Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 11: I AM SPEED!

Chapter 11: I AM SPEED!

Erskine fell unconscious. It was hard for the pretty and deadly Agent Carter to carry him herself to as far as the river from where their escape was planned. So Hector put Erskine on his back like a sack of rice and they escaped. However, Hector was secretly putting his saliva on Erskine's wounds, as he didn't want the man to die before making the Super Soldier serum. He knew it sounded nasty but the faster he became accustomed to it the better.

Erskine was a major and important person for Hector. And the reason for him coming here himself was that he was not sure how far his butterfly wings had caused the damage. He had no idea if they had reached Erskine.

And the result was clear. Yes, they had reached Erskine. Agent Carter's intel was proven wrong and the prison had many more guards than what the intel said. And Hector could only come up with one reason, him becoming the president.

The world knew that he was a military man, and his brain worked like one. It was possible that Hitler and Schmidt may have felt threatened by his existence. After all, he does try to rub his personality of a huge and strong guy everywhere, be it radio or papers.

He was happy he came, or else Agent Carter might have died today. Poor old Steve would have lost his ara-ara Onee-chan then.

Super Soldier serum was of utmost importance to Hector, not because of Captain America, but for himself. He wanted to inject it into himself so that he could start revealing his crazy abilities to the world openly. He can just say that the serum had higher effects on his body as compared to Steve due to some genetic reasons and that now he was too strong, heck he'd just call it Washington Power and the people would believe him with fanatic obsession they had for this name.

He chuckled, ~I also want to see America's ass, can it compete with mine? But sadly, right now America's ass is probably America's hip bones somewhere in Brooklyn.~

His magical and demon powers were all invisible, so no one could see them anyway. Now, the only power that was yet to be tested was his ability to turn into a giant wolf, and it was about time he did it.

He helped Agent Carter slowly cross the border and arrive at Frace that was taken over by Germany. Though he helped her reach the southern zone called the Free Zone. It was yet to fall. From there, it was easy moving. They soon arrived at their escape plane.

But Agent Carter didn't see Hector climbing onto the Air Force Plane. "Sir, get on, we don't have too much time before they realise what we did and send fighters."

He waved his hand, sending her off, "I told you I didn't come here to only save Erskine. Take him back to the US and hand over the mission report to Colonel Phillips. I will be returning in a few days as well. See you soon, agent."

With that, the plane started moving, she just blankly stared at him, wondering what could be the secret things he was here for, it can't be a diplomatic mission that was for sure.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hector meanwhile jumped onto another high altitude plane with his face covered and told them to fly over Southern Poland. Then, when at the right place, he once again just jumped down. However, this time he did not use his parachute, to see the full effect of his ability. He had no fear either as he'd be going down in the middle of nowhere.

The plane that dropped him flew back. The pilots didn't even know they had just dropped the American President. Though they were trained not to ask questions.


Hector jumped straight out at 25,000 feet. The world below him was slowly growing bigger and clearer. The tiny dots slowly formed the vague shapes of trees.

The cold wind grazed past his body, touching his face and giving a cooling sensation. Then, like a rocket, he fell. *BOOM* He made sure to land in the superhero pose, but this was his superhero pose, which was nothing but him landing standing straight with arms folded. After all, an awesome man like him can't kneel to others, that pose is for rookie heroes.

He looked around, the trees in a few metres of radius around him were uprooted and the land also suffered some damage. ~I should control my jumps from now on.~ he made a mental note.

He needed to enter deep inside Poland. For that, he needed to find a German officer and take his uniform as well. Hector cursed for not having any kind of inventory space or something. But again, he was not some random horny boy who got reincarnated by some equally horny god.

~Hmm... maybe I should take over a minor hell dimension of this universe and use it as my dumping ground.~ the idea crossed his mind. Unknown to Hector, a lot of Hell Lords felt a mysterious shiver run down their body due to this.

"YES... LET'S TRY THAT NOW!" it was time to test his shapeshifting ability. It came as biological to him and slowly his body transformed. Fur took over his body, his size grew by leaps and he transformed into a giant wolf. In this form, he was 15 feet tall and 28 feet long.

"I am huge... ah, I can still speak! Nice." He exclaimed, checking himself out. He was greyish brown with a size that could be seen as bigger than the biggest elephant. He liked it, ~I guess I will play with Moony in this form. The boy will love it. Fine, time to check my top speed.~


"WOOOOOOO... BABYYY... THIS IS AWESOME! I AM SPEED!" Hector zoomed past the trees so fast that he looked like just a blur. His speed was 500 kilometres per hour, much faster than any animal or car. Only an aeroplane could compete with him.

He enjoyed the run, and the best part was, he didn't feel very tired even after travelling hundreds of kilometres in one stretch. However, he did get sudden urges to howl and claim dominance over all the animals in the vicinity, by either growling or peeing.

He was headed east, deeper inside Poland. His secret mission was not something anybody knew. But as the President, he could do anything, well, as long as the war went on.


1 Week Later,

Hector had completed his mission. He was on his way back in wolf form. The only drawback of this form was the clothes that would get torn apart every single time. Due to this, he made a backpack with elastic, strapped to his leg. It had a simple T-shirt and pants.

It took him a while to get over the feeling of running naked in the wolf form. The fur helped though, as it didn't allow for the wind to touch his skin.

He was headed back to Southern France to leave Europe. The next time he will be coming back would be after the start of the war. And for now, he needed to prepare for Pearl harbour.


At great speed, Hector traversed the lands. Even if some German troops saw him, they would silently cower in fear and run away or hide. "AWOOOO!... Fuck! I need to control my howling urge, what's the point if I give away my position all the time."


This was not Hector. He quickly stopped in his tracks and looked around. The forest was silent as always, due to his presence. But he could sense it, there was another predator nearby.

Being in the wolf form, there were few advantages to him other than speed. His smell and hearing become much more sensitive and his survival instincts get amplified by a shit tonne.

"Grrrr..." He acted like a normal wolf, to lure the enemy. He had no idea if it was an animal or a human, he assumed a human though, as no animal would come close to him.



Out of nowhere, a short man, in torn military uniform, jumped over Hector. Surprisingly, the man had spiky claws extending out of his first. Hector also raised his paw and stopped the man easily.

Hector immediately blurted what came into his mind, "Hugh Jackman?"

A second later, he corrected himself. ~What's Logan doing here? Wait... Canada entered the war in 1939 already, no wonder. But... is he comic book Logan or Movie Logan, I'd appreciate the Comic one.~

[A/N: This secret mission is going to be talked about when the war ends. So keep this part in mind.]

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