Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 358 - Final [1]

The leader rested his hand on Roselyn's shoulder and slightly lowered his knife. He leaned closer to her neck and sniffed her out, "I love her scent." He whispered.

 His eyes lit up and a smirk appeared on his face.

right then, John lost his patience and despite he was worn out and weak he stood up and speeded.

"Now!" Victor shouted, recognizing John's gaze of his demoniac inner strong side taking full control over him.

John speeded and hit the vampire's body strongly pushing him against the floor, but as he hit him the leader falling managed to smear Roselyn with the knife on her arm.

She began to bleed, Roselyn widened her eyes for both the fear and the excruciating pain, she throw herself on the ground as well pushing her wound on the ground to prevent it from bleeding more and the scent to spread.

The creatures smelling her human blood widened their pupils and their eyes turned of an intense dark, even Elijah struggled with his senses and grunted when he reached her mother.

Victor and Abigail threw themselves to the rest of the pack pulling them away from Rose and struggling to keep them still.

"Free me," Roselyn screamed to Felicity and Elijah who soon began to work their ways to undo the knocks.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

John punched the leader multiple times pushing his hand on the ground to free the grip from the knife. But his grip was tight and he didn't have any intention to release.

The two guys Abigail was holding away managed to punch her on her stomach so she let go for some instants and one of them speeded.

He threw on Roselyn, she prevented the attack and stretched her arm, the situation was getting too drastic and she needed to do something.

The fire fed and flames appeared on the creature's back, it was too late as his long claws stuck in her arms, she let out a painful scream.

John lifted his head, he speeded on the guy who injured his wife, and although he was burned alive by the flames Roselyn set he bit him on the neck and then pushed him strongly on the ground, against a pile of wood so that in an eyeblink the fire ate him alive and killed him with a painful death.

Felicity widened her eyes at the sigh, she took a few steps backward, his father's eyes were so red that he was almost scared, his veins turned darker and the way he killed that creature without a glimpse of regret in his face made Felicity shiver and wonder if the person she was staring at was truly her father.

Tears filled her eyes when visions of his pasts and the lives he took occurred to her mind, like an infinite sequence of the worst horror movie she could ever see and the protagonist was none other than his father.

Her knees took away, Roselyn recognized her daughter's familiar gaze, when Elijah get her hands free she ran to hug her daughter who exploded in a cascade of tears.

"It's fine," Roselyn whispered to her, holding her in a tight embrace, with the corner of the eye she monitored the situation.

The leader of the pack now was fighting against John, Victor, and Abigail were struggling to defeat the three other creatures.

Roselyn darted her gaze to Daniel and Elijah who were shaken and at the same time holding back unable to make a decision, "help your respective fathers." Roselyn raised her voice, they immediately listened to her orders and Daniel speeded to help his mother who was the one more in difficulty since she was slower than the other vampire although her cat-like reflexes were far better.

Daniel intervened and by gripping the vampire's shoulders he unbalanced him to the side then he kicked his calves and made him fell onto the ground.

Abigail smiled at her son to thank him for his help then she sat on his chest and punched on his adam's apple, he gasped for air and began to cough.

Meantime Daniel speeded in Victor's help but before he could attack the enemy from behind he turned around he kneeled so that he dodged Daniel's attack, he was struck by speeding behind the young vampire and skewer his neck.

Luckily enough Daniel gets out of the way in time to prevent the attack from being lethal.

Roselyn was still bleeding severely and her arm became tingling and pitchy as if she couldn't move it anymore not feel with it.

her eyes narrowed enduring the burning pain and she stood up carrying Felicity to the side, she didn't want her to watch at that abomination anymore, she was already traumatized enough.

Felicity was still frozen so Roselyn picked her up with her movable arm and with all her strength and energy she carried her some meters afar.

But the leader noticed her, he couldn't allow her to get away because if so he wouldn't have any weapon available against John. 

He speeded to Roselyn and threw him on her by biting her neck. his fangs sank deep in her smooth skin, so deep that she fainted as she fell on the floor. 

"Mommy!" Felicity called out, a puddle of blood formed beneath her and she grow paler. Felicity could feel her mother's heartbeat, so she was still alive but seeing that creature severely harming her mother drove her furious, Felicity glowered at the vampire who departed from her neck, his fangs filled with her blood and his eyes lit up as if he just got a taste of the most delicious nectar he ever tasted.

Felicity took a few steps forward, creasing her forehead and clenching her fists for anger, John had the same furious facial expression and he charged to attack the man, but before he speeded Felicity already launched her attack, and then again and again. As if a magical practical fierce driven her, in eyeblink plants grow over his ankles, impeding him to move.

few lianes gripped over his neck while another one hit his back as a lash making him unconsciously arch her back to endure the pain and scream.

"Get rid of this kid!!" He shouted while the liana kept whipping his back and the other one on his neck tightened even more, almost suffocating him.

John was bleeding as well, Elijah couldn't allow him to injure, even more, Roselyn was already severely injured.

Elijah and John speeded together, Elijah speeded in front of Felicity to protect her as if her body was a shield, Felicity was still driven by her anger and she didn't fear them, not anymore. All she could feel was anger for the way they harmed her mother.

the wind stopped one of them blowing in opposite direction, and then pushing his body against the other creature and making them both fall on the ground. the gusts of wind impeded him to stand up or move.

Elijah and John were shocked at the sigh, she was so powerful that in a few minutes she shoot all the three creatures down.

The keen wind barely let them move nor open their eyes, John walked nearer to them and folded his arms looking down at them.

"You didn't have to dare to involve Roselyn in this." he groaned, his voice hoarse.

"I can't forgive you for having tried to harm my family." He kneeled, his hands gripped over their necks.

He turned around to look at Felicity, the two creatures' faces turned red for the lack of oxygen.

He let them free one instant before they became too purple, his gaze bursting into them full of resent and anger, "I am not the person I was once, so I give you one last chance." He said, he leaned over and revealed his long fangs, "but I won't be as clement the next time." He rectified, John couldn't satisfy his thirst for revenge, he had two sons behind him and he didn't want to give them a bad example even if he had all the reasons to do so.

The wind stopped to blow, the two creatures gazed at them all shocked by John's decision to trust them and spare their lives.

Then they stood up in sync and speeded away as fast as they could.

Felicity's knees gave away, she was so pale and her eyelids were heavy, her energies were so low she was shaking.

John reached her and picked her up, "baby, I am so sorry." He murmured.

"Get her some juice and bread from home," Abigail whispered to Daniel who speeded away in a few seconds.

Felicity closed her eyes and let the tiredness take over her, as her eyes closed the sun went down and her blood levels lowered down.

Elijah was holding his mother's hand thanks to his overdeveloped feelings he felt her heartbeat slow down and her skin got colder, she was still bleeding from her neck.

"Dad...." he whispered with a broken voice and his eyes filled with tears.

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