Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 62: The Congressional Hearing

Chapter 62: The Congressional Hearing

You can read 70 chapters in advance on /misterimmortal.


Although Hector was supposed to head straight back to the US, seeing that Steve was still in Europe, he decided to check up on him and also see if the Butterfly effect had changed anything.

Turns out, yes, it had changed a lot, maybe not the final outcome but what preceded it was much different. As he arrived at the base, he was invited by Peggy and Steve for something special in the local church.

"We want you to be the one who presides over our marriage," Peggy said.

Surprised, he asked Steve, "You're getting married?"

At this, the two lovers held each other's hand, "Yes, Mr President, what Colonel said some days ago hit me, I can't put things for later, anything surprising can occur at any time. Since we love each other, we decided to get it done,"

~So they want their virgin president to be the priest, haha.~ he chuckled internally. "Sure, I will read your vows."

They cheered. Steve wore his complete military uniform and Peggy did the same. Because of Hector, even Peggy was given a real military commission and made a Major, she deserved it.

As a witness, there were General Phillips and Moony. Phillips, as always, looked as if his 5th wife died in a row. He was also double-timing as the cameraman. Moony acted as the ring bearer and brought the small box tippy-toed. He received a lot of kisses from Carter for doing this.

"Steve, do you promise to be a good boy and always take care of this beautiful girl, cherish her, keep her happy and be by her side whenever she needs you?" Hector didn't read the vows, he just said whatever he wanted.

Steve happily agreed, "Yes, I promise,"

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"Peggy, do you promise to be a good girl and always take care of this foolish innocent boy, care for him, keep him happy and be by his side?" He asked again.

"Always," she happily responded.

~God, I feel sad for her now, maybe I can do something later,~ Hector thought about what was to come for Steve.

"Then you may seal the deal with a kiss on lips." he closed the bible.


General Phillips clicked the photo masterfully. As expected from a top spy. In the frame, however, there was Hector behind them, grinning, and Moony, standing beside Hector, happily looked at the couple.

"Phillips, set the camera on a timer and come here, you need to be in the picture," he called the man too.

And soon, a picture that would be remembered in years to come was clicked. History had changed already, might as well enjoy the changes, that was all Hector thought. He was happy for Steve and Peggy, for however long it may last.

"Okay, go and do what lovers do in your bunkers now. I gotta get a report for my commander," Phillips left quickly.

Hector too decided to leave, "Kids, don't over exhaust yourselves tonight, you've got an important mission tomorrow,"

Peggy grunted after he left, "Ugh... old people, they always know how to embarrass the young ones,"


"We will be heading in to deal with Schmidt, hopefully, it will be the end of it. He wants to drop bombs on America, so I hope you keep things prepared there and send some fighters to blow the plane in mid-air if we fail," Phillips informed him about the plan.

The plot of Schmidt didn't change much. This was probably because Schmidt was never really totally connected with the Nazis, he was just using Hitler.

"I wish you luck, Phillips. I will await your return. SSR will probably have to be renamed and become even bigger. There are threats much bigger out there than Nazis, I will need you to deal with them," he praised the old man. Despite being at this age, he was not afraid of picking a weapon. Great quality as a leader.


After this meeting, he had to get on a plane to enter the East Coast. The pressure on him was increasing every day with more and more people coming out against him. They demanded his impeachment or some other harsh step, all because they thought he committed a scam by swindling American money.

Right at that moment, they were trying to rally the public behind in their opinion. Hector had let this matter reach this level because it made clear to him who was a friend and who was a foe. Who to get rid of later and who to keep.

And it was finally time to end this whole nonsense. He had too many things to do, such as helping the hungry orphans in Japan. The kids who were saved from Nagasaki were also alone in a very exploitive world. There was also India, which had suffered from the biggest famine recently and was still recovering. There was China, left ravaged by the Japanese army. Germany, Poland, Austria and many more nations with their Jewish, Gypsie, Foreign nationals, asocials were left skin thin after suffering from the camps. They needed a lot of care to get back to good health.

They could not just be fed food as that would kill them, they needed extra care. On top of that, there was the task of bringing the criminals to justice. He was going to meddle in trials this time and more people will get the death punishment, as in his books, among all men, these deserved to die. Anyone that had even an ounce of affiliation with the SS was an automatic death sentence.

Not just that, Hector had asked a few men to start compiling a book, which he named "Book Of Blood Records", it will have testimonies of the soldiers, the resistance, the unfortunate ones, last words of men, all kinds of emotional things. This book will be the proof for tomorrow, about how bad the world can be sometimes.


Right the day he landed, he was greeted and cheered by the people of New York. They gathered around his car and saluted him, throwing flowers on his motorcade while he stood up, looking and waving at them from the sunroof, a new concept he suggested.

They chanted some victory songs, the national anthem and much more. But by far his name was a common theme. However, the nation was in shock when Hector agreed to appear in front of the Congressional hearing the very next day.

When he arrived at the hearing to take a seat, a photograph was clicked, which showed the side shot of the entire room, with Hector sitting in a chair in front of a few Senators sitting in high positions. This photo was immediately sent to the news companies for making an edited version of it.

The edited photo showed an image that was divided into two. The right side had Hector's photo from this hearing, while the left side had a side photo of the hall where Nuremberg trials were being held. The headline of the article was going to be, "One side Punishes the Evil, the Other Punishes the Good. Politics falls to its all-time low."

But of course, these articles would come out the next day. For now, Hector had to make sure he shames the political world to the point that nobody will think of speaking against him or making scandalous baseless remarks.

He showed clear proof first of all, "Yes, I have taken out 23 million dollars from the treasury and used them, I signed them during my presidency. I have also sold every single piece of my old ancestral land that I had so many feelings attached to. The only piece of property left for me is my house at Mount Vernon."

He made the saddest and most emotional face he could make before continuing, "I am quite literally, absolutely broke. All because I wanted to save as many lives as possible, and I was able to do it, no matter how many sacrifices it took me."

"Where did you send the money, Mr President," a Senator asked.

Sighing, he replied, making sure to look and sound sad for the recording and live audio telecast, "For this, we will have to go back to somewhere in the middle of 1941, before we officially joined the war. I personally went on a secret mission during that time, it had two parts, one was to save the scientist that brought us Captain America, and another mission which was to save countless people.

"All alone, I went deep inside Poland during that time, just to meet one man. A member of the Nazi Party, an industrialist. His name was Oskar Schindler,"


[Book Of Blood Records(Not real)]

Herman, a former Luftwaffe fighter pilot - We realised the war was over when the Americans started sending their planes up unpainted. Because this meant they were producing planes faster than they could paint.

Sgt. Matthew Paul, US Army - At first, I hated this war, bringing our asses across the ocean to fight some crazy man, for people we don't know. When I saw the stenching camps, it all made sense.

Albert Martin, French Resistance - My wife was raped and murdered, my hiding son died after they set the house on fire. I knew then, there was no god, my solace was my gun from then.

Jona, a german soldier on D-Day - I saw the medical kit of a dead American soldier, there were chocolates and cigarettes, I realised the war was over right there. These were luxuries that only our officers could have.

Ela Gertner, an actress, Auschwitz survivor - My father converted us to Roman catholic in the hope to survive. They still considered us Jews and sent us to the camp. On the day I was to be gassed, Mr Washington came and punished the guards. I hugged him the moment I saw him, I felt warm and knew I was saved. We were saved.

Charanjit Singh, New Indian Army - We were starving anyway, so when we heard they needed new soldiers, my father and the rest of the family volunteered for 3 months of training, for food and freedom. I just had five brothers and a father, only I returned home. Now, I am free and have food, but no family,

Bingwen Zao, Chinese Village Resistance, - They treated us worse than animals. What did we do to them to deserve this? Fighting was the only option they had left.

Kiyoshi Haishi, Imperial Japanese Navy soldier, - I saw them behead a hundred men and women in a competition, I knew it was wrong, against the Japanese spirit. But I was a small soldier, if I had voiced, I'd be the one facing that sword.

Lt. Paul Owens, 101st Airborne Division(Killed In Action) - I have come to do my service to the nation as an American. If you get this letter, Jane, then I failed to do my service as a husband and the father of our child. Please use GI Insurance to start a new life and take care of our son. Love, Paul.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Kul*

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