Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 122 - Lumbart Academy

Lumbart Academy. It really reminded Del of his old school. If life turned out normal, he might still study at the same institution instead of killing people left and right. Well, at least, now, he had one extra assignment besides killing people left and right. The different assignments would be reading books left and right like he used to be doing when he was still on Earth. 

From the admin office, he could see several people of his age were studying or training their combat ability in the courtyard of that academy. For the record, there was almost no snow in the yard of that academy. It was because the academy had an integrated heating magical program that would heat up the entire academy. 

It was rather convenient, but the only downside was the amount of energy that the spell required. The only reason why there was an academy in the middle of a snowy region was because of the magical vein that stretched below Sneggor that supplied the academy with a massive amount of magical energy. 

He and Anna were waiting in the administration office while Hubert was at the headmaster office to negotiate. It was a major implication that the dealing between the Salve Group and Lumbart Academy was actually off the record. Still, if Walter could pull it off, it didn't matter too much for him. 

Several students that walked past the admin office were looking at him and Anna. Mainly because they were humans who were very rare in Ilbistirum. Hell, as far as Del knew, there was no human in Ilbistirum. Those who looked like humans were vampires. They do have the same appearance as humans, after all. 

Anna was standing out in particular. The appearance of the bandages covering her entire body caught the attention of most of the students. There was also a stain of blood that she got from training this morning. She fell down when she tried to fly, and the wound had been healed. However, Del hadn't replaced the bandage that covered her face. 

Walter peeked out of the headmaster's office, and he told Del and Anna to enter the office. Del and Anna stood out from the chairs, and they walked into the headmaster's office. Walter was sitting down right in front of the headmaster's table. 

The headmaster herself was an old woman, probably in her 20s or 30s. She was wearing formal attire. She was filling the paper that Walter gave to both Del and Anna. Maybe it was one of the entrance requirements. Nevertheless, if someone as privileged as a headmaster signed it, their entrance was mostly legal. 

"So you both are from the same family? Nice to meet you, call me Principal Greenwood. It's a pleasure to meet a hero for our country." Greenwood praised them for some unknown reason. Yeah, Del knew that he still had some reputation, but was it really relevant that it got mentioned even in an academic setting like that. 

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"The pleasure is mine, ma'am," Del replied. 

"Anyway, I have assessed your file. It might be average, but your track record was too good to be refused. You'll begin attending this school tomorrow, is that clear enough?" Greenwood smiled. Her smile was warm, very warm. It didn't radiate any malicious intent at all. It was just a smile coming from a warm heart of a teacher. 

"I understand." Del nodded. That was rather sooner than expected. He expected that he would start attending school the day after tomorrow. Still, since he would begin to participate from tomorrow, it might be a good idea to take a quick tour around the school. 

First, he could waste so much time just to find his classroom if he took a tour tomorrow. Second, he might be able to meet some of his classmates. Third, he wanted to familiarize himself with the available curriculum that Lumbart academy offered. All in all, he wanted to have a plan. It was not a plan for a combat operation, but it still needed to be taken seriously. 

"Oh, and Anna, about the bandages, you are permitted to go to the infirmary at any time to change it. After all, you have some sort of skin conditions, right?" Greenwood asked for confirmation. Anna just nodded up and down, which meant that she understood. "By the way, your uniforms and other utensils would be delivered later to your home."

"Much appreciated, ma'am."

"Do you two want to take a walk around the academy first? Walter still needed to finish your administration." 

"Sure, if that's the case, we'll see you later, Walter." Del stood up from the chair and walked outside of the headmaster's office, followed by Anna from behind. They walked out of the admin room into the hallway. 

The hallway was still empty, mainly because the students were still in the middle of their lessons. He sometimes took a glance at the classroom from the hallway. The way of teaching wasn't that different from his old school. 

The students would be sitting down in their chairs while taking notes. The teachers will teach them about the material that they need to remember and master. Sometimes, a student would be called to the front of the class to demonstrate a magical spell that the teacher had taught. It looked fun. 

They continued walking around the hallway. On their way, they met two people along the way. One was a teacher, and the other was a female student. This female student was carrying books, a lot of them. Those books were probably as tall as herself in a stack. Del really feared that it would fall. If those books fell, it would be more than a hassle to pick all of those books. 

Del approached the female student. "Excuse me, do you need any help?" 

The female student looked at him in confusion. "Excuse me, but who are you?" They might look similar, but Del didn't wear any uniform and Anna's appearance was certainly not helping. Del understood her action, though. She wouldn't trust any stranger, much less a stranger accompanied by someone stained with blood. 

"Oh, my name is Del Moore, I'm a transfer student." 

"Ah, so you're that guy. I see, I see, then this girl must be your sister, correct?" The female student asked. 

Wait, wait, wait, there had been rumours about them? Even before they entered the academy? Why did the students want to put their ears on something that was still rather unconfirmed? Did someone actually tell those students the tale about the contractor that wiped out a company of tanks all by himself?

"Yes, this is my sister, her name is Anna Moore." Del observed the hands of the girl that had begun to shake greatly. "Are you sure that you don't need any hands with those books?" It might fall any time soon. 

"Sure, sure, just pick six to ten books if you can."

Del picked up ten books from that stack, and he began walking alongside the female student. With the books out of the way, he could get more glimpse of her facial features. Two triangular horns were protruding among the long silky black hairs that she had. She was beautiful, according to Del's standard. 

"What's your name?" 

"My name? Just call me Aveline. I'm the class representative from 12-C." the girl replied. 

"Ah, nice to meet you Aveline. So I can say that you're our leader?" Del asked. 

"More or less. We are equals anyway, don't need to look at me as if I hold a higher position that you two. There are eighteen students in our classroom, twenty including you two. Twelve are females, while the eight are males."

Del nodded. She knew the rumour because she was the class representative. The teachers must have told her earlier in comparison with the other students. They walked to the classroom. Aveline opened the door to the classroom, and she entered the classroom. 

Del wondered whether he should enter or not since he was not officially a student yet. However, Aveline forced him to enter since he was carrying the books. Although he was hesitating at first, he entered the classroom. He put the books on one of the tables, and he took a closer look at the students inside of that classroom. 

The students were looking just like ordinary students. However, the exception was a thick book on their tables which was their grimoire. That was not the thing that caught most of his attention, though. The thing that caught most of his attention was the presence of rifles on the side of their table. 

The weapons besides their tables ranged from SMG to a shotgun. Why would a regular school need that kind of thing? Wait, thinking about it again, it made sense.. The students were also trained in combat. Why wouldn't the students be equipped with guns in the first place if combat was one of the curricula of that school?

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