Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 121 - Flying Spell

"Can we both what???" Del was not sure how he reacted to that question. He couldn't fly. Even with a helicopter, he wouldn't be able to fly since he didn't have the ability to pilot one. A fighter jet was definitely out of the question. Unless…

"Ah, so you can't fly. That's rather surprising. How did you survive that kind of operation in imperial terittory?" For Walter, the ability to fly was very critical in a covert operation. When Del said that he couldn't fly, it made him wonder how the kids could survive. Or was the report that Salve group gave to him was forged?

"Well, I think it was just skills and luck if you ask me," Del answered. 

"Skills and luck? I see. Well, if that was the case, we can't count on it too many times, right?" Believing in luck wouldn't end well for the most part. They needed to learn to fly. "Listen, if you don't mind, can we train today?"

Del was hesitant about that. They had cleaned the cabin, furnished the storage room, and gone through a very long car ride. It might be a good idea to sleep, but Del doubted that Walter would agree with that idea. It was still daylight outside, although it was cool as hell. If not for the storage room's insulation or the fireplace heat that radiated into the storage room, that room would be freezing. 

Even with thick clothing, Del still felt like he was putting his whole body into a freezer. Maybe a heater would be necessary for that room. Anna was making a mug of hot coffee for both Walter and him. 

"So, Del, you and Anna are going to learn to fly right now. Let's get outside, I'll teach you. It's fairly easy, but the skill has some steep learning curve." Walter walked out of the storage room with Anna following him from behind. Del just shrugged after knowing that the type of training sparked some interest in his sister. Well, if that was the case, he must follow the training too. 

Del got outside, and the gushed of cold wind combined with some snowflakes made him want to come inside again. Anna was waiting in front of the cabin alongside Walter. Walter was explaining the mechanism of a flying spell to Anna. Del immediately listened. 

"Essentially, flying spell is a force manipulation spell. The first part is to make sure that you can float above the ground and adjusting your direction while the latter is more for moving your body forward or backward. To put it more simple, one is for generating lift and maneuvering while the latter is to adjust your speed," Walter explained. "For example…" Walter lifted from the ground. He just floated above the snowy ground. 

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Del was astonished. "How???" It was not the first time he saw a flying person, but still, looking at it clearly with his own eyes was rather interesting. 

"I embedded the flying spell into my head. Basically, the command that you always say with your mouth, I do it with my thoughts. It's very effective to be honest, now, watch this!" Walter lifted from the ground rapidly like a helicopter. Then, he accelerated away from the cabin with fast velocity. 

He immediately went away from the cabin. After that, he dived down in their direction. He then felt a gush of wind passing by them. How the hell did he move that fast? Was it because of this spell? It just looked as if a fast-moving object going past them. It was just like a jet aircraft flew past them. 

After that, he landed right in front of them. "Now that's how you use a flying spell. Can you do that trick that I just show you though?" 

Del dropped his jaw. Could he do that? Heck, lifting himself up from the ground was something hard. Hoping him to do a maneuver was insane. However, he would need to try it. But before he tried it, he should copy the spell first into his grimoire. Del asked for Walter's grimoire, and he gave it to him. 

Del copied that spell, but in English. He wrote it down on his tablet for convenience purposes. He only used his grimoire for formal reasons. Other than that, he'd instead write every single thing on his tablet than on his grimoire. It had a theoretically unlimited battery, durability that would put a Nokia to shame, and extra reliability that shouldn't be possible on an electric device. 

He copied all of the spells down, and he put his tablet back into its place. The spell sequence was simple. The phrase "Levitatum" would lift him up from the ground and initiate the flight. To stop the flight, Del just needed to say "Fallium". Del tried it up by saying "Levitatum" without any voice. He immediately floated in the air without any apparent reason. 

There was no air thrusting from his body. No force pushed him upward. It just felt as if he was kept at a distance from the ground. He tried to change his posture by trying to crouch midair. It worked. How was that even possible?

"Ok, Del, first and foremost, try to maintain your stance while in flight mode. If you do that incorrectly, it would be disastrous." Walter made Del stand up straightly. The purpose was to make him get used to the stance if he flew. "If you are creating too much drag, you will reduce your speed and potentially, kill yourself by accidentally changing direction."

"Ok, ok, I get your point." Del chanted "Fallium", and he dropped to the ground. 

In the beginning, that was not even hard. In fact, it was easier than expected. He didn't have to balance himself too much when he levitated above the ground. However, it seemed that the spell also locked him in his place. He couldn't move, even when he moved his feet. It might be because of the lack of thrust. 

"That should be it for now, I only want to introduce you anyway. I don't think it's a good idea to train you when you're dead tired. Perhaps, it's best for you two to get back to the cabin and enjoy something warm, what do you two say?" Walter asked. 

"Sure, I'd love something warm. The weather is killing me," Anna shivered due to the cold weather. Snow had begun falling down. The temperature would get colder sooner or later. 

They walked back to the cabin. The cabin was warmer, maybe because of the burning fire in the fireplace. Well, it was definitely not something that Del didn't like. He sat down on the couch and put his AK-74M on the side after releasing its magazine and clearing its chamber from any leftover 5.45 bullets. 

The living room of the cabin was relatively comfortable. There was a radio on the cabin. Del turned the radio on so he could listen to music while enjoying the warmth of the cabin. Walter was smoking in the cabin. Anna might join with him sooner or later, but Del doubted that Walter would let either Anna smoke or Del drink. 

Anna was in the kitchen, preparing something to drink for both of them. It could be coffee or hot chocolate, but it would certainly be 

"Hey, Walter, do you have any child or something?" Del asked. 

"No, I don't even have a wife, why do you ask?" Walter asked back. 

"Do you have any girlfriend?" Del asked. 

"Yeah, she died. Why are you asking this question?" Walter asked. 

"Nah, I'm just wanting some small talks."

"Oh, I see. Well, is there something that I don't know about you. Let's just put it this way, I give you a secret, and you'll give me your secret. Is that cool with you?" Walter asked. 

"Ok, I'm cool with that. Ok, should I tell you my secret?"

"Yeah, but a serious one please. I'm not interested about your snoring, your secret hobby, yada yada yada. So, what do you want to trade with me?"

"Let's see. My father and my mother died, but the two separate accidents in which they were involved with were suspicious. That's all, I think?" 

"Suspicious how?" Walter wanted to know further. 

"I don't think I will go that far, I just feel that they were murdered. Nevertheless, I think you're right. We need more time together so we can get closer," Del said. 

"Yeah, I agree with that. Look, no offense, but for me, I'm still a babysitter for you two. Maybe, time will tell in the future. However, Del, don't get me wrong, I see you as an equal," Walter said. 

The conversation closed abruptly once Anna returned to the living room with three mugs on a tray that she carried in her hands. It was filled with hot chocolates and coffee. The steam from the cups filled their living room with warmth.. Del picked up the coffee and Walter too. 

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