May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 211

211 Chapter 211 : Moving forward

Estel was smiling from ear to ear as she watched her brother walk towards Aiden and her with Melissa in hand.

“It’s about time Gareth,” Aiden spoke with a grin on his face. “You wanted to keep my little sister all to yourself?”

“You will be my brother in law soon Aiden but I can still punch you in the face,” Gareth responded with a chuckle. “Besides, I don’t remember you asking for my sister’s hand, but here you are looking like you want to pump her with another baby.”

Gareth and Aiden exchange quick hugs before turning to each other’s women. Gareth was a bit taken aback when he saw how closely Estel resembled the queen and Finwe, so this was his older sister.

“Estel, mother will be pleased to see you,” Gareth spoke.

“I’m sure, her and father must have gone mad trying to find me.”

Gareth sighed and looked away, so Aiden had not told her about the elven king’s demise had he?

“What’s the matter? Did something happen while I was gone?” Estel searched Gareth’s eyes and saw a hint of sadness, she didn’t need to ask to know that something definitely had happened. “Oh gods, was it father? Is he no longer with us?”

Gareth looked at Estel in shock, “how did you know?”


“Earlier you said mother would be happy to see me,” Estel responded, “you didnt say anything about our father. It was easy to put two and two together.” The elven Princess looked around before turning back to her brother. “Where is Finwe?”

“He’s organizing our horses and carriages since we plan on going back to Gavaria tomorrow. Melissa needs to rest.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Estel couldn’t help but smile, “is it fate that we all fell in love with nosferatu of the same blood?” She looked up at her brother, even though she now knew that her father was gone, she found comfort in Gareth, she saw a lot of her father in him. “I hear she’s with child, you couldn’t wait till you married her dear brother? Is she that enchanting?” The taunt in Estel’s voice was very evident and it made Gareth chuckle.

“And I hear you have a ninety year old son with a man you aren’t married to,” Gareth fired back. “Is his touch that intoxicating dear sister?”

Estel laughed, Gareth was indeed her father’s child.

A few inches from where Gareth and Estel were talking, Melissa and her brother Aiden were having a conversation of their own.

“Goodness, you look just like our mother..”

Melissa eyed her brother and looked at him from head to toe, “and so do you, except you have father’s demeanor.”

Aiden walked towards his sister and embraced her in a hug. Even though when he initially sought his sister out it was for the purpose of needing her help, a part of him wanted to meet her still. He had been alone for so long so reuniting with her was for his own sanity as well, this was his little sister after all.

“Seeing you now makes me want to break Gareth’s nose with my fist,” Aiden mumbled before releasing the beautiful redhead. “How dare he get you pregnant.”

Melissa chuckled, was his protective brotherly side starting to take over? He was a little late to the party though, she already had Bahram for that. Speaking of her brothers, she wondered where they were in this moment, she owed them a debt of gratitude, all she knew about their whereabouts was that the twins had passed through Gavaria to send word to Gareth about her wellbeing, other than that she had no idea.

“I would really love to catch up,” Aiden spoke, “you should pass through my tent before you leave for Gavaria and see your nephew, he’s a bit of a cabbage at the moment but he can still hear you when you speak to him.”

Melissa smiled and nodded, “I would love that.”

“Well you better go to Gareth now, I can sense his desire to come steal you away from here. He is very fond of you, I’m glad.”

“What will happen now that you’ve found Estel? Are you going to the snowlands with her?”

“The snowlands are mother and father’s home,” Aiden responded, “I can only go there when father steps down as Kaiser, Estel and I have a home in Ervelon, we will go there.”

“Alright...” the memories Melissa had of Ervelon were not very pleasing so she don’t really like the place. Melissa wondered how the queen would react when she would find out about the pregnancy.

“I’m assuming Ervelon isn’t your ideal home, did you meet our dear sweet mother in law?”

Melissa nodded and scoffed, “I did, and I’m not sure I’m ready to meet her again. I will stay in Gavaria with Gareth, he is the king there after all.”

A gentle hand took Melissa’s, there he was, it was like Gareth couldn’t stand being away from her for too long, but she couldn’t blame him though, they had been apart for long and had been through so much hell to reach where they were now.

“May i steal your beautiful sister for a bit,” Gareth muttered.

“Took you long enough,” Aiden chuckled and walked away.

Melissa turned to the elf, “you look a bit serious, is anything the matter.”

“I have a meeting with Elric’s brother in a few minutes, do you want to join me? You seemed concerned about the lycan before.”

Melissa pursed her lips, she hoped that Gareth didn’t take offense to her concern. “I’m only worried for his wellbeing as a friend, he was there for me for a long time so it’s only natural.”

A smile tugged Gareth’s lips, “do you think I’m jealous.” He inched closer to Melissa and pulled her into his embrace.

She looked away and blushed, “I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

“Well you’re right, I am as jealous as ever and I cringe every time I hear his name escape your lips..”

Melissa felt her stomach knot up, she felt incredibly guilty about making Gareth go through this.

Gareth tilted her head up and smiled, “but it doesn’t change the fact that I love you, nothing ever will, and now that you are carrying my child, I love you even more. My jealousy could never overshadow the feelings I have for you. So with that aside, do you want to join me for the meeting?”

“what is it about? Is it solely about Elric?”

“We wish to forge a new peace treaty between our two nations,” Gareth explained, “we want to foster peace and equality, I want my child to grow up in a world without turmoil.”

“Sounds pretty important,” Melissa responded. She was so proud of Gareth, being king definitely suited him, he would be a great ruler indeed. “But I’m a bit tired, and I promised to go and see Damien before we leave, I think will sit this one out.”

Gareth nodded and placed a kiss on Melissa’s temple, “then I’ll see you at the tent.”


Zander stood beside Gareth as Clovis rolled out a parchment on the small table in his tent. He stepped aside and gave the elven king the chance to read through it and make sure everything was up to his standard.

“Do you find everything satisfactory?” Clovis asked. “I even took the liberty of including the nullification of Melissa’s marriage to Elric so you can go ahead and be with her. No one will come in between your union and no one will wage war on Gavaria ever again, at least no one from Meria.”

Gareth nodded to Zander who walked towards the parchment and inspected it, Gareth had appointed the elf as his right hand, just like his father before him. His sharp wits and political knowledge would be most beneficial to Gareth and the Gavarian empire.

“I think everything is up to standard your majesty,” Zander responded to give the elven king a go ahead on signing the treaty.

Gareth grabbed the quill and placed it on the parchment but paused.

“Is there something wrong?” Clovis asked having noticed his hesitation.

“I have a request,” he moved his hooded brown eyes to Clovis’s. His face made him a little upset, he looked so like Elric.

“And what may that be?”

“If you hear from your king..” Gareth scribbled his signature on the parchment and stood up straight. “Please do inform me, Melissa is worried about him and I’d like to put her mind at ease.”

Clovis nodded, no wonder Elric was so obsessed with the nosferatu Princess, she had a caring heart and a gentle spirit, one could easily mistake that for romantic feelings. “I’ll be sure to send word.”

“We leave for Gavaria tomorrow, I sincerely wish you all the best in your search.”

“Thank you, safe travels and pass my regards to Princess Melissa,” Clovis spoke with a respectful nod. “I’ll be looking forward to driving this continent forward with you.”

“As will I, do send word when you arrive in meria,” Gareth and Zander both bowed and turned around, “we will take our leave now.”

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