May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 219

219 Chapter 219 : Bride of two

The two couples turned to face each other, hands interlocked and heartstrings intertwined, the vows were the most important part of any elven wedding. They represented a promise that could not be severed, especially if that promise was blessed by the pixies.

The two brides drew in a deep breath and recited their vows interchangeably, as if reciting a beautiful poem.



“Our love has never been easy.”

“We’ve had to go through heartache and pain to get to the point we are at now.”

“But you you know what I they say, nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.”

“But in truth, regardless of all the trails and tribulations we’ve been through.”

“I am glad I had you by my side.”


“So Aiden..”


“Reap with me the fruits of our love..”

“Today and forever.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Elena arched her brow at her husband who was sitting next to him, “Ivan are you crying?”

“No!” Ivan blurted out before blowing his nose into his handkerchief. “I’m just allergic to all these bloody flowers.”

Elena giggled and wrapped her hands around Ivan’s arms and looked back at the podium where the grooms were about to give their vows.

Gareth cleared his throat while Aiden pursed his lips nervously.

“To he honest there is no way we can top vows like that..” Aiden chuckled.

“Ours will be substandard at most if we even try to recite something like that,” Gareth added on.

“But we will however tell you that without you in our lives, darkness and gloom are all that linger..”

“And with you, light and ecstasy fill our hearts..”

The two men pulled the two women closer.

“Kitty..” Aiden muttered

“Mel..” Gareth mumbled

“If there is ever a lifetime where my existence is without you...”

“Then I wish not to exist in a lifetime like that.”

Kaiser Stefan smiled and turned to the two right hands who gave each of them a band or a ring. As Gareth and Melissa exchanged rings, and Estel and Aiden exchanged bands, hundreds of pixies zipped around the two couples in a frantically excited flurry dropping gold dust and flowers around the couples. Never had this many pixies come out to bless a union before and it left all the elves in utter astonishment.

The two couples did not even give the Kaiser the chance to say ‘you may kiss your bride,’ and embraced each other lovingly and kissed passionately. A flurry of flowers and golden particles filled the entire venue and the guests all rose to their feet and applauded the newly weds, it had been a very beautiful ceremony and they were all very beautiful couples.

Later on, the couples went around socializing with the guests, thanking them for coming and enjoying the festivities, even Damien who was extremely introverted seemed to be genuinely enjoying himself.

Melissa was turning to leave after welcoming her human mother and father when she bumped into Roland.

“Princess..” the big blue eyed man bowed slightly and smiled at her. “Congratulations, for both the marriage and the baby.”

“Thank you Roland, I’m so happy to see you here,” Melissa responded with a grateful smile, “where have you been? I heard that you didn’t return to Ervelon.”

“Oh yes about that,” Roland chattered nervously before being interrupted by a familiar face.

“I got you wine because I cannot stand the smell of ale,” Jeffrey spoke before pausing and glancing at Melissa who was looking at the two men inquisitively.

“You two know each other?” Melissa asked.



Melissa moved her eyes between the two men and a slow smile crept up her face. “Ah, I see what’s going on here..”

“Nothing is going on!” Jeffrey denied in firm hushed tones.

Melissa rose her eyebrows and grinned, “oh really? Then you should do a better job at hiding that bite mark Roland.”

Roland’s hand flew to his neck while his face flashed all shades of red.

“You know I always had a hunch about both of you,” Melissa pointed out as she pranced passed the two men, “I’m happy for you, I hope you both enjoy the wedding.”

Melissa was not surprised that Roland and Jeffrey had ended up together, even though they were total opposites of each other, Melissa suspected that none of the men were genuinely attracted to women.

She had seen Roland around women before, he was always so awkward and uncomfortable, he actually seemed more open with men even if he claimed that he didn’t like men making advances at him, actually, he seemed to enjoy the attention.

And when it came to Jeffrey it was pretty easy to figure out, the man practically despised any woman who as much as showed any interest in him. It was clear that both of them were interested in men, guess they just needed to find each other.

The nosferatu princess saw her husband a few meters away taking to her brothers, William, Bahram and the twins, and smiled to herself. She couldn’t believe that was now her husband, she felt giddy just saying the word ‘husband’.

She made her way towards the men when a face in the crowd caught her eye making her freeze in her tracks, it was alpha Edron.

Melissa felt her heart leap to her throat when the man’s golden eyes borrowed into hers, she took a step back when the man walked towards her, that aura, it was so familiar, just like Eric’s.

Gareth caught sight of the alpha walking towards Melissa and knitted his eyebrows in worry, “please excuse me..” he spoke to the Morrell brothers without turning to look at them. He swiftly moved past the crowd and appeared by Melissa’s side, securing her hand in his and forcing a smile on his face. “Alpha Edron..”

The silver haired man halted and tuned to the man beside Melissa.

“Pleasure to have you here,” Gareth continued, “we didn’t think you would make it when you did not respond to our invitation-”

“I wasn’t going to show up,” the man responded with a flat expression that made Gareth tighten his hold on Melissa’s hand.

The man turned back to Melissa and gave a smile that sent chills down her spine. “My sincere congratulations to you Melissa, married to two very powerful men in one lifetime.”

Gareth frowned at the man and tucked Melissa behind him, “that is not necessary alpha, I understand your concern over the disappearance of your son but-”

“Do you?...” Edron walked towards the elven king and glared at him. “Do you really? Because from where I am standing it looks like you’ve all but forgotten that the two of you are responsible for my son’s disappearance, you actually look like you’re having a pretty swell time without him here!”

The tone of voice the alpha used made a few guest turn to their direction. Layla, the silver pack’s Luna rushed to Edron’s side and took his hand in hers.

“Sweetie..” Layla chuckled nervously, “you’re causing a scene, looks like you’ve had too much ale again.” She waved to the staring guest and flashed her perfect smile apologetically, “I’m sorry everyone, my husband can’t handle his alcohol sometimes.”

Gareth forced a smile and nodded at Edron’s Luna, “no worries, please do enjoy the festivities.”

When the woman dragged Edron away, Gareth tuned to Melissa and sighed. The expression on her face told it all, her day had been ruined. “Why don’t we go inside and rest for a bit?”

Melissa nodded and followed her husband out the venue, down the paved path into the marble palace to Gareth’s quarters. When Gareth closed the door, Melissa immediately ran into his arms and cuddled up against him. She clenched his shirt and released a heavy sigh.

“I don’t think I can go out there again Gareth,” Melissa whispered to the man.

Gareth stroked his wife’s hair gently, “it’s alright, I’ll tell everyone you need to rest. You don’t have to go back.” The elf cursed as he continued creasing down Melissa’s silky hair, damn that Elric, even when he was miles away he could still ruin such a happy day.

The elf carried his bride to the bed and lay her down, “rest here, I will get you something to eat and have Maria tend to you.”

“No please let Maria enjoy the day, a plate of food alone will be just fine..”

Gareth leaned forward and kissed Melissa’s forehead before standing up. “Don’t let that man’s words get to you my love, none of this was your fault.”

Melissa nodded and gave her husband a small smile so as not to worry him, but immediately he left the room she covered her fact with her pillow and groaned. Why did things have to turn out this way? Why the hell had she agreed to marry Elric in the first place, and why hadn’t she told him about the baby?! If maybe she had done things a bit different there wouldn’t be all this animosity lingering around. This was all her fault, she hadn’t considered the consequences of her actions and now she was living them. And on her wedding day!

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