Modern Weapon Summoning System

Chapter 152 - Updated Later

Chapter 152 – Updated Later

Del searched the outpost for anything important. He searched for the tents and found nothing. He searched the bodies of the soldier and found nothing of importance. Instead of something important, he found something that was ridiculous. Let's just say, he found a male contraceptive tool.

Del commented as he searched the body of the soldier, "Where do they find a woman around here?" The abundant number of the "thing" found inside of the body of the soldier was staggering. One person could carry up to six of those "things" at the very least. 

"Well…" Anna was hesitant to comment about it. 

"Anyway." Del walked towards the table where the radio was. "I think this map should be important, and these files too." The table was filled with multiple documents filled with military markings alongside with a map with many symbols. Some of them are X's, most were lines on the entire road system. It must be the route of the military convoy. 

"Well, it looks like they want to initiate a full-blown invasion sooner or later, but what does these circles on this map do?" The center of those circles were the center of the town in the federal side. It must have shown the radius of a weaponry, but why did the circles were so big? A regular artillery wouldn't have that kind of radius as if one shell would be able to destroy the entire town.

Anna peeked on the circle, "A secret weaponry, maybe?" 

Del looked back at Anna with such confusion, "Secret weapon how?" 

Anna shrugged and smile, "Maybe nukes?" 


"Yeah, nukes. I don't know if there is any other weaponry that has this kind of explosive radius," Anna said. 

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It made sense though. A regular shell wouldn't be able to create an explosion that big. Maybe the imperial military had a giant prototype weapon aimed at the federal military, but who knew? The military always hid a secret that was oftentimes dangerous. However, why nuke? It would completely evaporize the town. 

Del stopped thinking about the nuke to return to his main goal. "Enough nuke talk, the colonel should be in here." Del pointed at the location where most of the armored convoy was coming from. It was a location around twenty kilometers west of that checkpoint. 

Going there wouldn't be easy. They only could move during the nighttime and they must evade all of the patrols that the imperial soldiers were going to throw at him and Anna. Overall, it was rather treachrous. They must look at the clock to make sure that they reached a forest before the sun rose up. Besides that, there was also the difficulty in assassinating the general himself. 

"Hmm, the compound is quite big and I don't think I will be able to assassinate the general, even using a Kornet ATGM," Del commented. 

"What's on your mind then?" Anna asked. 

"A kill streak, there is no other option," Del said. 

"I agree, but which one? I doubt that a gunship would be a good option. We might need a jet bomber of some sort, but I want to listen to you first," Anna commented. 

"Cruise missile. To be precise, a precision cruise missile aimed straight at the tent of our target general," Del said. 

"So, if that's the case, why are we even have to approach the main headquarter first?" Anna asked. 

"We don't even know which one is the tent of the said general. We need to assess our target first before we launch a cruise missile at his direction," Del said. 

"I agree to that, anyway, are we good to go or do you want to kidnap an officer first?" Anna asked. 

"Wait a minute." Del pulled his tablet from his storage and took photographs of every single data that he could gather from that small outpost. He photographed every single paper and every single map on that outpost. "Alright, we're done."

Anna put her sniper rifle on her back and pulled her M16 instead. She then put the end of the barrel of the rifle on the head on one of the imperial soldiers head. "Shall we finish the job?" Anna put her hand right on the trigger.

Del put his tablet back on the storage and walked right to Anna's direction and pushed the rifle away from the head of that imperial soldier. "We are tranquillizing them for a reason. The main reason is to reduce the risk of raising too much attention. Sure, we had to tranquillize them, but six dead bodies would be sure as hell giving much more alertness to the imperial military." 

"I see where you're getting now," Anna nodded as she put her rifle away. Killing six men would result in the imperial military sending much more patrol in their area and much more intense offensive on the federal military knowing that there were several infiltrators inside of their territory, she thought. 

Del and Anna continued walking through the darkness of the night. Their ears were as sharp as bats. Even a slight rustle of the grass would raise their attention. Anything wanted and would kill them if there was a chance. As long as both of them didn't destroy any strategic asset, they wouldn't be in the list of high-priority targets. 

They might only be two people, but they were the two people that destroyed an entire company of tank only by themselves according to the military of both sides. The report of that kind of thing could exaggerated and resulted in them being seen as a very dangerous threat. The imperial military would simply throw everything that they had on them and it would be bad. 


Four hours later, they finally arrived at a forest located around three kilometers away from the edge of the enemy main headquarter. The headquarter itself was basically a freshly established forward operating base that was still under construction. However, it didn't mean that its defense was any less than an ordinary base. 

For example, there were more than six anti-aircraft cannon aimed at the sky and it was only the middle part of the base itself. The big AA gun that had the same appearance as the flak cannon was placed a little bit far away from the center of the base.

On the far west side of the base was bunch of artillery aimed at the east to harass the federal military to push deeply into the imperial terittory. In conclusion, it would be hard for a conventional force to push deep into the imperial territory. However, Anna and Del weren't considered to be conventional. 

All in all, it would be a good idea to first scout the base from afar. The section of the base could be separated into five different sections. There were the west section, the east section, the north section, the south section, and the middle section. The middle section was the most important part of the base. It was the part of the base with the most amount of permanent structures. 

Maybe throwing a cruise missile at the middle section would be enough. However, would it kill the general though? The general could be anywhere as far as Del was concerned. Unless the cruise missile would be big enough to kill everyone in the middle section of the base, it would be unwise to call the kill streak right now. 

Anna whispered as she showed the picture of the general from her pocket, "This is the general, isn't it?" She questioned her own judgement as she put her eyes on the thermal binocular. Finding an old man with a highly decorated military uniform inside of a miilitary base was quite a challenge, especially since more than two people looked exactly like the person in the photograph. 

"Yeah, he is. The middle section is filled with the same kind of men. Where the hell is he?" Del reacted with his rigorous searching using his thermal binocular. 

"Let's just drop the bomb and be done with it." Anna was impatient. 

"Relax, we have all day," Del said. 

"Is there a nuclear option on your kill streak?" Anna asked. 

"No, there isn't. Why are you even asking about that?" Del asked back. 

"Perhaps, we can cripple the entirety of imperial high commands with one swift nuclear strike. It would really put their plan back on the drawing table," Anna said. 

Del didn't react to Anna as he saw someone with the same exact appearance with the man on the picture. It might be the general that they were looking for. He was located in the middle section of the base and he was walking from one building to another. He was the target indeed since everyone saluted at him every time he walked past. 

"I have the visual on the target, prepare yourself to mark the target," Del said. 

Anna pulled out her laser pointer and Del pulled out his tablet from his storage.. Hopefully, one cruise missile would be enough to destroy the entirety of the middle section. 

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