May Death Do Us Part

Chapter 87

87 Chapter 87 : Let’s run away

“I’m sayin you can’t dictate what happens to her elf! The princess is not your wife.”

Adam’s eyes flared purple and the dark Aztec like markings printed visibly on his forehead. The two nosferatu women were shocked when a wall seemingly made of solid air pushed them away from the elven prince and Ella.

“I won’t allow anyone to take Ella away from me,” Adam spoke coldly, his vivid purple eyes drilling holes into Vivian and Maria. “You’re not welcome here, you should leave.”

“Be realistic Adam!” Maria screamed at the man while pounding her fist into the invisible wall of air, “How long do you think her husband is going to keep away? You have no army, you have no men! You can’t keep her from him and neither can you keep her away from her people!”

Maria suddenly stepped back and grabbed her neck with one arm and started chocking. “What’s going on-”

“Maria!” Vivian rushed to her friend and inspect her. It was like the air within her lungs was leaving her forcibly and she was suffocating, how was this happening? The dark haired woman looked up at Adam who was glaring daggers at the chocking woman, was Adam doing this? Of course, he was a high elf, a prince who could control the elements at will even the very air in someone’s lungs.

“Stop this madness at once!” Vivian called out to Adam, “you’re going to kill her!”

“I won’t,” Adam responded, his fists clenched and his jaw tightened in anger, “I just want to teach her a lesson about what happens when you speak out of turn to royalty.”

Zander inched closer to Adam and placed his palms on the wall of air the elven prince had created and looked at him with concerned eyes. “My prince please, she didn’t mean to speak out of turn, this is unlike you prince Adam please stop!”


Adam didn’t intend to kill Maria, he wasn’t a murderer. She had poked at his temper and finally gotten the results she wanted, he was pissed off. His relationship with Ella was something Adam didn’t take lightly, and it was frustrating that no one could see that but him. This little gesture would show them all that he was not going to allow anyone to separate him from the woman he loved ever again. Not without any repercussions.

A soft gentle hand wrapped itself around the prince’s wrist, when Adam turned he saw Ella looking up at him. The look in her eyes made Adam break his magic immediately, she looked at him like she was scared and somewhat disappointed in his actions.

“This isn’t you,” Ella whispered to handsome elf, “this is not your way of doing things.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The wall of air shattered and Adam lowered his head. Ella was right and so was Zander. This wasn’t him, he never EVER resorted to violence or intimidation, good gods he was turning onto Nathaniel, it was shameful. The blue eyed woman pulled the prince into a comforting hug and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around her waist and burry his head in the crook of her neck.

She stroked his hair gently until she felt the tension in his muscles slowly fade away. Ella looked at Maria who was still coughing hysterically and mouth an ‘I’m sorry’ to her of which she returned with a cold stare towards Adam.

“Excuse us for a moment,” Ella spoke to the group, “me and Adam need to have a little discussion.”

At the mention of those words Adam’s head shot up and he looked at Ella with concerned eyes, she took his hand in hers and gently led him to the tent. Adam’s tension returned, every time a woman said something like ‘we need to have a little discussion’ it was most likely not a good thing.

When they were inside the tent Ella let go of his hand and looked up at him with pursed lips. Adam’s heart was pounding hard against his chest, “I’m not letting them take you away Ella,” the prince spoke rashly. The look on her face was worrying him, she looked like she was actually considered going with them.

“Adam I need to go with them..”

The man rushed towards Ella and grabbed her by the shoulders, he had shock, sadnesses and hurt painted all over his perfectly curved smooth face.

“No Ella,” he spoke, his voice was a lot less firm than before, this time he was pleading with her. Ready to bargain with everything he had just so she wouldn’t leave him.

“I have a duty to my people Adam and so do you,” Ella responded, “wasn’t the plan to get me to the snowlands anyway?”

“Well yeah eventually..” Adam drunk in the woman’s intricate features and sighed, “I just thought I had more time with you.”

Ella pursed her lips and looked away from the man’s pouting face that she knew would break her consistency and make her change her mind. “Ella,” Adam spoke softly while gently rubbing her arms. Arms he wanted wrapped around him every day. “Ella I don’t want you to go. I fought nightmares, sleepless nights and hundreds of bottles of foul sleeping potions my whole life because you weren’t by my side. I was always so alone and empty, always feeling that something was missing when you weren’t with me. Ella if you leave me there’s a possibility I won’t make it.”

Ella lightly punched Adam’s chest, “don’t talk like that!”

“I’m serious,” Adam added on, “I just want you and I to be together forever, no interruptions, no pain , no loss and no death. Just us in a cottage somewhere in the countryside by a lake, three maybe four kids running around and one on the way. We were supposed to have a family, you and me, don’t you remember that.”

Ella’s eyes got misty. That was exactly how she used to picture life with Adam, that was once her life long dream and honestly it still was. “I do remember,” she responded.

“Don’t you want that? A family, you and me growing old together?”

Ella took a deep breath and and wiped her eyes, “I do want that Adam, more than anything. But we have a duty to our kingdoms.”

“I don’t care about our bloody kingdoms,” Adam spoke with a sigh, “I care about you. And if it wasn’t for that bastard Nathaniel and him lying about you being pregnant I would have taken you back in Gavaria.”

Ella’s head jerked back, she furrowed her brows and slightly coked her head to the side, “he told you I was what?”

“He said you were pregnant,” Adam repeated himself, “and that you were his wife. Do you know how broken I was when I thought I had completely lost you to that silver haired maniac Ella? I was losing my mind!”

Ella balled up her fists in anger as the memories of that day in Gavarian flooded back to her. She couldn’t believe Nathan took the time to hire a fake to stand in as Adam to fool her. At first she wasn’t as bothered with his lies but now that she had time to digest them she was becoming more and more furious. She had married a selfish meticulous lair.

Her blue eyes looked up at Adam who was looking down at her lovingly, “but even though you thought I was married and carrying another man’s child you came for me. Why?”

Adam cupped Ella’s cheeks in the palms of his hands and kissed her lips affectionately, “because I’m a fool for you Ella,” he whispered to her, “a hopelessly in love fool.”

Ella blushed, “and I love you too Adam..”

“Then lets run away.”

The woman’s eyes circeld, she tilted her head up to Adam and waited for him to say he was kidding but it never came, his face was as serious as the plague.

“Run away?..” Ella had to confirm if this man had truly said what her ears had heard.

“Yes, let’s leave. Just you and me.” Adam stroked Ella’s cheeks with his thumbs and searched her face for an answer.

“But where will we go?”

“Anywhere,” Adam responded almost immediately, “as long as it’s far from all these people who keep trying to pull us apart. Come with me Ella, please.”

Ella nibbled the inside of her lip nervously. Run away? That was insane, there was a war brewing between their people and the humans and they had to play their part in it. But then again, none of them asked to be part of this whole thing to begin with, they had just found themselves being used as pawns of dispute without consent. So would it be so wrong if they chose to pursue their own happiness and abandon these so called duties to their people?

Ella looked up at Adam, his sexy hooded brown eyes were staring down at her expectantly. Ella had no doubt that she loved this man, with all her heart and soul, and she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. It’s like everyone was against their relationship one way or another and it didn’t seem fair. Finally she had a chance to be with the man she loved again, was she really ready to blow that chance a second time?

The redhead put her hands on his waist and looked at him with much determination in her eyes, “let’s do it... let’s run away together.”

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