Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 151 - Belgram Island AFB

Chapter 151 – Belgram Island AFB

Del stood in awe in the middle of the tarmac. It really looked like he was standing in the middle of an airfield. There were several empty hangars scattered around the place alongside something that looked similar to an air traffic control channel. 

"What is this place? Where the hell is this?" Del asked as he looked around his surrounding. "Is this the US? Or is this the RF?" 

"Belgram Island AFB. Well, that's the name that we got for this airbase," Heren said. 

"Belgram Island Air Force Base, huh? Who owns it? Ilbistirum Federation as a whole or just the intelligence agencies?" Del asked. 

"What if I say that this is private property? This island is located 1,000 miles off the southern coast of Ilbistirum Federation. This is not the territory of the Ilbistirum Federation. Let's just say, this is owned by joint forces, how's that for an explanation?" Heren asked. 

"Ah, I see. If that's the case, then how's this base is going to serve us any purpose when it's located very far away from Ilbistirum?" Del asked. 

"This is a joint base so secretive that only select people have visited this place. There are only thirty people stationed in this large base. Most of the maintenance here is automated by the tech from its former user," Heren said. 

"It looks like you need military hardware. This base is pretty empty, what are you proposing?" Del asked Heren. 

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The base was truly empty. The hangars were empty, or was it because it was closed? But it seemed empty. The tarmac didn't have any trace of any aircraft. The runway was empty and the only aircraft that was available was only wreckage covered with a tarp. 

The base was pretty quiet as well. The only people that could be spotted were Anna and the others who were walking towards the main base building. And, one more thing, there were three people smoking on top of one of the buildings. The base was awkwardly quiet. 

"Let's see. First of all, we need to figure your transport method in Ilbistirum. As far as I'm concerned, I don't think a car would be a sensible option," Heren said. 

"What's the sensible option then?"

"Helicopter, a UH-60 Blackhawk to be precise, but Lara suggested that we use Mil-24. I digress though, I prefer something versatile like Blackhawk, if we need the armaments, we can attach it to that helicopter."

"Oh, ok, how about the fuel? You know that this island is located very far away from the mainland. What's the solution? A fueling station?"

"We can use an extra attachment so the aircraft can use mana engine. That way, we can increase the range of the aircraft up to thirty times. Amazing, right?"

Amazing was an understatement. It was insane. It meant that even a basic fighter jet without any drop tank would be able to cover a very long distance. For example, a basic F-15 would be able to travel up to 150,000 miles with its full tank and all, and it would also increase the duration of its afterburner. Sometimes, Del had to wonder what kind of engineering this world had. It was just nuts, or insane, whatever it was. 

"How is that even possible?" Del asked. 

"This site's technology and engineering. It's just possible. Best of all, it was the tech that we salvage from the common parts and blueprints scattered around this top site. Now, just imagine how much potential the ground below us hold to us?" Heren commented. 

Del only could imagine. He didn't know the geography of this world as a whole. He only knew the basic geography of that world. He only knew that Ilbistirum and Elbanian were separated by an ocean stretching as long as 9,000 miles away. 

Now, there was a big island located 1,000 miles away from Ilbistirum and every single aircraft that was modified would have its optimal range multiplied by thirty times. It was massive, it meant every single aircraft, even a transport helicopter, would have the same range as a commercial jet. It was just insanity. 

"Alright, I think I get your point. You'll provide us with the helicopter that would also act as an ersatz gunship, right?" Del asked. 

"Ah, I'm happy that we see eyes to eyes on things. Del, do you have any idea how big is Ilbistirum? If you know, you'd also think that traveling using a car wouldn't be very sensible," Heren commented.

"How big?"

"Well, it stretches 15,000 miles from east to west and 2,000 miles from north to south."

"Holy moly, that's very big. Wait, why does the frontline is so close to the port? Are the military that idiotic, or am I not understanding something?" Del asked Heren. 

"Well, Del, if you ask me, the town which you were visiting was located on the northern region which means you're literally on the border region. Sneggor is located on the border region although the very high mountain would deter any Imperial from invading using that area."

"Oh, I see, please, go on."

"Basically, we have most of the south and east while the imperial has most of the north and west. It's complicated, but you'll be going through many places once you work with us. We are fighting a long war, after all."

"I only can imagine the logistical nightmare."

"Nightmare is an understatement, it's a calamity to be honest. Achieving all of this in under a century is a massive feat for all of us, to be honest," Heren commented. 

"I see."

"Enough of the nonsense, since you have known what we need. You might as well start purchasing the hardware that we need. I will just make it short. Two F-15Es and three UH-60s are the necessaries. We'll provide the funds for you."

"Alright, where is it though? I brought my tablet, but where's the fund?" Del asked. 

Heren led Del into the main building inside of that airbase. The building was empty of people. Both of them walked into an elevator. Heren put his hand on the elevator button. It read her fingerprint alongside with opening the elevator door. 

They stepped into the elevator and Heren pick a floor, the 3rd floor. "Del, don't go beyond the 3rd floor, 4th floor, and below are still under the control of the automata. It's dangerous to venture there alone."

Del nodded in understanding as the elevator door closed. The elevator went downstairs into the 3rd floor and the elevator rang once it arrived. The elevator door opened and it revealed a floor with many hallways. 

Heren walked into one of the rooms and she opened it with a key card. The door to the room opened and Del didn't believe what he saw in that room. There were a bunch of Husnael bars. Yes, bars, not plates. They were not the small bars that would fit inside of his pocket, these were bars. inside of that room, probably millions of dollars were in there. Heck, those bars might be a hundred times worth more than Husnael plates. 

The floor alone was filled with those bars. Hell, how did she get all of these bars? Just, how? This was simply too many Husnael plates on 

"Cassandra told us that you needed money to use your tool, so we provide as much as we could provide to you at the moment," Heren commented as she presented the large sum of money inside of that room. 

Husnael bars were stacked so high inside of that room that it might be possible that the entire room was filled with Husnael bars. Del asked Heren, "What's the catch of getting all of these funds, Heren?" Del asked. 

"Simple, share your tablet with us, and our funds are yours."

"It's a deal then."

Del scanned all of the Husnael bars inside of that room using his tablet and he was more than shocked to see the amount of money that he got in dollars. It was a lot, like really a lot. It was the amount of money that he would never imagine to be handling in his entire life. 

Heck, the amount of money inside might be more than enough to cover his entire military budget. There was just so much money inside of that room that the zeroes on his display didn't make any sense for him at the moment. 

[Total Balance: 500,000,000,000$]


"Surprised yet?" Heren just smiled smugly. 

"How did you get all of this stuff?" Del asked. 

"Secret," Heren smiled. 

"Heren, with this, we can buy literally everything on my tablet."

"If that's the case, good. Oh yeah, Del, if you can, can you give us a copy of your tablet's program. I think I'd need that too. We can grow our forces together while you focus on what you need to do."

"Sure, I'll give you a copy later. Right now, I have to think first about what we should do. Can you give me a space?"


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