Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 357 - Strategy

They all reached Kratez, Victor suggested they stay hidden when he noticed the kidnappers were carrying Roselyn and John who had their wrists tied in ropes.

John lifted his chin and looked at the surroundings since he probably smelled his kids there, his gaze traveled in the wood. Elijah peeked his head from a tree and hinted at a smile when their gazes met.

John contracted all his facial muscles, not to smile at his son since he didn't want to risk any creature to see them.

They dropped the ropes near to a bonfire, one of the creatures kneeled and set fire, then he turned around and stared at John, "I am sorry, I am but I can't allow you to ruin our land. I trusted you." He whispered, the guy who talked was none other than one of his first supporters and someone who always sided with John without thinking twice to do so. But that was when he didn't have a girlfriend yet, when he didn't have a family and when he was one of the cruelest ruthless vampires ever existed.

Now to them, he was only a weak man who let his woman take over his life, they didn't understand the love they only comprehend the strength and the powers, and just like animals they followed the strongest one, and now the strongest one to them wasn't John.

The vampire leader who planned the attack sat in front of the fire.

"You could have taken me only, not her!" John frowned his forehead glowering at him in anger.

"How gentleman of you to sacrifice your life for a half-human fairy." The leader replied chuckling as if he thought John was pathetic.

Then he stood up and walked to Roselyn, he scrutinized her with his gaze, his lips curved in a mischievous smirk and his long fingers brushed through her hair.

"I always loved long hair," he whispered.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

John's grunt made the ground tremble under his feet. Roselyn's wrists were tied and her mouth was taped up.

His fingers curled her hair, "It's crazy how some people can be as beautiful as powerful, you were unlucky that your nature is to be a banshee because otherwise, I would have let you live." He continued snapping his tongue and assuming a pretended sad facial expression.

John clenched his fists and vigorously moved his fists to get free from the ropes, but in vain.

The leader laughed aloud amused by John's reaction, "I can't believe you fell in love and are so obsessed over her." He shook his head, he gazed to John for some instants, and then traveled his gaze back to Roselyn. "She must have a stunning body to have fun with during the night."

His voice grow more devilish and merciless.

Roselyn shivered at the thought of whoever that man was had in mind.

John meantime was being eaten up by anger, his blood was boiling in his veins and his eyes were as red as the fire who was feeding near them.

"We have to intervene," Victor whispered to Abigail and his son, "he is doing it on purpose because if John loses the patience and his control he will hurt anyone including Roselyn. That's what he wants, he doesn't want to kill them, he wants to push John to rebel so that when he will reveal his demoniac side Roselyn will be so scared to leave him forever."

Abigail shook her head as her jaw dropped, that sounded so twisted and devilish even for a night creature like that pack-leader.

The pack lead took the tape on Roselyn's mouth off, making her narrow her eyes for the pain, "John," she whispered as soon as she inhaled air.

"It's fine Rose, I will take care of this." He replied, deducing his wife wanted to ask him if she could intervene or not. He stared at her straight in the eyes and shook his head not.

His gazes met and John slightly calmed down only by looking at her, he linked with her effortlessly thanks to their practice during the years, "don't intervene nor use your magic unless that's the last chance we have to survive. I don't want them to find out how strong you are, let's keep that as a vantage since they know my capabilities already."

Roselyn nodded, even if she didn't agree to the strategy she trusted him enough to do as he wished.

The devilish creature slapped her cheek so powerful that she narrowed her eyes, as soon as she opened them those were filled with tears and her face was as red as a tomato.

"Don't ever dare to link again, or I won't be as kind the next time." He grunted.

John's neck was filled with bloated veins, his eyes turned even redder and his vision became blurry as the anger was even more prominent.

John could easily get free in a matter of a few seconds but the situation got worse minute after minute, his kids were a few meters afar and he knew if he got free and injured any of them the remaining ones wouldn't think twice before harming Roselyn for revenge.

"Get him free," the leader said nodding at one of them.

The other vampires looked at him puzzled and shocked wondering if he had lost his mind.

"I said, get him free!" He shouted.

"Oh no..." Victor murmured, he turned around, and just as he thought Elijah was charging.

"Don't move, don't intervene yet," he warned the kid who was too excited and looking forward to reaching his father to help him fight the five men.

They untied John who groaned at the leader, he took a few steps closer to him and tilted his head looking down at him, "this is the worst mistake you'd ever made in your life." he whispered in a threatening tone of voice and Roselyn smiled.

"It's not." He replied promptly and disappeared to appear behind Roselyn holding a knife over her neck, she bent her neck to prevent the sharp blade to cut her skin.

John freeze, he barely moved his mouth to clench his teeth and said, "don't dare to harm her." 

He hinted a smile, he loved to see the power he had on John, all he had to do to bring terror in his eyes was to threaten Roselyn's safety.

"I won't." He said, but the knife near to his neck said otherwise.

"If you want me not to harm her you have to stay still." He continued, staring at John straight in the eyes.

Roselyn shivered and her heart speeded in her chest, she felt the cold blade on her neck and the fear was making her legs shake.

The other creatures walked to John and when the leader nodded the first one punched John.

John clenched his fists resisting the urge to attack him and hit him back.

another one followed and kicked John on his chest, making him crawl. The third one punched John on his nose and he let out a cry of pain.

"John!" Roselyn screamed.

Her heart beating even more fast staring at the person she loved most be tortured.

John was hit so many times that his breath shortened and his face was bleeding severely.

The kids couldn't sleep take it anymore and they were begging Victor to do something, but he told them not to.

"It's not time yet." He repeated whenever they complained, even Abigail was begging him to intervene but he didn't listen to any of them.

"They are killing him!" Abigail slightly raised her voice out of patience and Victor glowered at her after making sure nobody heard her.

John fell onto the floor, he didn't attack them nor did he hit them back, he seemed like he was willing to sacrifice to save Roselyn.

"Get me free!" John shouted as tears fell down her face, she was so angry and the more she looked at the fire the more she wanted to use her magic and set all the creatures on fire. But she knew deep down John wouldn't want her to do that since he told her to intervene only when it was the last resort.

John was on the ground, barely keeping his eyes open, his arm over his stomach where he was severely and excessively hitten.

John managed to gather his breath and despite he was bleeding too much for his body to recover fast enough he curled to the side to start at the vampire who was still pointing his knife at Rose.

The leader rested his hand on Roselyn's shoulder and slightly lowered his knife. He leaned closer to her neck and sniffed her out, "I love her scent." He whispered.

 His eyes lit up and a smirk appeared on his face.

right then, John lost his patience and despite he was worn out and weak he stood up and speeded.

"Now!" Victor shouted, recognizing John's gaze of his demoniac inner strong side taking full control over him.

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