Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 65: Audience, Decision

Chapter 65: Audience, Decision

“Hmm, how rare. Did Yukari oversleep? “

At breakfast, three people were gathered in the living room. And in there, the figure of Yukari was lacking.

Telling herself “I bet she’s still sleeping”, Silvia quickly got up.

“I guess it can’t be helped, I’ll prepare it.”

“Can you do it? “

“Umu. I’ll prepare it.”

Silvia decided to be the breakfast cook. While Eko saw her walk off with a bit of an uneasy expression, I turned my head towards her and implied “It’ll be fine” with my face.


I uttered some sort of sound. But I couldn’t speak a proper word.

“Second, you tired? “

“……I’m so tired I want to die.”

Yes, I was exhausted. That was a strong enemy. I was ready to go and I began by challenging her with a saturation attack, but it soon turned into a war of attrition, a game of endurance. However, I began to gradually be pushed back by that bottomless and inexhaustible sexual desire, a losing battle. Potion doping was practically meaningless and as a last resort, I ended up using 《Transform》. I managed to stay on top thus far. Even when I fought that deathmatch against Anko, I wasn’t this tired. How frightening, the dark elves.

There was one thing I learned from this; status doesn’t have much impact on ‘night wrestling’. This is bad. If I don’t work out a strategy as soon as possible, the day when I lose draws nearer.

Eko opened her mouth and in a small mutter she said to herself “I wonder……”. What’s with that “I wonder”?

“Hey, it’s done. Help me bring it.”

How fast. It took her less than ten minutes. As I walked up to the kitchen, almost like a zombie, I found six pieces of baked white bread and a platter of fried meat and vegetables. It was quite the combination of colors, still, it seemed to be quite delicious.

Placing it in the middle of a luxurious table, I took some of it with some tongs, stuffing the soft, fluffy bread.

“Ahh. Yeah, it’s delicious.”

It’s pretty good. It gives the feeling of a man’s cooking, since it can be eaten even in a hurry. But this is fine, because I like this type of cooking. Simple is the best. A simple home-made breakfast consisting of some staple food and main dishes is something you can never get tired of eating.

“Delicious, maybe! “

“Hey, what’s with the maybe?”

Silvia rebutted Eko while smiling with a relieved face.

Some time later, after we finished eating, Yukari appeared in the living room.

While apologizing for oversleeping in an unusually shy manner, she opened her notebook to tell me today’s schedule. I could see a bit of tiredness in her.

“Yukari, take a rest for today. You too can rest today, Eko.”

“No, that is……”

“I’m sure you heard about the appointment from Windfield yesterday. Today I have an audience with the King, followed by a tour of the working place. And Silvia is going to the Third Knight Order, right? And Windfield is going to do something in the capital. See? It’s not really a big deal.”

“Haa, if you say so. However, Master, let me tell you this. An audience with the King is a big deal.”

“I see.”

“……By your ‘I see’, I’m not sure you really understand.”

I stood up laughing and saying I was kidding. And at that moment, Cubero appeared as if waiting for the perfect opportunity, bowing as he spoke.

“The carriage is ready to depart.”

Amazing, not a wasted moment. Actually, I kind of wanted to go out a little later, but let’s just go with the flow and leave now. Although I doubt I can really take my time in the carriage.

“Yukari, bring her out please.”

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“As you wish.”

Without delay, Yukari’s 《Spirit Summoning》 activated and Windfield was called out.

“Ya-ho. Well, let’s go.”

“Yeah. Let’s go now.”

Taking Silvia and Windfield with me, we followed after Cubero. “Good nightー! “, Telling them that, I left the mansion on the shore of Lake Vanilla while being sent off by an Eko who I’m not sure if she was sleepy or already asleep, and a Yukari who was a bit unsteady on her feet.

Four people, Windfield included, then boarded the carriage. I got in first and sat on the back seat. Next came Silvia, who after a quick look around, decided to sit across from me. Windfield sat next to Silvia without hesitation. And as a result, Cubero ended up seated next to me.

“Ah, that’s right, Cubero. I’m looking for surviving members of R6, do you know anything? “

Soon after the carriage departed, everyone became silent so I tried to start a conversation.

“Survivors…… I see. There is this man that was under me called Besaid.”

“Your underling?”

“Yes. Although he is older than me. If I remember correctly, he should be 29.”


“……Could it be that Second-sama……?”

“Yeah, I’ll search for him. I left it to Yukari yesterday. Seems there’s a special unit in the all-purpose maid corps for it. She looked confident so I think they’ll find him pretty soon.”

I told him about the search. Cubero then bowed down while still sitting, saying “I’m very grateful”. I hurriedly told him to raise his head and followed by telling him about the strategy to use the R6 members as “bait”. Cubero then bowed even lower and said:

“We couldn’t hope for anything more than to have our revenge. This Cubero can’t begin to thank you enough.”

“Is that so? Well, if you’re grateful, be grateful to Windfield. This is her strategy.”

“Yes. I’m very grateful towards you, Windfield-sama, to grant us this amazing opportunity――”

“Wait, wait. In the first place, I don’t really care about revenge or the likes. I just thought what would be best for Second-san and did that.”

“But that still means that you carefully thought about it, at least that’s my opinion……”

“Well, if you want to be grateful, you’re free to do it on your own.”

Windfield answered in a blunt manner. Cubero on the other hand, thought he had been given permission, and unilaterally expressed his thanks. He’s a good guy, but he’s sometimes way too serious.

“Ah, by the way, Silvia. Are you still involved with the Third Knight Order? “

“Umu, but I don’t think there’s a problem. I had completely forgotten about it myself, but Windfield told me to go report. So, today I’m also going to report to the Third Knight Order.”

What’s with that?

“Silvia-san’s two-year contract, remember? “

“Ahh, certainly there was that thing. Being Second-dono’s guard, while in truth monitoring him, for a period of two years.”

Ahh, that’s right, I remember something like that. And speaking of which, Silvia was instructed by the Third Knight Order to “Seduce and bring Second into the Knight Order”. Since we haven’t had any contact with the Third Knight Order thus far, I had completely forgotten about it.

“By using Silvia-san’s relationship, with the Third Knight Order, she can find the official documents, and hints of where the originals might be. Probably.”

I see. So that’s why Windfield asked Silvia to go report today.

Indeed, a man suddenly appearing as a special temporary lecturer in the First Royal Court Magician Division would be really suspicious. And if you’d want to get information about such a man, the Third Knight Order, who has placed an escort by his side trying to swing him towards them, is a good candidate for that information. If she were to act like an ally of the Third Knight Order, this would totally be like a double spy scenario.

In other words, starting now, Silvia and I will go and deceive the people who could be called the center of this Kingdom in their faces. Thinking about it like that, this really is a big deal. Tricking them here and there, brainwashing them if that fails, we’re really trying to completely change the politics of a country. Isn’t this the first step of something incredibly huge?

“……Hey, Windfield. How about just brainwashing the Prime Minister directly? “

An idea came to my mind unexpectedly. I think we would have a hard time accomplishing that, but I couldn’t help but ask.

After hearing my way too simple idea, Windfield said “I’d love to do that” before pausing for a moment and then continuing.

“However, that would be incredibly hard, probably. Because there’s that case, with the Duchess. Most likely, he’s already taken measures, right?”


It was the Prime Minister who crushed the house of Duchess Lucia Icene, and the reason was “Fear of the Brainwashing Magic”. Then, it’s only natural that he would be wary of it. Yeah, and if he’d taken measures against it…… he would raise his MGR or equip accessories with the Magic Defense up effect. Would the Prime Minister choose the latter?

“Then, how about knocking him out, stripping him naked and then brainwashing him? “

“In that case, we could deal with the possibility, of equipment. And if it’s only equipment, then that’s just fine.”

“But? “

“The problem is, I wonder if he has taken measures, in order to lift his brainwashing.”

“! “

Whoa, that got me. I didn’t think of that.

“And even if we brainwash the Prime Minister, in the end, we’ll have to do something similar. In that case, wouldn’t it be more efficient to just ignore the Prime Minister, and approach the people right from the beginning?”

“……You are right.”

As expected of Windfield-san. Seems there are no blind spots in her strategy. If we try to take a short cut because it’s troublesome, then we’re sure to run into some extra risks.

“We’ll be arriving soon.”

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Cubero informed us. And then, silence returned to the carriage once again. Each of us will just do what we have to do.

After arriving at the Royal Palace, a maid from the Second Prince was waiting for me. And suddenly, I was led to the audience room. In there, I joined with Maine.

“……Second-san, are you nervous? “

“There’s no way.”

“Hahaha, right.”

After making some small talk, we stepped inside the audience room. In the distance, I saw a man with a King-like atmosphere sitting on the throne. Next to him were the first Prince Klaus, the first Queen White, and the Prime Minister Val Morrow.

Walking up to King Barwell with Maine, we both bowed down.

“Lift your face.”

If this was my previous self, I would have raised my head at this moment. But right now, I have the wisdom of a genius tactician with me. It’s best not to raise your head at the first command, she said. This seems to be some sort of manner when having an audience with a King.

“Good, raise you face.”

Barwell urged me again, with a tone that was more relaxed than the first time. Maine and I slowly raised our faces.

“Are you the person recommended for temporary lecturer of the First Royal Court Magician Division?”

“Yes, his name is Second.”

Maine answered in my stead. Barwell then looked at me as if looking at some goods.

My eyes met the King’s. Just as I knew, he was a dull, blond, middle-aged man. Most likely due to lack of sleep, there were bags under his eyes that couldn’t be covered with makeup.

Back in Mobius, King Barwell Castall fell ill and retired from the throne. However, that should be something still ahead. Perhaps, there might be some change in the condition of King Barwell since the Prime Minister was not able to obtain the Brainwashing Magic in this world.

“This individual called Second is someone suspicious of whom we know little to nothing about. I don’t think he’s someone suitable to become an instructor for the Royal Court Magicians.”

Suddenly, someone butted in. Sure enough, it was the Prime Minister.

“I’m also against it, Father. This person has refused an invitation to the Knight Order twice. I can’t feel any intention from him to contribute to the Kingdom.”

Klaus then followed after him. Is this guy for real? Even someone like me knows that you can’t just say “I (Ore)” and “Father (Chichiue)” while in an audience with the King. But even then, nobody seemed to pay attention to that. How are they even educating him?

“Ohh! Did he decline Klaus’ solicitation? What a rude individual! Take this person out! “

I see, it’s because of this spoiled First Queen that the First Prince has that kind of attitude.

……And, two knights who seemed to belong to the First Knight Order came to my side. Is it going to be like this? Is this really how you’re going to act? Looking sideways, I could see Maine’s face turning blue and shaking his head slightly. Seems like that’s no good. Hmph, seems like I’ll just have to escape.

“Please wait. Adventurers are people who are like that by nature. It’s also true that those who are not interested in status nor honor, and are excellent individuals, are more attracted to live their lives as adventurers rather than as knights. I believe it’s too arrogant to simply kick him out because he declined to join the Knight Order.”

“What did you say!? Hairai! “

Ahh, so that person is Minister Hairai. He has an appearance similar to a store manager with those round glasses in a thick frame and the scarce hair that makes it look like a barcode in his head. I heard from Windfield that this baldy four-eyes is the head of the Second Prince’s faction, and a strong ally.

“But if he refused to join the knights because he could make more as an adventurer, then why did he want to become a temporary lecturer in the Royal Court Magician Division now? I’d like to know that, Hairai.”

Now the Prime Minister objected the minister’s argument. These two, I can almost see sparks flying between them.

“I heard that Second-dono is on friendly terms with Prince Maine. They spent time together in the same school, ate at the same table, and sometimes they played games with magic in order to improve each other. And as for the matter of being a temporary lecturer, I think it’s a great idea. Furthermore, even Prince Klaus should be aware that they both really are friends.”

“I’d like to add something. There’s no mistake in the minister’s words. But this time, I selfishly asked Second-san this request. Moreover, I don’t know a person more suitable than him to be a lecturer. If he were to serve as an instructor, the Royal Court Magician Division would surely achieve a tremendous growth.”

Minister Hairai fluently answered the Prime Minister’s remarks. And right after, he received support from Maine. The Prime Minister then turned towards Klaus to confirm that fact. Klaus nodded lightly, with an expression as if he had chewed on a bitter insect. Then, the Prime Minister finally shut up.

“Your Majesty should already know of Second-dono’s track record. I plead for your consideration.”

“Would you allow him to be appointed as a special temporary lecturer? If there’s no visible effect in one month, I’ll personally take full responsibility. So, please, consider approving him.”

As Maine bowed down, I too joined him bowing down. The bothersome trio had their mouths distorted in a way that appeared they would let their sharp tongues speak at any moment. In any case, when Maine speaks with “I (watashi)”, he really looks like a woman.

“Raise your face. Second, there is one thing I want to ask you.”

While I was thinking about something completely unrelated, Barwell abruptly said such thing. I wonder what does he wants to know?

“It was over half a year ago. What were you doing in the Great Library? What were you doing in the Magic Academy’s library? And after that, you visited the Great Library several times along with your team members, what were you doing then?”

――Suddenly, I felt a chill down my spine.

What was I doing in the Royal Great Library? He might be referring to when I was looking around searching for the skill books. And in the Academy’s library, when I was reading the Second and Third Form Grimoires. And later in the Great Library, we three learned some skills. And thanks to my summarized description, they learned the skills faster than usual.

“The reports keep coming. This is what I think, the secret of your strength lies there, isn’t it? “

It’s probably been found out. The fact that I can learn the skills just by looking at the book. And that Silvia, Eko and Yukari were able to acquire their skills abnormally fast thanks to my advice “from a game’s perspective”.


What to do? Should I try to fool him? Or should I honestly talk about it? While I worried about what to do, Barwell said while the edges of his mouth raised.

“Fine. Second, you are hereby recognized as a special temporary lecturer assigned to the First Royal Court Magician Division. I look forward to this next month.”


……This was actually quite easy. I even dare to say it was kind of anticlimactic.

With one word from Barwell, the audience ended in the blink of an eye. The bothersome trio left while spitting curses against me and Maine, and the minister nodded in acknowledgement and left after adjusting his glasses.

And lastly, those words of Barwell to me. What was that about? I initially thought he implied “I’m always watching you”, but I feel it was sort of different. Did he just want me to tell him my secret? There’s no way that’s the case. I get the feeling I was approved because I showed a troubled expression. If that’s the case, why? I don’t know what he’s after.

But, there’s one thing I can say for sure. This world’s Castall King, Barwell, is a little different from the “Profit-seeker, self-centered King” that I knew of. Deep down he might be so, but in this world, his personality is not as dramatized as in the game’s story. At least, during this audience, he was a serious and honest person.

“It went great, Second-san.”

Next to me, was a happy-looking Maine. However, I wasn’t able to nod to those words honestly.

* * *

“Well then. I too, have to do my best, right?”

While Second headed for the audience, and Silvia went to report to the Third Knight Order, Windfield was heading towards the center of the capital, Vinceton.

However, even though it was the center, the place was a dark and daunting one. As light burns brightly, shadows are also made. And of course, there were such shadows in the royal capital, Vinceton.

Her face was hidden with a mask, and her body, enveloped with a cloak. It seemed an unusual and suspicious gait, but it suited the atmosphere of this place. At a simple glance she looked like a man due to her height. Therefore, nobody wanted to speak to her even though she walked in back alleys where shady men gathered.

“Hey, can I talk with you, for a moment?”

“Ahh? Who are you? “

In the back of an alley, Windfield ran into a shabbily dressed man who looked like a vagrant. At first glance the man blended quite well with the surrounding bums, but there was one big difference. His eyes were not dead.

“Do you enjoy, playing homeless? “

“…………Let’s change places.”

After a moment of silence, the man managed to squeeze those words while sweating nervously.

The man was impatient. And thus, he began to think. ‘How was I discovered?’ He certainly had crossed dangerous paths time and time again. He had slipped from dangerous situations countless times. It was the same now. 「Pretending to be a homeless person fishing for garbage near the dumps where the 『Staff of the Royal Archives』 lived」, was easier when compared to his past jobs.

“You are, a reporter, right? Let me guess, Vince newspaper? “

“……And what if I am?”

The man got even more impatient. The reason was, he had been completely seen through.

What would a reporter from the Vince newspaper be doing in such a place? At a glance, it was easy to tell the other party was involved. I’ll be disposed of, he thought. Even the person in question seemed like that. Therefore, the man was scared.

And after seeing such misunderstanding develop, Windfield laughed with her nose and opened her mouth.

“I have, a great story for you.”

The plan of the best tactician in the spirit world had begun.

And the moment when the pieces would collide, was coming closer――

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