Love Agreement With The King

Chapter 359 - Final

"Dad..." he whispered with a broken voice and his eyes filled with tears.

John speeded to shake Roselyn's hand.

"Can you hear me?" He murmured, his gaze darted to Felicity and he put pieces together, the reason why Felicity got so powerful was that Roselyn used her remaining energy to help her daughter to use her magic and defeat the pack.

That all made sense now, John's eyes filled with tears as well, "I can't lose you, please." He said in a whisper with all the air he had in his lungs. His voice broke and tears uncontrollably ran down his cheeks.

He couldn't believe that was happening to him, that had happened in front of his eyes and he did nothing to save her.

Roselyn was still bleeding from her neck, Abigail ran to her and wrapped her jacket around her neck to tighten on her wound and stop the bleeding.

Felicity was recovering fast whereas Roselyn's heartbeat slowed down even more.

"No… Rose…" John whispered, "I need you." His hand held hers.

Abigail's eyes filled with tears as well, she caressed John's shoulder and leaned over her sister.

"You can do it, Rose, you're so strong," Abigail said, the blood on the floor soaked wet her clothes and her skin turned slightly dry for being dehydrated.

Roselyn was sitting at the edge of a pool, the water was calm and crystalline. She heard her family's voices echoing as if they were there with her. But they weren't and she entered in a parallel dimension, as soon as she dipped her feet in the water, shivers ran through her spine, and goosebumps formed on her naked legs. She was only wearing a corset, yet she wasn't freezing although the water was so cold.

She heard footsteps coming from behind and when she turned around she saw her father walking to her with a big smile on his face.

"Felicity is so powerful, I can see where she got her strength and courage from." He said, sitting near her.

He was wearing a classy suit and his skin so smooth that Roselyn barely recognized him from the last time she saw him in her vision.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"She is amazing," Roselyn stated proudly, she took a deep breath and her heart grow in pride.

"She is indeed, but honey you didn't have to warn out her energies." He said sighing.

On the water started to appear images of John and their kids crying on Roselyn's body as if it was a screen they could see through.

Rose placed a hand on her chest, "I wish I could tell them I am fine. I am not in pain and I couldn't be prouder than them."

"We both haven't reached our purpose yet."

Roselyn tilted her head to the side and knitted her eyebrows down, "my purpose? I already have all that I wished for." Roselyn replied.

She had everything she wanted, a happy family with a man she deeply loved.

"You may have done it as a human being but you haven't fulfilled your banshee one." He said, then he smiled, and with a grin on his face he disappeared.

Roselyn darted her gaze in that empty room she was in, she didn't understand what her father meant nor what her purpose was supposed to be.

She knew there was something weird about it and that maybe he was suggesting to her that whenever and if she wanted since she was a loose end to take care of.

She stood up and walked on the pool edging stone staring at the water screen which kept streaming images of her family calling her and begging her to sleep.

She could hear the heartbeat slow and weak and she sighed, the more she looked at the image of herself bleeding the more she realized what she was losing, if she gave up she would leave two young kids and an amazing husband and she would never see them anymore.

she didn't want to die, not yet, even if her purposes may be accomplished her family still needed her and she needed to see her kids grow.

Roselyn frowned, how could she get out of that dimension?

She turned around and scrutinized the surroundings to search for a door, but the walls didn't have any doors visible, she ran to touch them and look at them closely to check if she was able to spot a hidden way out.

She took a deep breath, she was trapped there and something told her if she remained there for much longer she would end up being stuck there forever.

'Roselyn, I can hear your heartbeat, you can do it. I love you so much, don't leave me...' Hearing John's voice made her heartbeat in thousands of pieces, tears filled her eyes and a murmur escaped from her mouth, "I wish I knew how to get out from here."

She said even if he couldn't hear her.

"We should bring her home," Abigail suggested, John nodded, and with Victor, they lifted Rose and speeded back to the castle while Abigail carried Felicity.

They laid Roselyn on the sofa, then they covered her up with some sheets.

Abigail meantime healed her wood while Victor went to make some hot tea for them.

"Her heartbeat is too slow now," John said, his eyes were bloated and his mouth dried, his voice so low that it was barely hearable.

He looked at Roselyn pleading with her to wake up, if he only could fight with her or do something to save her he would do it.

He tried one last effort, he held his hand and focused to send her his energies and heal her but contrary to the last times his effort was successful, this time it was in vain. 

He barely linked with her, she was too weak. 

Roselyn moved her feet in the freshwater, she dropped her jaw and confused stared at her feet, it was slightly faded away as if someone erased it away. As sparkles it faded away, her gaze traveled through her legs which were as pale as the wall behind her.

'Her heart is stopping,' She heard Elijah's voice crying in desperation. 

"Oh no," Roselyn's voice broke as well, eyes ran down her eyes uncontrollably fast. 

She had to find a solution and she had to do it fast.

She traveled her gaze through the room, her hands resting on her hair as she pulled out her hair desperately.

She had no way out, the only thing she had to do was give up on her sad fate, at least she died knowing she helped her daughter to develop her powers fully and her family was safe. that was enough, despite everything.

She looked at the sky, her smile grew sad yet sincere, "I love you all so much, thanks for making my heartbeat as never before and having given me hope that life can be beautiful and dreams can become reality." She whispered.

Her knees faded away and a strong white light shined upon her, it wasn't painful at all, the light was as hot as sunrays hitting her leg.

She took a few steps behind to watch better the images scrolling through the water until her back hit against a wall, she looked up and she saw a high dive springboard.

She didn't know how she didn't notice that earlier since it had been there the whole time but she had never looked up, she was too busy looking for a door.

She ran to climb on it, she had to be fast before her clock would run out.

She took a long breath, that board could either save her or kill her.

Images of her past crossed through her mind, she could see her happy moments, she smiled and finally, after closing her eyes she jumped out of it.

Her body completely disappeared and she dived in. The light-filled the room, the water disappeared and her vision stopped.

John sobbed, he regretted having let the guys go and anger and frustration filled his heart.

Guilty and agony formed a burden on his chest impeding him from breathing properly.

John was so mad at life and fate, that was the price to pay? For having had a happy family and a woman he loved so much he was willing to sacrifice himself for her.

if that was what life took away from him to balance all the happy moments he had the luck to enjoy then John had the right to know it first.

if he knew he would have done things differently or he would have told her one last time how much he loved her.

She left him without the last kiss, nor the last hug. That wasn't fair, life wasn't fair.

John gripped over his chest, he wished he could rip his heart off because if he had to live without Roselyn he didn't want to.

It wasn't worth it.

not at all.

Tears kept running down his face, they even burned her skin since it was irritated for crying so much. But he didn't waste time nor energy wiping them away.

it was like his hope and his will to live faded away with Roselyn's last breath.

A low noise echoed in the room, it was Roselyn's cough.

She coughed as if she swallowed water and Roselyn saw the light.

The tears that fell down his face now were of commotion and happiness, they all hugged Roselyn tightly.

"She is alive!" Elijah screamed. His smile grew on his face and he started to kiss her mother's cheek.

Roselyn smiled with all her face as well, "mom!" She said in a whisper.

Roselyn smiled to John, "I am not leaving you. I will never do." She told him.

John kept sobbing, "Roselyn... your heart stopped." He said still puzzled and in disbelief. Life had never been kind to him and he barely could believe it would give him such a big gift.

"Do you know what it means?" Victor intervened.

John smiled, he nodded proudly, "I do. It means she reached her final purpose.. And she is immortal now."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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