May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 212

212 Chapter 212 : Heart eyes

After sealing the treaty with his signature as well, he put it away and decided to leave his tent for a bit for some fresh air, he had had a lot going on and felt like he would explode if he didn’t take a moment to breathe.

Since Elric was now missing and it had been almost a week now, Clovis had to take over the affairs of the army. And since Elric had already publicly declared that Clovis should take over if anything ever happened to him, everyone already looked up to him as king. Had Elric perhaps anticipated this happening? No, that was ridiculous. The silver haired prince pushed the thought out of his mind and stepped out into the cold morning air.

Clovis suddenly came to a halt when a blade touched his throat. He gulped, if he had moved even a few inches further he was going to be on a very tricky situation.

“You are Clovis?” A rogh voice rumbled from below.

“Who wants to know?” Clovis responded.

A chuckle escaped the man’s lips, “I don’t thing you have the luxury to be smug lycan.”

“And I don’t think you know who you’re dealing with dwarve..”

The blade on Clovis’ neck didn’t move but the man moved into the light for the lycan prince to see. He was a short man with long rough looking dark hair that was slightly braided, emerald green eyes and a few tattoos here and there.

Dvalin gave the lycan a threatening look, “your brother has something that belongs, but since he had decided to in the forest, I’ve come for you?”

Clovis arched his eyebrow, “Elric has something that belongs to you? Well that doesn’t sound like my problem-” the silver haired prince didn’t even end his statement, the dwarve had already pinned him to the ground and had his hands pinned behind my back.


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“What in the-” Clovis tried to move but the short man was incredibly strong. Who the hell was this dwarve? “Let me go this instant!”

Dvalin sat on Clovis’ back and pulled his head up by his hair, when he put his blade on his neck the prince immediately stopped squirming and gulped.

“What do you want?” Clovis mumbled through clenched teeth. He could tell from the man’s sheer strength and speed that he was a warrior, but what in the world did Elric take from him that was making him so aggressive?!

“My daughter, where the hell are you bastards keeping her?”

“Your daughter?! I don’t know anything about your daughter!”

“Don’t try to act smart with me boy, where the hell is my princess?! Where is Darla?!”

The blade sipped slightly into the flesh of Clovis’ neck making him hiss. “I don’t know anyone named Darla you maniac! All this will be in vain!”

“I know you do! You were holding her prisoner so you could gain the support of the dwarvish army!”

The silver haired prince’s eyes widened at the mention of the dwarvish army. Elric had mentioned something about gaining their support, but the means he was going to use has nothing to do with anyone named Darla, he was actually going to use... oh gods.. was this Julia’s father?!

“I’m going to give you to the count of three to disclose my daughter’s whereabouts or I’ll be mounting your head on my wall!” Dvalin roared.

Clovis didn’t know how he didn’t see it before, even though he was rogh looking and Julia was as soft and beautiful as a flower, there was no mistaking those emerald eyes, this was definitely Juliana father.

“And if you’ve done anything to harm her, I will make sure your entire pathetic kingdom crumbles.” The dwarve kind tightened his hold on Clovis’ hair. “One!... Two!”


The dwarve king inched closer to Clovis’ face, his beard brushing his skin lightly. Even though it was roughly kept it didn’t smell bad, must be one of the perks of royalty. “Well lycan? What will it be?”

“I would never harm your daughter, she’s completely safe!” Clovis yelled in an attempt to calm the angers man. Good gods, Clovis couldn’t believe he had just had a spat with his future father in law on the first meeting, this would definitely come back to haunt him.

“And why should I trust you?”

“Because I love her!” Clovis blurted out making Dvalin freeze. “I love Julia.. umm Darla, I would never harm her. So please put down your weapon and we can talk man to man, her wellbeing is both our priority, we’re on the same side.”

There were no sounds or movements that came from Dvalin, was he shocked about what Clovis had just said or did he just not believe him? Before Clovis could call out to Dvalin, the dwarve pulled away the blade from his throat and used its sheath to knock Clovis up yhe head rendering him unconscious.


Jeffrey was sitting on a stool not too far from the Gavarian side of camp watching some of Gateth’s men who were taking and drinking. He scoffed when his eyes landed on Roland who was poring himself some ale from a barrel and scoffing it down.

Look at the elf, Jeffrey thought himself, sitting there and probably thinking he was on top of the world because he had saved his life one time, Jeffrey hoped that Roland didn’t feel think he owed him anything because of that.

He watched the man down his alcohol and laugh with his friends. “Tch.. he is such a nuisance.”

“Who, Roland?”

Jeffrey almost jumped from his seat hearing a stranger speak to him, the audacity of this man. Ivan pulled a log and settled down next to Jeffrey, he had a cup of ale in hand and from the groggy look on his face Jeffrey could tell the man was as drunk as a fish.

“How dare you? Aren’t you on the wrong side of camp elf?”

Ivan took a large sip of his ale and shook his head. “Didn’t you hear? A peace treaty has been signed between the Merian and the Gavarian kingdoms, there’s no your side or our side anymore..” the drunken elf put his arm over Jeffrey’s shoulder and grinned widely, “we are all brothers now.”

Jeffrey pushed Ivan away and stood up, “hands off elf I wish not to mingle with any one of you!”

“Oh really?...” Ivan got to his feet and wobbly walked closer to Jeffrey. “Then why are you giving Roland heart eyes?”

Jeffrey felt his entire face burn up, he took several steps away from Ivan and muttered some incoherent sounds before words were able to come out of his mouth. “I’m not giving anyone heart eyes you bafoon! If anything all I feel for that blue eyed bastard is gratitude.”

Ivan laughed before moving closer to Jeffrey, “I have traveled with Roland for years and I never even realized he had blue eyes, and yet you meet him once and the image of them is seeded into your mind.” Ivan pat Jeffrey on the back and walked towards his drinking friends, “why don’t I give you a little push!”

Jeffrey felt his heart quicken, what did that elf mean by ‘giving him a push?’ What was he about to do?! The moment when Ivan walked to Roland and whispered something in his ear, Jeffrey felt like all his worst nightmares were coming true, what in the world was that bloody elf thinking?!

When Roland nodded and stood up, Jeffrey contemplated turning around and bolting back to his tent. This was insane, why was he feeling this way over this man?! Was this normal? It felt normal.. as the elf inched closer Jeffrey’s flight response melted away and he froze in place.

Roland stood next to Jeffrey and smiled down at him, the elf was huge, towering over Jeffrey by at least a foot. “Hello there, Jeffrey was it?”


Melissa walked into her brother’s tent and found him sitting beside Damien’s furs. “May I join you?”

Aiden looked up and smiled at his younger sister, “please do..”

The blue eyed woman walked to Aiden’s side and sat down. She trailed her eyes to the man sleeping in the furs and was astonished at how much he resembled his father.

“I feel terrible that I missed out on so much of his life, I would have loved to see him as a child, play with him and teach him how to hunt and fish.” Aiden reached for his son’s forehead and pushed away a loc of hair from it.

“What matters is that you’re here now,” Melissa responded comfortingly, “you know what they say, there in no time like the present.”

Aiden nodded and gave his sister a grateful smile.

“How long do think he’ll be this way?” Melissa asked. She remembered that Aiden had mentioned his son had most of his injuries healed, but they were still waiting for him to gain consciousness.

“I’m not sure, could be days, maybe weeks..”

Melissa felt her heart ache, she wished she could do something to help by she knew nothing about healing magic. She reached for Damien’s hand and stroked it gently, “you will be alright..”

Melissa yelped when Damien’s hand grabbed her wrist and shot his eyes open.

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