Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 64: Middle Finger, Index Finger, Thumb

Chapter 64: Middle Finger, Index Finger, Thumb


Leaving the house in Yukari’s care, Windfield and I went to grab Seventh Teiō and then headed towards the Royal Magic Academy. The purpose was to pay a visit to Maine, the second Prince.

“Hey, why didn’t we make an appointment? “

I was quite curious about the reason for that as we were on our way, so I asked. It surprised me that we went to visit him without an appointment. I mean, we’re going to visit a Prince. That’s why I don’t know the reason for this.

“Zipang is superior to the Castall Kingdom. We’re trying to give that impression.”


I heard the word Zipang after a long time! Thinking about it, I did have such setting.

To know the details that even the concerned party has forgotten, this girl is amazing. I can’t believe it’s only been a day since she was summoned. I already heard from Silvia yesterday, but she surely is great at finding information. You can’t do this unless you always absorb the necessary information at the highest efficiency. She’s like a walking ‘RTA’.

“I’m grateful for your praise, but what is that? Are we there already? “

“Yeah. We’ve arrived.”

I’m already used to being around this esper.

Without dismounting Seventh Teiō, we crossed the school’s gate.

“Kyaaaa! “, “Second-sama! ? “, “No way! “, “Why is he here! ? “

Screams were heard from here and there…… or rather, high-pitched voices. With the schoolgirls this excited, it wouldn’t really come as a surprise if one of them would come trying to get on my horse.

“You thereーー? “

Since there was no other way, I went around the schoolyard, “Maine, you there? “, repeatedly calling out to him like that.

Almost immediately after, some students who noticed I came looking for Maine rushed towards the school building.

……A few minutes later, Maine came rushing to this place wearing a surprised expression.

“Second-san! ? What are you doing! ? “

“Well, there’s no place to leave my horse.”

“That’s what I’m saying, please don’t ride in here! “

Even though it’s been a while since we last saw each other, this back and forth feels nice. It makes me happy.

“Hey, is there some place where we can calmly speak? And also, I’d like to do something about the horse(s).”

“A calm place? The horse(s)? Wait, that’s too sudden! Please behave and quietly stay here for a moment! “

“Come on, hurry.”

“Seriously! And I was thinking of finally meeting you after a long time! Ahhh! “

Maine returned to the school building muttering with dismay in his voice while holding his head. A few seconds later, a maid under the second Prince came from the direction in which Maine left and guided us to the stables.

“We’re currently arranging a salon. It will only take a moment.”

And then she left us after politely bowing along with those words. She’s quite composed, unlike my maids. Is this the difference between them and a first-class one?

By the way, I didn’t understand the meaning of the salon, so I asked Windfield. It seems it’s something like a common room. As expected of the encyclopedia spirit.

“Second-san! Don’t be unreasonable! Coming here without an appointment and running around the schoolyard on top of a horse! “

After a while, as soon as Maine arrived at the salon, he started scolding me.

I properly apologized with a “Sorry, sorry”, while sticking out my right hand in the form of a fist.

“Ahh………… Seriously.”

Some seconds later, Maine also stuck out his first, bumping it with mine. His faint “Ehehe” along that happy look on his face made him look quite girlish, as always. However, he’s a prince.

“Huh? Who would this person be? And also, I can’t see Silvia-san or Eko-san……”

With a brightened mood, Maine looked at Windfield and spoke.

“This here is my tactician. Windfield.”

“A pleasure meeting you.”

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“Y-Yes. Nice to meet you, eh? Tactician? “

The second Prince reacted to the word Tactician. I’m sure he’s more familiar with that field than me, a former seriously addicted online game junky.

“Could you, clear out the room, please?”

As Windfield said that, Maine looked at the maid who was waiting in the room. The maid then shook her head saying “I can’t comply”.

Yeah, this is troublesome. If Windfield thought we needed to clear the room, then we really need it. I can’t let this maid listen to our talk.

……Ahh, that’s right.

“Should I use Brainwash? “

I just remember I’ve wanted to try out the Brainwashing Magic I just learned, so I asked in a quiet voice. However, Windfield immediately said “No”. She then went on to tell me her reasoning.

“There might be a limited number of times Brainwashing Magic can be used. My guess is that it’s only four times.”

“…………For real? “

A limited number of uses? Moreover, only four? Why such a half-ass number?

“With my master and Phillip, the president of the Maurice Company, that’s two. To herself, in order to not tell the truth if tortured, that’s another one. And she should’ve used it somewhere else once more, that’s when she was targeted by the Prime Minister and the Duchess’ house was ruined. In total, that’s four times.”

The Icene house was crushed under charges of treason. However, that was just the cover story. The real reason was the scheming by the Prime Minister, who noticed the existence of Brainwashing Magic, and feared it. I knew that too.

In my previous life, in Mobius, the Prime Minister Val Morrow obtained 《Brainwashing Magic》 and brainwashed Castall’s King, Barwell. He then tried to turn the country into a subordinate of the Marubell Empire, but as a result of the Players’ successful actions, the King’s brainwashing was solved and the Prime Minister was overthrown. That’s how the story went. The contents were quite MMORPG-like.

However, in this world the King hasn’t been brainwashed yet. Most likely, I think 《Brainwashing Magic》 hasn’t fallen into the hands of the Prime Minister. It can be said that this is attributed to the careful actions of Duchess Lucia. She was careful enough to use two of the brainwashing limited uses to emphasize finding a successor; to find extraordinary and worthy people to inherit the magic, and a good enough person who could accept a rebellious slave who will solve their brainwashing.

“Is there a possibility you’re being too cautious……? “

The duchess used it four times in a situation where nothing was certain. She left the information of “you can use it four times” to her successor. However, I’ve been wondering all this time. What if it was “At least four times” instead of “Only four times”? What if there’s no limit to the number of uses?

“In that case, then, we’re lucky. But, for now it better to think it’s only four times, to be sure. This means, we need to be careful with it.”

It sounds plausible, and isn’t far-fetched either. Unlike the game, in this world we can’t start over. It’s useless to worry about how many times it can be used. When I sighed in frustration at not being able to say anything, she followed up saying “I can understand how you feel”. She is a good spirit.

“Well then. It can’t be helped, I should start talking, just like this.”

Is that okay? Maine and I just felt confused. The maid was also showing a somewhat puzzled face.

“Uhmm, right, first off let’s begin, with Second-san’s wishes. Second-san wants, you, second Prince Maine to take over the throne.”


“To that end, the First Prince, the First Queen, and the Prime Minister, are in the way. Therefore, we will drive them to a corner.”

“Huh! ? “

Maine raised his voice in surprise at the sudden bombshell announcement. The maid had her eyes rounded in shock.

“But you know, we can’t just kill that bothersome trio, right? “

“Yeah. Most likely, the people, won’t agree. And I think the First Prince, together with the operatives from the Empire, will create a disturbance.”

“Hey, wait, wait, wait! Just what are you talking about! ? Eh, what do you mean! ? “

Seemingly unable to catch up, Maine asked us for an explanation. At that point, the maid was covering her ears with both hands. She understands that this is something she shouldn’t be hearing, but she still doesn’t seem to want to go out of the room.

“We’re talking about you. How we can get Maine to become the new King.”

“Me! ? The King! ? Not my brother? “

“Yeah. You don’t want that either, do you? If he becomes King, this country is probably done for.”

“……W-Well, I certainly wouldn’t want that. However, me becoming a King is kind of……”

“You’re as hesitant as ever. You want to do it or not? Speak clearly.”

“That is, if I have to do it, I’ll do it. But, what about my brother?”

“No buts. Do you want to be King? “


“Well said. There’s no going back on your words, Prince.”


“Are you serious? “

“Don’t worry, I’m being serious. It’s just…… I’m not very confident.”

“I see, you’ll be alright. It’s just a matter of becoming confident.”

“Ahahaha, I see you’re the same as usual.”

Alright, I got his promise. Next is the crucial method.

After glancing at Windfield, she smiled and opened her mouth to speak.

“I will use, three moves. I’ll explain starting with the first one.”

“I will use, three moves. I’ll explain starting with the first one.”

She raised three fingers and began to talk about the strategy. Not that it matters, but it seems Windfield is the type of person who raises her middle finger, index finger and thumb. By the way, I’m a middle finger, ring finger and pinky finger type of person. For some reason, I just can’t settle if I break the order of starting from the thumb.

“The repression of the righteous bandit group, R6, around the capital Vinceton, was supposed to be terminated in exchange for the head of their boss, Rimusuma. However, it was continued disregarding that promise after the boss was executed. Official documents, should exist, somewhere.”

“Ahh, I’ve heard about that too. The First Knight Order, who rarely go out of the capital, were saying that the extermination had to be done thoroughly. You mean it was done after the agreement of both parties? “

“Indeed. The bandits, especially the R6, were attracting an increasing amount of support from the populace. This was, getting in the way, of leading the people’s will, for the imperial policies.”

“So, you’re saying they were crushed because of this? Was that my brother’s doing? “

“Yes. The Prime Minister, he’s manipulating the First Prince. And the Prime Minister is, an imperial operative.”


Ohh, so you didn’t know? I was thinking of it as common sense, but certainly, unless you’re someone like me who knows Mobius, or a genius like Windfield, this is information that you can’t easily know.

“In the middle of the bandit repression, the R6 and the Second and Third Knight Orders, signed a ceasefire agreement. If we obtain the official documents of that time, and disclose them, the criticism of the First Knight Order will surely increase.”

I see, it’s a good strategy. Still, there’s one thing that bothers me. I then opened my mouth on behalf of Maine, who was still frozen in shock.

“What would we do if we’re able to get them, but they were tampered with? “

“That’s the second move. If we get the original, and present it with the tampered facts, the criticism will increase even more.”

Yeah, that’s easy to say. If we can get them, that would be great, but it would be difficult to accomplish. Moreover, who would be the one to get the originals? Would that be my job……?

“Yes, correct.”

See? I told you.

“Wait. What if both the official and original documents have been destroyed? “

Ohh, the resurrected Maine asked that question. Yeah, that’s certainly a possibility.

“I doubt they have destroyed them. But in case they have, that would be like a confession.”

“I see. But the damage would be less than if the operation is successful, right? “

“Exactly. If that were to happen, then, that’s why there’s a third move.”

Incidentally, I noticed it. Come to think of it, Maine is actually quite smart. But somehow, he’s alienated.

“Find a living witness, bring him out, and make a big speech in front of the people.”

A living witness…… a survivor of R6, in other words, a comrade of Cubero.

“Eh…… but if you do that……”

“Yeah. Probably, that person’s life will be targeted by imperial operatives, and people from the First Prince.”

Whoa, I got it.

“A lure operation?”


Windfield answered with a grinning face. In contrast, Maine’s face was pale.

“If they are escorted by Second-san, then, they’re probably the safest in the world. And if they attempt to catch them, then that would be good too, since the image of the First Prince will deteriorate further.”

Being praised never feels bad. But then again, she does make it sound so easy.

“Through these three moves, we will drive the First Prince faction, to a corner. If this is successful, then I’ll announce, the strategy to follow from there.”

Windfield smiled. Almost as if saying “It’ll work out”.

……Alright, let’s do this.

“Then, what should I do first? “

“First, I want you to enter the Royal Palace.”

The two of us stared at Maine. Maine then answered with a bit of a bitter face.

“I don’t think I can just get you inside because we’re friends…… Okay, what should I do?”

We need some sort of reason. Thinking thus far, I just turned towards Windfield. There’s no way this girl hasn’t thought of a reason.

“Fufu, it’s simple. I think, it should be time now.”

Windfield shook her body from side to side while saying “Any, minute, now”, in a good mood. What does that mean? Is she waiting for something?

――And then, the next moment.

“Hmm, ohh. Second-dono. I didn’t think you were actually here.”

“Secondー, hey, hey! “

Silvia and Eko, opened the salon door and entered.

“Ahh, Silvia-san. Eko-san. Long time no see.”

“Long timeー“

“Ah, Prince Maine. Long time no see. I’m sure Second-dono has caused a lot of trouble. Allow me to apologize on his behalf.”

“Stop it, it’s embarrassing. This is all because of me.”

“I think it’s very Second-dono-like to cause problems in the first place after all, right? “


It suddenly became quite lively. Maine was also laughing happily.

……No, no, no, that’s not it.

“Hey, Windfield. You’ve already thought of an excuse for infiltrating the Royal Palace, right? “

“Yeah. Silvia-san, did you bring it? “

“Of course. This is the letter of recommendation from the headmistress Paula, and these here are the signatures of 230 students.”

“…………Haa? “

Recommendation? Signatures?

“For the Royal Court Magician Division.”

Maine was taken aback by Windfield’s mutter.

“I see! The First Royal Court Magician Division is flexible since they are in my faction. If you were to use that……”

“A spot should be open, as a special temporary lecturer, I think.”

“Winner of the 51st Magic Tournament. Fastest record holder in the Kingdom to reach adventurer rank A. Conqueror of the Proline Dungeon with his team alone. And in addition, a letter of recommendation from the headmistress of the Royal Magic Academy, and from 230 students. Even for me, it would be quite difficult to refuse.”

“But that bothersome trio, would probably, be against it. If the King doesn’t agree…… I might have to reconsider, probably.”

No, wait, there are too many things I don’t really understand. Uhmm, where should I start asking……?

“Why is the Headmistress recommending me? “

“Paula Memento, is close to the second Queen, Freon. And obviously, to the Second Prince.”

Second Queen Freon. Is that Maine’s mother? So that’s the reason why there are so little escorts for Maine in the Magic Academy? But even then, I think Maine’s reputation in the school is quite bad. I’m sure there are quite a few of Klaus’ people in here too. Whoa, how confusing.

“Then, how did you get the students’ signatures? “

“There is, this, organization. A huge organization.”

“The ones you were speaking to this morning, huh?”

“……It’s better if you don’t know them.”

Silvia shook her head along with a somewhat pitying expression. What’s with her? I’m actually quite curious now.

“Or rather, why a teacher? Isn’t it alright to join as a member?”

“As things stand, being in a position of power, will make it easier to move.”

“Well, it makes sense, but……”


“What? “

“It’s fine. Just do it. Become a special temporary lecturer.”


I wonder if she just found it troublesome to explain, Windfield simply pushed it onto me. I’m weak to being spoken to like that. It makes me want to simply nod.

……And thus, in this way, I was recommended as a special temporary lecturer for the First Royal Court Magician Division, for some reason. Apparently, I’ll have an audience as soon as tomorrow. That’s incredibly fast.

Well, I think the earlier, the better.

When the conversation with Maine was over, the sun was already setting by the time we started to go back. I told the three girls to go back home first, and I secretly went to a pharmacy. I couldn’t find it after looking for it, so I asked the clerk about it, and after finally finding ‘condom-san’ I bought it immediately. In this world, the condoms were made of the processed air bladder of fish-type monsters. Incidentally, they also live in Vanilla Lake in front of my mansion.

Then, I ate a late light meal while happily playing with the package of the bladder in my hand, I didn’t dine properly just in case. Then I went to take a nice, relaxing bath, and finally I skipped in a good mood towards Yukari’s room.

Now, it’s time for the decisive battle――

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