Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 244 - Just Wondering

Roselyn closed her eyes and focused on the horses in front of her, she took another long breath as she could feel the wind blowing her hair as she kept focusing.

She clenched her fists like she normally did to use her powers and tried to forget all the surroundings to fully focus on the animals she had to link with.

She imagined the horses in front of her and then she pictured the heavenly view she saw in the gorge, she focused on the calm of the wind and the water provided her and at the same time linked with the horses trying to transmit to them that calm too. She narrowed her eyes when she felt a barrier in front of her, she was struggling to link with them.

"Keep going, Rose," John whispered to motivate her as if he could perceive she was having difficulties, his voice motivated her to focus more and try again. She opened her eyes this time as she stared at the two horses intensely, they were too furious to notice her nor to link with her.

"I can't link because they are too distracted," Roselyn murmured to John, who after hearing her gazed at the surroundings trying to figure out a solution.

"W-W-W-What is going on? What- What are those animals?" The coachman stuttered but John shushed him as he covered the coachman's shoulders with his hand trying to calm him down.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"It's fine."

Roselyn felt her heart beating even stronger, she could understand the coachman's fear as she was afraid to death too. She wondered how John could be so calm in such a dangerous situation, but she also loved him for that, for his fearless and brave soul.

"I have to catch their attention then," John stated as he gazed in front of him. He started to whistle making the horses lift their ears and turn around.

"Now," John whispered to Rose who closed her eyes once again.

He slowly clenched his head around when he could feel two animals waking up from their traces. John quickly opened the door of the carriage to walk down.

Roselyn hearing the room of the door opening and closing had to force every inch of her body not to open her eyes, she could recognize John's heavy steps on the floor and few more noises followed.

Roselyn kept focusing on the horses and she finally linked with them. She swallowed down the lump in her throat and expired a long breath as she focused again on the gorge, trying to transmit to the two horses the calm the gorge provided her. The instant of opening her eyes and see what John was doing was irrepressible but she couldn't stop focusing.

She kept focusing despite her preoccupation for few more minutes until the horses successfully calmed down and kneeled down on the ground. Roselyn finally opened her eyes and turned around, John turned around in the same moment and after a fraction of a second the two animals fell down the ground in a deadweight, John shrugged as he wiped his hand on his trousers to clean them up from the blood.

"They woke up so I had to kill them, I couldn't risk making them wake up all the others animals." He explained, Rose nodded taking a breath of relief.

"Good job with the horse." John smiled at Rose.

He walked back on the carriage, and they both stared at the herd of animals finally walking through them, their walk was so slow but so heavy that the ground behind them slightly shook and they raised the dust.

In few minutes all the animals finally passed by them, the coachman was shaking in fear as at each animal that step by him, he even held his breath as if he was scared that would catch their attention.

When they all finally passed by and walked in the middle of the next forest the coachman finally breathed, his lips were purple and his skin was pale.

John massaged his shoulder to calm him down, "it's over now. When you feel ready you can start."

before John could even finish his sentence the coachman already started his carriage, he probably didn't want to spend one more minute in that place and Roselyn could understand that feeling since she was feeling in the same way.

The coachman pulled the reins of the horse, making them speed more, silence fell in the carriage for some minutes until John finally broke the silence with his hoarse voice, "are you alright Rose?" he asked.

He inwardly cursed the faith that had always to get in the middle of their happy plans and had to ruin such an amazing day they were having. His gaze traveled down Roselyn's body while the same confused gaze reappeared on John's face.

"I am." Roselyn forced a smile and cleared her voice, she didn't want to make him worry. However, despite her reassurance, his puzzled gaze didn't leave his face and he kept scrutinizing her like if he could notice something weird in her yet couldn't understand what.

Roselyn scoffed, she couldn't endure that gaze anymore, she needed to know why he was looking at her that way, "why are you looking at me with that puzzled facial expression?" she asked as her voice peaked making her efforts to sound confident go wrong.

"I was just wondering if you were alright." John lied driving his gaze away and Roselyn rolled her eyes recognizing his forced tone of voice. He turned around to face out of the window, the sky was starting to get a bit darker.

Roselyn leaned her head against the window as she let her thoughts occur in her mind and take control over her rationality.. She started to think about those animals, wondering what they were and why their appearance was different than the usual, she wanted to ask John right away but she knew she couldn't since the coachman was already quite moved.

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