Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 12: Back In Office

Chapter 12: Back In Office

Logan seemed to be in a frenzy crazed state as he was growling like a beast.

"Kid, what happened?" Hector spoke.

Logan's face tilted like a confused puppy. Not able to make heads or tails out of this weird giant talking wolf.

"Grrr..." He jumped again at Hector's back, this time landing on it. He quickly stabbed his claws in his body and they did go in. Hector didn't flinch and just fell back to his back, crushing Logan's skeleton with his weight.

This was one of the drawbacks of being a giant wolf. He was fast and strong but less agile when compared to a small human.

Logan was now on the ground with his bones crushed. They were being healed though. Meanwhile, Hector had started to turn back into his human form. Naked as the day he was born, he noticed the stab wounds of Wolverine were already nearly healed.

*Yawn* "What to do with him now? Hmmm..." He wondered while wearing the spare clothes. Logan was just staring at Hector silently, waiting to be healed completely to pounce on him.

He checked Logan's pockets and read his identity card. Sure enough, he was in the Canadian army. But why he was so deep inside Germany was a mystery.

"I can't leave you behind now, can I? Hmm... Fine, I will adopt a new puppy then. Moony will like a new friend." He grabbed Logan and knocked on his head with a strong fist. Then he put him on his shoulder like a sack of rice and ran away.


After a whole day of running and then rowing a boat, he arrived in southern France. From there, he jumped onto an American aircraft and headed back to the US.

Inside the flight, only Hector and Logan were present on the passenger side. The short ferocious man was still unconscious, meanwhile, Hector had changed into a nice suit once again and looked like the good old badass president.

He was reading the newspapers and a few important documents. Nothing new had occurred in the US while he was gone. Though his secret service detail was angry with him since even they did not know where the President went. Truman had been doing well, not taking any dumb steps, as he learned from Moony, who was following Truman like a good boy.

"Ugh..." Logan started to wake up.

Hector quickly put the papers down and prepared to knock him again if he showed any violent tendencies. "Kid, you're safe now. We're on a flight to New York."

Logan held his head while grunting. He looked around and only saw Hector. He paused immediately as if he saw a ghost. "President of the United States is a Mutant?"

Hector jumped over to him in fright and grabbed his mouth hard. Logan, in shock and due to instincts, pulled out his claws and stabbed Hector's thigh, but Hector didn't react. "Now listen here you little... I am not a mutant, and do not call me a mutant ever again. Not because I hate mutants, but because I am the President and can't have them see me as a mutant. Is that clear, soldier?"

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Logan retracted his claws and nodded. He just stabbed the American president, that was a crime worth death in itself. He nodded, "All right, bub."

Hector sneered, "Don't call me bub. When were you born?"

"1885, why?" Logan asked.

~Hmm, so the comic book Logan. Nice.~ He smiled and put his arm around Logan's shoulder, "Boy, I was born in 1870 officially. So call me big brother, grand frre, Groer Bruder, or even Onii-Chan if that's what you want. In fact, Onii-Chan sounds good actually."

Logan grunted, he didn't like any of it, "I will just call you Prez."

"Fine with me. So, what were you doing so deep inside Germany?" Hector sat back in his seat with comfort and poured a glass of whisky for each.

"I was deployed with the Canadian troops attached with the British. But we were ambushed and they caught me, then conducted experiments on me. For a month now I was in a German secret facility.

"Then I broke out and was on the run until I met you. What about you? What are you, if not a mutant?" Logan asked him.

Hector was a bit surprised by how much Logan was talking. But again, he hasn't lived that long yet and is still not that broken.

Hector decided to use Naruto's most powerful jutsu, the bullshit-no-jutsu. "Oh, I'm just an old good man, who happens to be the president. I'm pretty old, older than official documents state. And my powers are, you can say, like an inheritance."

"You mean, did George Washington also have such powers?" Logan asked him, astounded.

Hector shrugged, "Probably. How else could he fight and win the revolutionary war? Now, kid, don't tell this to anybody. It's our little secret. Our pinky promise."

This explanation was much more acceptable than telling him he was Hell's Inquisitor from beyond the multiverse.

Logan nodded and silently sat back. It was somewhat appreciative though, knowing that the boss of probably the most powerful nation right now was like him, a wolf-like human.

But he still had a question. "Why were you in Germany?"

Hector smiled and revealed to him why he was there, after all, he knew Logan was not a villain.

By the end, Logan felt respect for this old man rising in his heart. "That was... Not what I ever expected from a politician. I'm sure the world will appreciate this later."

Hector shrugged, "Who knows. All I care about is that this was the right thing. And about politicians, yes, they are indeed mostly blood-sucking leaches good for nothing. Good thing I'm here now to bonk them.

"By the way, are you sure about not calling me Onii-Chan?"


United States, Camp Leigh.

The hottest Spy in the town had returned to the United States to report. Her brief report on the mission to save Erskine was complete and she just needed to pass it on to Colonel Phillips.

Phillips knew that Hector was in Germany, and honestly, he felt like each day he was ageing ten years. No matter what, he just couldn't digest how a 71-year-old man can survive.

But here he was reading about the madness that occurred. "So, Agent Carter, you are saying, a 71-year-old man ran so fast you couldn't even notice him, punched two men to death, then killed 50 men with just hands, and 50 more by throwing knives?

"Please tell me you are joking. Or perhaps the Germans poured some funny gas on you."

Agent Carter stood in attention and seriously replied, "Every single word in that report is true, sir."

"Fine. I'm going to sit on this report until he returns... I hope he returns." Colonel Phillips once again got depressed.

"Quite frankly, sir. If Mr President is as strong as what I saw, I don't think he will be in any danger." She gave her opinion.

"Duly notes, Agent. Get back to your post now. You are to be the security head of Erskine for now." Colonel Phillips sent her away.


White House

Harry Truman knew that the visit to South America was a farce. He honestly hoped that the man just dies so he could take over the position permanently. Who doesn't want to become the president?

Still, he did his job honestly, knowing that if he was plotting against Hector, then possibly Hector too had the means to bring him down.

For now, the only thing he felt annoyed with was the giant wolf-dog, Moony. "God, why won't you leave me alone? I'm going to the washroom."

Moony growled and still followed and stood outside the washroom door.

For the past whole week, Truman had been followed by Moony everywhere. In fact, Moony had already sensed Truman's thoughts against his dad.

"WOOF" he barked and started scratching the door.

He had decided to punish Truman by not letting him have peace in everything he did in his life.


The thing was, no one dared to kick Moony out, as that enrages Hector, seen from the past. And wherever they tried to trap Moony, he'd come out soon. The boy was too smart.


Moony, angry at being called a demon, punched right through the door. Once there was a hole, he inserted his head and started madly barking, scaring the crap out of him.

Luckily for Truman, he was already on the toilet seat.


White House, a week later.

"WOOF" ~I missed you, dad~

"Aww... Were you a good boy? You did well? Haha, nice job keeping Truman on edge." He hugged Moony.

But then Moony looked behind and saw another man, short but ferocious. He felt a connection, a familiarity.

"WOOOW?" ~A new FRIEND?!~

Moony jumped onto Logan and licked his face. Actually, Moony didn't even have to jump, he was slightly taller.

Logan didn't reject him and patted, he too felt close to him.

"So, what are you going to do now, Logan?" Hector asked, relaxing in his chair.

Logan seemed confused. If he were to appear back in Canada now then he'd be seen as a deserter, though Hector could most likely help him with this. However, he doubted Hector would tell the Canadian government that he was in Europe.

Meanwhile, Hector had a sudden idea. Logan was going to fight in World War II anyway, so why not start right now? So he suggested, "Son, you can do something else. How about... you become my bodyguard?"

Logan, acting not reserved at all, or he just didn't care anymore, picked up the cigar from Hector's desk and lit it up. "You are the last person in the world who would need a bodyguard. I've seen it, you have a regeneration ability, possibly even better than me."

~Hmm... can I die though?~ Hector wondered at that. "Haha, they don't know that. While you are athletic, strong and have good instincts. It will also give you a better cover. One more thing, I shall be heading to Europe when we join the war. You too can join me."

Logan silently tried to think about it. He was a nomad, living wherever his fate took him. He had fought in so many wars around the world. Now, a new opportunity, a new life was presenting itself. He honestly was a pretty selfish man and didn't care about anybody. He had no agenda or dreams, survival was the top priority.

"Sure, but I will not wear a suit." He accepted.

"Be my guest then. Don't come to me complaining when journalists take your pictures for looking out of the ordinary." Hector shrugged and started reading some documents.

Logan grunted, accepting this small sacrifice.

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