Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 307 - Child Rearing

Roselyn had a new vision, when her sight cleared and she could slowly understand what was happening she looked down at her bump and she noticed something different. It was extremely heavy, she tried to move but her huge belly was impeding her any movement.

Roselyn narrowed her eyes for the efforts and finally, after using all her energies she lifted her leg and held onto the bed's sheet to balance the weight and sit down.

Roselyn caught her breath since she was panting, she touched her bump and her heartbeat filled the room until all of a sudden it stopped.

Roselyn swallowed down, what did that mean?

Until another weird noise filled the room, Roselyn couldn't recognize it. It was too low to be heard, her belly also began to shake and her vision darkened once more time.

A new vision shock her, she was holding a baby in her hands, she caressed its smooth cheeks and smiled at the baby.

Footsteps echoed from afar and Roselyn turned around to see John there holding another baby and walking toward her.


Roselyn's eyebrows curved down, perplexed by the sight of that baby.

John headed her the baby and Roselyn managed to hold them both. They both smiled at Roselyn and for the third time, her vision darkened once again.

She was having the first vision again, but this time the unrecognizable noise got louder allowing Roselyn to figure out that noise was a second heartbeat. She was going to have twins.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The strong thigh she had was of the second baby who had been hidden behind the first baby and now was finally moving and kicking.

Roselyn woke up from her vision, when she came back to reality all maids surrounded her and were tapping on her forehead with wet towels while John hold her head and with a concerned pleading gaze whispered to her to get strong.

They all gave her a relieved glace seeing she was finally back, John soon asked her, "are you alright?"

Roselyn nodded, she was still pale so she drank a bit of water with some sugar in it. John caressed her, he sighed still worried about her health.

"I had a vision," Roselyn whispered. Her eyes filled with tears and John shook his head probably thinking she was going to tell him the bad news.

Roselyn held his hand hastily and shook it while a big genuine smile curved his lips. Her eyes sparkled in joy, "we will have twins." She said.

John opened his eyes widely, did he hear it right?

"twins?" he asked to make sure he had heard her. She nodded still smiling joyfully, "yes John. I had a vision, we will have two babies."

John covered his head with his head and looked at Roselyn confused yet so happy and overwhelmed in happiness.

"Twins!" A maid exclaimed, the other three maids smiled as well and began to clap their hands in joy.

It was such a rare thing for the banshee to get pregnant it would probably be even rarer to get twins but t was plausible because of Roselyn's imminent improvement and increase of powers. Her mother also had twins so it was understandable she would get twins too yet the thought never occurred to their minds.

"The visions aren't always right Rose… but if we will have twins I would be even happier," John said he seemed so much more relieved and relaxed since he heard Roselyn tell him she was going to give birth to two babies instead of one. For some instants, he thought she had a negative vision but when she told him the truth, he felt so happy that he wanted to pray to the Gods and thank them for having blessed him with such a bit of luck.

"I know my visions aren't always real but I can feel this one is," Roselyn commented, she then took John's hand and placed it on the side of her belly where the child was so that he could feel it too.

John focused and gestured to the maid to be quiet so that he could hear better.

Two strong heartbeats, one was lower than the other one maybe that was the reason why they didn't hear it earlier.

However that was the proof Roselyn was right, there were two heartbeats and probably they will have two twins.

Roselyn's heart was overwhelmed in joy and vibrations of happiness shivered through her spine as she acknowledged she was going to get more chances of having at least one boy to give the realm an heir.

John traveled his gaze to one maid "did you call all the doctors of Kratez?" He asked.

The maid nodded, "I did, I found 5 of them, and three of them are doctors who know how to help banshees and they all say giving birth should be just as hard as for a human." She whispered as lower as she could not let Roselyn hear what he said.

John nodded to her and his gaze darted back to Roselyn who was still smiling while she drank some coffee.

She looked so happy that John wished he could pause time and paste that joyful expression in his mind to keep it for him forever.

John and the maids left the room after some minutes since Roselyn wanted to sleep so they quietly walked out.

John told all the maids to search for doctors to come to their place and stay there for a while.

Meantime on the opposite side of the village, William was getting always closer to the son he adopted in the orphanage: Sebastian. He was a perfect kid, he made sure to clean his room and make his bed just like they taught him at the orphanage.

Moreover, he also offered the maids to help them with the cleaning and in the free time spent time with William who was teaching him how to read and how to write.

Sebastian Nomen was a very grateful boy, indeed he thanked every day William for his kind gesture of adopting him.

Every day when Sebastian woke up he prayed to never get back in the orphanage and he promised himself he would behave to become the best kid William would have.

William also introduced Sebastian to other kids of the village and enrolled him in school but the other boys looked down on him and excluded him because they called him an ugly orphan.

When William heard them speak like that he scolded them and asked Sebastian why he didn't talk back to them when he had to.

His reply was, "I am used to being called like that. However, they say the truth I am an orphan." He shrugged and then came back to play inside while the maids looked at him moved.

"He is a very good kid. I wonder why he wasn't adopted before." One maid said sighing, William looked at her and returned his smile.

He deeply down knew why, it was the same reason why Ethan's mother abandoned him, it was because not many people can child rearing.

William didn't know about his parents but he knew they were alive when they left him to the orphanage, he asked for that information to the tutor.

He also asked the kid if he felt any resentment or anger for their parents but contrary to William's expectations he said he didn't. He only wondered why they left him and if they were good or bad people.

Sebastian's answer proved how smart a person he was for his age and how mature he was compared to the other kids.

William headed him a tray full of biscuits and nome took a few biscuits.

"Thank you." He murmured to John and the maid, probably thinking she was the one who baked those.

"You're a good kid. You deserve much happiness nome." The maid whispered to him and caressed the kid who smiled making all the biscuit's cream lightly overflow from his mouth. William and the maid laughed aloud while the kid covered his mouth and blushed embarrassed.

After he finished eating he pointed at one portrait in front of him, it was a portrait of John and Ethan together.

"Are they your sons?" He asked.

William nodded, "yes they are."

William kneeled and sat nearer him.

"This guy," he pointed at Ethan, "he grew up alone as well, we didn't have a good relationship because his mother abandoned him and told me about his existence only to use it as an excuse to get back with me. I regret not having looked for him earlier because he was one of the best people I have met despite his complicated harsh past."

William sighed, his eyes filled with tears. God only knew how much he missed Ethan and how much he wished he could travel back time to spend more time with him. The only thing he could do now was live in his honor and do things he would do to pay homage to his memory.

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