May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 218

218 Chapter 218 : Your own vows

Melissa tilted her head up when the door opened, she was about to yell at Ronda to go away but stopped when she saw queen Tauriel walk in with Estel in tow.

The elven princess rushed excitedly to Melissa’s side and held her hands while admiring her, “you must be the only woman in the world who would make a baby bump look so beautiful in her wedding dress.”

Melissa smiled sheepishly, “Thank you Estel.. you look absolutely gorgeous yourself. I hope when my brother counts his blessings he counts you twice.”

Estel smiled but suddenly changed her expression to that of concern, “you are troubled..”

Melissa was shocked at how Estel was so good at reading people, her entire stay in Ervelon, Estel was always the first to know if something was troubling her. “It’s nothing..”

“Now now..” the queen walked to Melissa’s side, “elves are very sensitive to one’s aura, we can’t have you walk down the isle like this, Gareth will have our heads. Now what’s bothering you child? Do you not like the dress?”

“Oh no the dress is beautiful!” Melissa sighed and looked to the floor while nervously playing with her fingers. She didn’t know if bringing up Ronda on such an important day was a good idea, but if elves really were sensitive to emotions, she stood at a risk of worrying a lot of guests if she didn’t get it off her chest. “It’s Ronda.. she’s here.”

“What? Who let her within the palace grounds?!” Tauriel responded angrily, “gaurds!”

“No wait!”


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Tauriel and Estel turned to the beautiful redhead with a questioning look on both their faces.

“The wedding is starting, we can’t afford to cause a commotion now,” Melissa adjusted her dress and stepped forward, “I’m not going to let her ruin my day, this is supposed to be the best day of my life, and I intend to keep it just that.”

Estel smiled at the nosferatu princess, her brother was right when he mentioned that Melissa could be feisty when need be, they had absolutely nothing to worry about.

“Well then,” Estel spoke as she took Melissa’s hand, “shall we?”


Melissa and Estel stepped out of the palace onto the paved path leading to the main wedding venue, the path was covered in flower petals and hundreds of pixies and fairies that were zipping around the two brides excitedly as they walked down the path.

On either side of the pathway stood elven children who were hurling golden dust into the air littering the two women with shiny little sparkles. As the tables of guest came into view, Melissa felt her heart begin to pound against her chest, this was it, she was finally going to marry Gareth and they could finally begin their life together like they had always planned. It seemed too good to be true and the redhead couldn’t help but feel like something was bound to go wrong.

Melissa turned to Estel with a start when she felt her squeeze her hand.

“It’s alright, everything is going to be just perfect.”

Melissa nodded and gave Estel a thankful smile before turning forward in anticipation of seeing him, the man she loved, the father to her child, her very handsome future husband Gareth. When he was in few view and their eyes met, Melissa felt all her worries just melt away. The only thing that was on her mind was how lucky she was to have a man like him.

Gareth had been teasing Damien, who was his father’s right hand, about how he had never seen him dressed formally when Zander lightly elbowed him and pointed down the path to where Melissa and Estel were approaching.

When the elven king caught sight of Melissa, he forgot how his lungs functioned and run out of breath. Her hair, her dress, every inch of her very being looked incredibly spell binding. Gareth took a step forward but Zander grabbed him by the collar and pulled him back.

“She will come to you your majesty,” Zander scolded the dark haired elf, “pace yourself.”

Gareth wasn’t the only one lost in the beauty of the woman who was walking in front of him, Aiden too had forgotten all the words he had ever learnt when he caught sight of Estel. She looked as beautiful as ever, just like the first time he had seen her back at that river all those years ago. If the gods had favorites, Estel was definitely one of them.

The two brides walked gracefully hand in hand towards the two men who were both wide eyed as if it was the first time they had ever seen a woman before, earning oohs and aahs from the guests in attendance who were also in awe of their beauty.

On one table, Ivan received a smack upside the head from his wife Elena who had caught him practically ogling at the two women.

The two brides halted at the foot of the steps of the podium where Gareth and Aiden, with their right hands, stood. The two women also had not failed to notice how incredibly handsome and elegant the grooms looked.

Gareth turned anxiously to Zander who nodded in approval, “you may take her hand now..”

The blonde elf had barely completed his sentence and both Gareth and Aiden were already at the foot of the stairs holding their hands out to the women.

Melissa placed her hand gently in Gareth’s and smiled sweetly at him.

“You look breathtaking my love..” he pulled her up to the podium and walked her to stand by his side, gods he couldn’t wait till he was given the go ahead to kiss his bride.

The two couples stood side by side in front of queen Tauriel and Kaiser Stefan. As per elven tradition, the king or queen of the land was the one to bless the marriage, and since there were couples of different races wedding, the Kaiser was to bless the marraiges together with the elven queen.

the queen clapped her hands together and pixies flew towards Zander and Damien dropping two rings into Gareth’s hand, and two marriage bracelets into Damien’s hand.

Estel gasped when she saw the bracelet her son was holding, it was the same one Aiden had given her when he first proposed, she thought it was lost forever.

Melissa was also in shock when she saw the rings in Zander’s hand, wasn’t that the same ring Gareth had proposed with the night when Elric had attacked Ervelon?

“Today is a blessed day for all of Ervelon,” queen Tauriel began to speak, “it is a rare occurrence that we get to witness a royal wedding such as this one, but it is an even rarer occurrence to witnesses a marriage between four royals from two different races. Not only do these marriages show us that love truly knows no bounds...” the elven queen glanced at the table were Marceline and Daena were sitting and smiling at her. “It also represents the union between all races, no matter who you may be. Be it lycan..”

Clovis brought Darla’s hand to his lips and kissed it gently.

“Be it elf..” Tauriel continued.

Zander glanced at Vivian who was sitting a few feet away from him and winked at her making her giggle and blush.

“Be it human..”

Theodora cuddled up next to Renly who put his hand lovingly over her shoulders.

“Or dwarve..” the queen continued, “we are all one people and we are all here today because these two lovely couples in front of us did not let race get in the way of happiness.” When Tauriel concluded her speech she turned to Kaiser Stefan and nodded at him before taking a step back.

Kaiser Stefan walked forward and cleared his throat, but immediately his eyes landed on Marceline who was beaming at him his serious demeanor melted away into a blush.

“Err queen Tauriel has said most of what needs to be said,” the Kaiser mumbled and cleared his throat again. “I suppose we should go right into the vows. I am told you all have prepared your own vows?”

Gareth and Aiden gave the two women confused glances before looking at each other nervously.

“We were not told about any vows..” Aiden whispered to Estel who chuckled in response.

“Don’t worry,” Estel responded, “you can just wing it.”

“Finwe didn’t give you the memo?” Melissa whispered to a very confused very anxious Gareth.

“No he didn’t..” the elven king glanced at his brother in the crowed who was smiling menacingly at him. All Gareth could do was scoff in amusement, “that bastard.”

Melissa giggled and tightened her hold on Gareth’s hand, “don’t worry, just speak from the heart. I know that’s what I’m doing.”

Gareth felt his stomach knot up at her words, gods, whatever he had done to deserve this woman in his life, he would do it a hundred times over if it meant getting to be with her a hundred more times in a hundred different lifetimes.

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