May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 86

86 Chapter 86 : Vivian and Maria

“We have not come from Meria, your father sent us here. He sent us to bring you home.” The woman bowed lightly and looked up at Ella, “we are your escorts to Wintershold, Princess Melissa of the nosferatu.”

“My father?” Ella was confused, “John Morrell?”

“No my lady.. err your highness,” Maria corrected herself as she inched closer to the blue eyed woman. “Your father the Kaiser. King of the nosferatu, Kaiser Stefan.”

Ella flicked her long lashes and studied the two women, she had so many questions in her mind . How did Maria know her father? Did she know that she was a nosferatu all this time? Who was the woman with her? And why hadn’t she mentioned any of this to her before.

“Your highness it is imperative that you return with us to Wintershold, matters of national importance await you,” the woman inched closer towards Ella and instantly a shadow lashed at her hand making her wince in pain.

“Don’t come any closer!” Ella growled, “I still don’t trust you and I’m not going anywhere with you until I know all the facts!”

Vivian rubbed the cut on her palm and in a few seconds the wound healed completely, making Ella step back in shock.

“It’s alright princess Melissa,” Vivian coaxed her, “I’m not hurt, see.” She held her palm up to show Ella. She then retracted her hand and smiled at the redhead, “you’re quite the feisty one little cousin.”

Before Ella could speak, Zander, Roland and Ozias showed up from behind the women. Zander had his bow and arrow pointed at them, Roland his twin daggers and Ozias his spiked club.


“Are you okay princess?!” Roland asked Ella, his narrow eyes never leaving the two nosferatu women.

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“We don’t take kindly to unwanted guests,” Ozias growled, “especially in the middle of the night.”

“Who are you?!” Zander commanded the two women, “what are two nosferatu doing this far north?! Who sent you?!”

Vivian turned towards the men and put her arms up in front of her, “we mean no harm, we’re here for princess Melissa.”

Zander’s breath hitched when his eyes fell on the nosferatu woman. She had long wavy jet black hair, sapphire blue eyes, deep red crossbow lips and a body to die for.

“We come in peace..” Vivian added on

“And why should we trust you?!”

Zander lowered his weapon and held up his arm at his friends, “hey it’s alright, let’s hear her out.”

Ozias and Roland looked at Zander in shock. Was this really Zander?! The uptight, by the book, ‘never listens to anyone’ Zander was asking them to hear a nosferatu out?!

Vivian put her hands down and inched closer to the men, her hips swaying slowly with every step she took. Zander gulped, his eyes trailing from the woman’s gorgeous face down to her slender shoulders, and beautiful body. The fact that she was in a skintight slack and leather top didn’t help the situation either.

“I’m Vivian, daughter of the governor of the snowlands and also princess Melissa’s first cousin.”

“Hi Vivian..” Zander muttered.

The men who were standing beside Zander turned to look at him dumbfounded, what in the world was going on right now? The blond elf didn’t sound like himself at all.

“Umm hi..” Vivian replied awkwardly, “anyway as I was saying, we’re here to retrieve the princess, these are orders from the Kaiser. We wish not to cause any fracas between us.”

“Like hell we’ll allow you to just take Ella away,” Roland spoke, his dagger still pointed at the dark haired woman. “Where were you when she was in need of saving from the lycan Nathaniel huh? Ella will stay right here with prince Adam.”

“I’m afraid that’s not possible,” Maria responded, “her highness has an obligation to the kingdom, she can’t just go on a joy ride with a bunch of elves.”

“Say that one more time vampire!” Ozias dared the woman, his club dangerously close to her face.

“Vampire?!” Maria’s fangs elongated at the big man’s words.

“Wow.. wow.. hold on! Calm down all of you!” Zander yelled, “look it’s late and we’re all tired and cold. So why don’t we all go back to the camp and talk from there. If indeed you’re here for Ella and we’re convinced she will be better off with you then well and good. But if we suspect her involvement with you will endanger her, she stays with us.”

Ella stepped forward and stood in between the group. “No one will decide wether I go or stay but me!” She spoke firmly, “I’m not a child you can just toss around!” She turned to Vivian and sized her up, “if I sense that there’s something off about you, both of you, I’ll make sure you return to whoever sent you in body bags.”

Vivian’s lips tugged up into a smile, ten minutes of knowing Ella and she already loved her little cousin. She was the exact embodiment of her mother queen Marceline, ridiculously beautiful yet overwhelmingly strong.

“Of course princess,” Vivian nodded, “lead the way.”


Adam shifted around in the fur and opened his eyes slowly. The tent was still dark but from the slight increase in temperature and the sounds of the birds outside, the eleven prince could tell that morning was approaching.

A faint smile crossed his face when a thought of Ella crossed his mind. This was one of his favorite moments, watching her sleeping soundly till she flattered her beautiful blue eyes open. He had always imagined what it would be like to wake up next to her each morning, and now he was living it. He felt like the luckiest man in the world.

The dark haired prince slowly turned around, making sure his movements wouldn’t wake his sleeping beauty, but when his eyes fell on Ella’s side of the bed it was empty and had long gone cold.

“Ella?” The prince sat up and pulled the furs but still could not see her, his eyes scanned the tent but he couldn’t see his beautiful woman anywhere. “Ella!”

Adam scampered to his feet, rashly wore his boots and bolted out of the tent. He was moving in circles scanning the environment around him for her. “Ella!” Adam was on the brink of losing his mind. Had she wandered off into the forest? Was she lost? “El-”

The prince abruptly turned around when a gentle hand landed on his shoulder. When he saw the beautiful red head’s blue eyes looking up at him he heaved a sigh of relief. He wrapped his arms tightly around her and stroked her hair gently. “Gods Ella you scared the hell out of me,” the man spoke in heavy breaths. He kissed the top of her head and embraced her tightly.

Ella rubbed Adam’s back gently, “I’m okay Adam..”

The man pulled away and held her arms tightly, his eyes narrowed and his face turned serious. “Where did you go? Why were you up so early?!”

“I’m sorry Adam, I was awoken by some unexpected visitors,” the blue eyed woman responded.

“Were we attacked by goblins again?!”

“No.. it wasn’t goblins.”

Adam coked his head to the side when he heard footsteps approaching him. There were two women walking towards them with his men following closely behind. His eyes narrowed when he noticed the women’s fanged teeth and pale skin. The elven prince tucked Ella behind him protectively and dark markings appeared on his forehead.

“What do you want here?” Adam spoke in a chilling tone. He stood in front Ella like a human shield and glared at the two women.

“Calm down lover boy we’re not here to steal her from you,” Vivian taunted the prince. “We’re from the snowlands, we’ve come to retrieve our princess.”

“Your grace this is Vivian, she’s lady Ella’s cousin,” Zander explained excitedly. He then turned towards Maria and his enthusiasm plummeted significantly, “and this is Maria.”

“Retrieve your princess?” Adam repeated, he was still tucking Ella away but the markings on his forehead had faded. “What do you mean by that? You want to take her away?”

“Your grace she needs to be with her people and you with yours,” Roland added on, “she’ll be safe with them-”

“No!” Adam pulled Ella into his arms and glared at the two women. “I won’t let you take her away from me, not after I went through hell trying to get her back. I won’t let you!”

Maria looked at the elf and sighed in amusement, after all these years this elf was still madly in love with her wasn’t he? This would not do, there was no time for romance right now they needed to get the princess home. “Why are you so possessive of someone else’s wife prince Gareth of the elves?” Maria questioned Adam, “don’t you realize what you’re doing amounts to treason? Legally her highness is a married woman you have no claim over her.”

Adam’s eyes circled and his chest heaved up and down as anger flowed through his veins. “What did you just say?”

“I’m sayin you can’t dictate what happens to her elf! The princess is not your wife.”

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