from deers to marmots and even rhinos. Some of them ran in high speed taking different directions and moving at light speed, probably one of those crushed against the carriage. Others animals were just walking slowly with their eyes wide and a blank gaze but all of them had a similar look. They had angular yellow eyes, their hair was greyish.

John shushed the horses but they seemed to be very irritated and scared by the crowd of animals that they didn't even hear John's shushing. John sighed, as his gaze traveled toward all the herdings of wild animals. He probably was worried about the situation because he knew they stand no chance of winning in case the animals would attack them in a herd.

"Rose… can you try to calm the horses with your powers?" John whispered to her and Rose immediately widened her eyes, she had never linked with animals how could she do that in such a risky situation like that?

The animals seemed to pass by them in trace, they probably were hypnotized as they looked like zombies totally unaware of their presence. Roselyn couldn't risk waking the hundreds of animals there were there. She swallowed down looking at John in fear, but he nodded like if he wanted to push her to do so.

"I need you to calm the horses. If they do many noises the animals will wake up." John whispered and Roselyn began to shake, her mouth dried up and the usual tight in her chest formed for the anxiety she was in.

She gazed at him worried and she nodded no with her head slowly, "I c- I can't.." she whispered clenching her teeth. She could feel her heart beating so fast in her chest that she worried the animals may wake up from their trace because of it.

She took a long breath, she had no other choice, the horses were clicking their hoofs noisily against the topsoil and neighing, if they kept doing so they could really wake the animals up.

Roselyn stretched her hand she took a long breath as she mentally prayed nothing would happen to her and that she didn't mistakenly link with the other animals.

She closed her eyes and focused on the horses in front of her, she took another long breath as she could feel the wind blowing her hair as she kept focusing.

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