Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 308 - Snowflakes

Roselyn health was getting drastically declining rapidly day by day. It had been two very intense and complicated weeks for Roselyn who felt so tired and worn out. Despite John's efforts to give her everything she needed and to provide her with a medical fierce he still didn't avoid destiny to get in the middle of his perfect plans.

He made sure she had a nutritional plan but even with that she still felt worn out and without energies.

She had constant headaches and the cramps were very tough. She barely could sleep at night which made John not sleep as well, he held her hand and told her everything will be fine and she needed to stay strong.

He even tried to absorb her pain but it didn't work, so at the third effort to try to sleep John asked to talk to her to keep her distracted from the pain.

The thighs were so strong and painful that she was paining and sweating.

"Grip around my hand as strong as you can." John told her, she did it and as she gripped, her nails sank in his skin.. He endured the pain effortlessly, even if as soon as Roselyn realised the grip he was bleeding.

The wound healed after few seconds and Roselyn took deep breath when the cramp finally ended. 

"You have to stay calm," John said when her eyes filled with tears and her breath shortened, her heart beat raced and she blankly stared at the wall in front of her.

"Look to me," John said when he understood she was panicking, she didn't look at him. It was like she left her body, his voice sounded afar and oppressed by the voices in her head.

John didn't give up, he shook her hand and whispered again, "look at me, Rose." 

Roselyn darted her gaze slowly to meet John's gaze. 

"I want you to name three things in the rooms that could be helpful for our babies." John said.

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Roselyn swallowed down and began to gaze around the room in search of some objects that may answer to John's question.

It took her few minutes to name three things, "the bed, the bottle on my bedside table and the papers to draw on." She said, spending time to look for objects helped her to catch her breath and to chill down.

Roselyn smiled to John, he always found a way to help her in any occasion, he was the definition of perfect boyfriend.

Roselyn felt a bit better, he stood up and speeded to the kitchen to get her a glass of water.

Roselyn drank few sips of water and then placed it on her bedside table.

She sighed, "why am I feeling like this? The babies are in danger?" Roselyn asked, her voice was broke for her concern.

John sat back on the bed and rested his hand on Roselyn's knees, "no, they are just growing and draining your energies to grow. You will be fine." John reassured her and smiled to her offering the most supportive smile he could give even if he was just as worried and as miserable for not being able to do anything to help her to feel better.

He also asked to the doctors who told all the same thing: it's normal to feel sick in the last months of pregnancy and she would get better once the babies will be born.

He didn't tell them there were two babies because he deeply down was afraid of what they would say and he didn't want to hear a negative new even if it came from an expert doctor.

Roselyn took a deep breath, "Thank you, I hope so. I really do." Roselyn whispered.

John covered both her hands with his, "talk to me now. Tell me what is the best memory you have during your childhood?" John asked, his intention was surely to make her talk about other things and distract her.

Roselyn smiled, who in the middle of the night would stay awake to talk only to keep company to his sick wife? Probably not many husbands but he did and seemed interested in her answers.

"Hmm," Roselyn assumed a thoughtful expression as she slighly lifted her chin and looked up to think about her childhood. She couldn't remember much about her childhood and youth but one memory was vivid and when she thought about it a smile appeared on her face.

"I was with Abigail, it was snowing for the first time and we had never seen snow before that day so, even if we were wearing a hoodie and slepwear we ran inside. We looked up to the sky and opened our mouth trying to catch the snowflakes." Roselyn smiled at the thought, she still remembered how happy she felt with Abigail and how good she felt seeing the snowflakes falling down slowly and delicately and then dancing in the wind. They were thick, when Roselyn caught them they turned in a drop of water.

That's the moment she understood how amazing nature was and the power it could have in people's mood. It was enough for her to see snow that it made her day and she became so happy. 

Until Ginevra saw them outside, she ran outside and screamed to them to get back inside and the next day they had high fever and cold. 

Yet that will always be one of the best days for Roselyn. 

John smiled, "I remember the first time I saw the snow myself, it was an amazing emotion." John observed.

"I can't wait to see it the second time with them too." Roselyn added caressing her bump and receiving a big smile from John.

"We have to make sure they don't wear light clothes or they will get fever like I did." Roselyn laughed.

"What about you?" Roselyn then asked John who at the question smiled, a glimpse of sufference in his face while he looked down to the sheet for some instants.

He then gazed back to her and cleared his voice, "one of the best memories I have is when I celebrated the 19th bday with my father, it was just me and him but he did everything in his power to make me have one of the best days ever. He prepared this huge cake decorated with all my favorite things at the time and then we had a huge bouquet full of amazing food. He then told me to step on the carriage and we went on a hike to visit the cascade. When we came back home I was so tired for the walk but at the same time so happy because I got to spend the entire day with the person I cared mostly about."

"He was an amazing dad and I am sure you will be just as amazing and as considerate with our sons." Roselyn said, she could feel her eyelids got heavier and in a sudden she was sleepy.

She crawled around John's chest under his arm which he wrapped tighlty over her head and shoulders.

She blinked few times at the effort to remain awake because she wanted to talk to him more, she could peek from the window so many stars filling the darkness of the night and the moon high in the sky.

"I wonder if I will ever be able to be a good mother, but I promise I will try to do my best to." Roselyn said, while her eyes gaze up to the sky and her eyeslids slowly closed.

"You will." John said caressing the back of her head delicately to indulge her to fall asleep.

She fell asleep in few minutes and John smiled, she only needed to get her mind free from the negative thoughts to finally fall asleep.

However, he prefered to remain awake so that in case she would wake up again he would notice or in case she had nightmares he would help her with his powers. Fortunately, she didn't have bad nightmares and she slept all the night.

When she woke up she noticed John awake and she asked him if he had stayed awake all night, he said he did because he didn't feel like sleeping but Roselyn knew very well the real reason.

She rolled her eyes, when Roselyn lifted her head from John's arm, he stood up probably to walk to the kitchen and bring her food before he would eat as well.

When he came back from the kitchen he was carrying a big huge cake with the number 8 on it.

"My father did the same cake for the eighth month of pregnancy for my mother so I wanted to do the same for you. One more month, darling. And then we will finally mee tour sons." John said, his voice filled with happines while he walked closer to her.

Roselyn smiled hugely and when John reached the bed she kneeled onto the bed to lean forward and kiss John on his cheek.

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