Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 63: Guardian Angel Plot

Chapter 63: Guardian Angel Plot

You can read 70 chapters in advance on /misterimmortal.


4 years ago, in 1941, Poland.

Hector had gone deep into German territory after saving Erskine and had taken the uniform of a German officer. He infiltrated the city of Krakow, it was swarming with German soldiers, swastika flags were everywhere, Jewish men were made to sweep the streets, factories were constantly spewing fumes out of the chimnies.

He was stopped multiple times but thanks to his fluent german he was able to get away, along with his various skills it became easier, but his height was his biggest disadvantage. It was like a spotlight constantly putting himself under attention.

Still, he was able to do what he came for. With the help of a Jewish worker, he passed on a letter to Oskar Schindler. A German industrialist and a member of the Nazi Party. He was initially a cold-hearted man but slowly his heart changed as he saw the treatment the Jews and various other social groups were getting just for the sake of existing.

So, he started saving them from being sent to camps by employing them in his enamelware and ammunition factories in occupied Poland and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. He was a smart-looking tall man, exactly what Hitler wanted Aryans to be, so he used his status as a party member, a rich industrialist to make good relations with high ranking army officials.

Getting the status of the essential industry was a major help for his factories, and since Jews didn't get any pay and it decreased the price of the product, he was able to employ them. However, he could not keep on adding more, his funds and influence were limited. At most, he could employ a few thousand.

One day, in his office in the factory, he received a letter. It was written in English, a language not all knew, he did though, "Meet me outside the city under the west bridge at 3 AM."

Initially, he didn't want to go, but curiosity got the better of him. No German would have written a letter in English, that was his reasoning. When he finally arrived, he was taken aback at first due to the uniform of an SS General, but then he saw the face.

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"W-what... how? Is this a joke?" he muttered.

Hector chuckled, "Hah, you are seeing the real deal, boy. I am Hector King Washington. Now, I want to talk to you about expanding your saving operations."

They talked for an hour, detailing the plan to expand Oskar's industries from just Poland to the entire Nazi-occupied and influenced region, where there were concentration camps, his factories would be set up. "Don't worry about the money, I will use the American national fund and also my personal funds. And about getting you acquainted with a more powerful man, I have someone in mind. If everything goes well, you will soon have the most beloved German General helping you.

"Son, good luck, you are doing god's work. Once the war is over, you are invited to come and live in the US."

After this meeting, when the US entered the war and was fighting in Africa, Hector met a man secretly, a German five-star equivalent General, the most decorated officer of Germany, Erwin Rommel, popularly known as the Desert Fox.

But after his defeat and injury in Africa, he was recalled to Germany. He would later be accused of being the leader of the military's resistance against Hitler, also known as the 20 July plot. Hitler won't die but Rommel will be forced to commit suicide. Hector changed his mind by using his demon power by scaring him to death. His existence as a demon worked wonders on atheists as they quickly realise that God is real, hell is real and they know what they did would take them to hell.

So, instead of participating in the 20 July Plot, he participated in Hector's Guardian Angel Plot. He remained in Germany as an esteemed General and worked on administration duty. His main job was to help Oskar set up his factories around Europe, get him the Jews as workers from camps, and also make sure no German officer bullied Oskar.

This way, by the end of the war, with the secret plan, Hector saved 4 million people. It was a staggering number, no matter which side saw it. Oskar ended up being termed as the biggest industrialist in Nazi Germany and was arrested by American Allied troops. Erwin Rommel was also arrested. Both were facing Nuremberg trials, but Hector had provided due evidence already.


Present Time, US Congressional Hearing.

Hector revealed all this information to the senators with documented proof, even many photographs and testimonies of saved prisoners were in it. The faces of all the proud, smug senators were worth seeing. They felt like shit for dragging Hector here, that after he had just returned from war and finally had some time to rest.

The hearing was done live, people on the radio heard it, those lucky few who had televisions saw it on the live telecast as well. Every single politician in the nation felt like burying their heads in the sand like an ostrich, especially those who were aggressive about demonising Hector.

He ended his remarks, "Folks, I did what I did to save lives. I would have even sold my house if I had to if I could save a few more people, but thankfully I got Hitler by then. To me, human life is worth more than the value of money. But I do apologise to the nation for secretly transferring the money, I stopped after transferring 23 million as the money belonged to the common people of this nation.

"I know, my dear fellow countrymen would have come out and given their own money to help people if I asked them. But I needed to keep this whole operation a secret because many spies were roaming not just around us but even in our government offices."

He embarrassed every single person who doubted him. The hearing came to an end and the matter was deemed over. But how could he allow all his political opponents to get a free pass? They will soon be hounded by the people and journalists for what they said and did against him. They will have to publicly apologise to him, some might even see their career-ending.

But he had no worry about that anymore, as he was in office, sitting in the chair of the President, he had honestly spent more time outside his nation than inside the White House during his work as President.

"Hah, I knew it, I knew you were going to drop the bomb on their heads instead." Roosevelt rolled into his office room, laughing happily, why wouldn't he. Hector won the war. What could be more rewarding for him than this, as he had given up his position for this same reason.

Logan, as always, was chilling on the couch by the wall and Moony was sleeping on the rug. Roosevelt gave him belly rubs.

"It was a long tedious war, my friend. The horrors I saw, you can't even imagine. But at least we have photographs. I am going to make multiple copies of them and showcase them around the world in museums, the world must never forget what the Nazis and the Japanese Empire did." Hector seriously planned.

The ex-president nodded, "True, I saw the films and photos. I felt my skin crawl at those. Humans are capable of doing such inhumane things, it's a shame on our species. But thankfully, we got you now. You have not only won us the war but also a big win in Asia, Japan is now under us, while free India is a full military ally of us. We have bases in South East Asia as well as East Asia due to you. Our presence is global."

Hector nodded, it was all true. "Roosy, I got a job for you. The Brits are too busy redeveloping their nation. They have given me the task of dividing India into India and Pakistan. As you already know about my *cough* abilities to predict things, I have written down all the major conflicts that the region may face if the Brits divided it. I need you to go there and conduct a long survey of how the division should be done, then draw me a border. By the end of the year, I will finalise it." He ordered him.

Roosevelt grunted, "You should do it yourself."

"I will, I only need you to make a plan for me, a real solid plan after thinking hard. I will make edits and finalise it. But remember, you are not going there as a big white man with power, you are also a diplomat, one who represents me. So show good comradeship to them. They love me for bringing freedom, I want to keep that love and respect continued. Logan will accompany you as the protection detail," he instructed and turned to Logan.

"Are you good with touring India? There will be no upcoming war anyway," he asked, facing Logan.

Logan nodded with a grunt, "Sure, I can see the land of ancients. But Moon-"

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE! No, Moony stays here, he's my son. No matter how much you like the fluffy boy, he won't come with you," Hector was fully protective of him.

"Fine, but when the work is near completion, send him for a month's tour, I'm sure he wants to see Asia," Logan applied a different strategy.

Moony himself would have said no to staying away from his dad for a year, but a month of adventure? That was acceptable, "Woof!" he agreed.

Hector eyed Logan with angry eyes, ~Boy, you're playing a dangerous game,~

~I like danger,~ Logan stared back. It was a war of silent words.

*Cough* "I will prepare for my departure," Roosevelt interrupted.

"Good, I have a few more documents, give them to the prime minister, it's about the region's development plan in accordance with my future policies and... *BAM*" Hector was also interrupted, the Secretary Of Defence barged in.

The man's face seemed pale, "Mr President, Mr Roosevelt, it's bad news. Captain America, he's... he's missing in action over the arctic, he was trying to stop the Hydra plane with nuke-like bombs."

*Sigh* "What about Agent Carter and Phillips?" Hector asked further.

The man looked sadder, "Agent Carter was fine, but... General Phillips, was shot by Schmidt at the last moment while he tried to help Captain America jump into the plane. General's car fell down the cliff at the end of the hidden mountain runway."

Steve's news was expected, he knew the man was alive, but this one broke his heart. Phillips was a good man, old, but good, ~The butterfly has moved once again. I ended the war much earlier, too many changes occurred.~

"Prepare for a grand funeral, they deserve a proper rest. They saved America from total destruction, I won't let their names be shrouded in secrecy," he strictly ordered. This time, he won't be keeping Hydra's existence a secret either. The world should know what was the real threat behind the scenes of this war.

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Kul*

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