Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 67: What have I gotten into?

Chapter 67: What have I gotten into?

Silvia’s body, that I was seeing for the first time was, in a word, amazing. Her abdominal muscles were visibly divided into six; her limbs were firm; the places that should stick out, stuck out; and the areas that should be soft, were soft. Her well-proportioned body felt like that of a top-notch athlete.

Does the status reflect on the body, or does the body reflect on the status? Or does that have nothing to do with it? I’m not sure about the answer, but hers was beautiful enough for me to start thinking that I should start training my body anyways.

After I told her my honest thoughts, Silvia said, “Second-dono’s body is more beautiful”. I didn’t take notice of it, maybe due to the fact that I’m not in the habit of looking in the mirror, but it seems that my body is in a similar state. Well, I suppose it’s not strange for that to be the case since I’ve been doing a training regimen stricter than anyone else. And since our diet is completely managed by Yukari, maybe all of us have athlete-like bodies.



“Good morning.”

Next morning. When I opened my eyes, I saw Silvia right next to me. She returned my morning greeting with her usual “Umu”, as expected, she really is beautiful.

Looking at her, unexpectedly reminded me of last night. Unlike Yukari, who was extremely passionate in bed, Silvia was more like a girly woman who was even satisfied by just hugging each other. This was a happy miscalculation for me, who was quite tired after that ‘death fight’ with Yukari. But thanks to this, I was able to ‘love’ her with plenty of leeway.

We both went downstairs to have breakfast together. Strangely enough, I didn’t receive a team-limited communication message from Yukari. Perhaps there was some collusion between Yukari and Silvia. Only god knows.

“Second-dono. Come to think of it, I got in touch with the Third Knight Order yesterday.”

“Ohh. How was it? “

“They were literally jumping with joy. It seems like this is exactly with the Knight Order wants the most right now.”

“Do you think they suspected you were playing for the other side? “

“I don’t know. However, the daily activities continued as usual.”

“If I were to be betrayed by Silvia…… I’d likely distrust all people.”

“Hey, stop that. I would never betray you, Second-dono! “

She then muttered, ‘There’s nothing more frightening than turning Second-dono into an enemy’. I think that was a good answer.

“From now on, I’ll be regularly reporting to the Third Knight Order. Windfield said that she would like me to leak small amounts of information to make my position more favorable. And, at the same time――”

“You’ll search for the official and original documents?”

“Umu. Well, it’s more about collecting information rather than searching for it. The information gathered by the Third Knight Order is great after all. Since they are the ones who signed the agreement with the R6.”

“I’m sure they hid something. Or maybe they were told to hide it.”

“Then, our first goal is to bring it to light?”

Silvia seemed to brim with motivation. Well, that should be obvious, she really loves justice, so it would be no exaggeration to say this job is right up her alley.

“Well then, I guess I also need to go to work.”

I didn’t think the day where I would use the phrase “need to go to work” would come in my lifetime, but the fact is, I’m now being paid as a special temporary lecturer for the First Royal Court Magician Division. This sure counts as “going to work”.

After paying for the meal and lodging fees, we left the inn. Silvia said “Have a good day (Itterasshai)”, but she immediately turned bright red.

I’m super motivated――



“For today, please let me see your usual training regime.”

As soon as I got to the training grounds, I sat down while declaring so.

The Court Mages from the First Division, however, showed no sign of getting in line. Are they waiting for the leader’s instructions? Or are they just not going to follow any instructions I give? Probably neither.

When I started to think about what I should do, two people walked up to me. Captain Zephyr and Sherry-chan.

“Please stop with the jokes.”

Sherry-chan being her usual self, blurted out those words coated with hostility.

“I don’t know what your usual training is after all-mon. I wouldn’t know what to point out if that’s the case, right? “

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“Don’t go adding words. And also, you don’t have to point out anything.”

“That would be a problem.”

“By all means, be troubled.”

“――No, wait. Sherry.”

When Sherry-chan was starting to go over this and that, the captain, Zephyr interrupted her. He had a grim face, but apparently, he wasn’t trying to complain. This person at least seems to understand my point.

“Kid. That magic you used yesterday when you left. That was without doubt, a Lightning Attribute Third Form spell, right? “

“That was a Fourth Form one.”

“……Is, that so?”

When I wondered what kind of question he asked while starting with calling me kid, this person started to nod while deep in thought. What’s with this guy. Is his brain as empty as the top of his head?

“Fourth Form? Please make a more believable lie. There’s no such thing as Lightning Attribute magic, and there’s no way someone like you can use a Fourth Form spell.”

“E-Excuse me……”

From behind Sherry-chan, who was grumbling and complaining, a woman approached timidly. If I remember correctly, I think she was called Irie-san? She had a gentle-looking face with semi-long tea-colored hair. All in all, her appearance was just normal. I was under the impression she was an honest person, but…… Is she coming to complain to me? If that’s the case, this really is a shock. I prepared myself to listen to her words.

“Second-san…… May I have your autograph? “

It almost made me fall down in surprise. And coming for this with this timing? What’s with that?

“It’s okay, but can I ask why? “

“My little sister goes to the Magic Academy, and, you see, she’s a big fan of you, Second-san. When I told her yesterday at home about you, seriously, she was going crazy….. and she told me to make sure to get her your autograph.”

“Ahh, so that’s the reason.”

I behaved as if this wasn’t a big deal, but deep down I was extremely happy.

In my previous life, when I was the number one in the world, signing autographs, shaking hands, and taking photographs were everyday occurrences. It was hard to respond to those people without shattering the image of “The strongest in the world” they so admired, and this was something I had totally forgotten after coming to this world. That past glory of being the world’s best seemed to have been reignited for a moment, and an indescribable emotion surged from deep within me.

“To whom should I dedicate it? “

“Ahh, yes. To Aroma, please.”

I was about to write Seven on the colored piece of paper she brought to sign…… but I fixed it to Second. That was close.

The writing was “From the number one man in the world, Second”. I thought of adding “Future” before number one, but I think that was too much. Finally, after writing “To Aroma”, I thought for a little and added “& Irie” to it.

“Here you go.”

I handed the colored piece of paper to Irie-san, along with a smile. And speaking of smiles, I had one practiced for these occasions. If you don’t smile properly after being asked for an autograph, it ends up as a mood-killer. Rather, this is why you have to behave coldly at first. It really creates a contrast. In my previous life, I learned the value of fan service, and that the value of your smile increases if you only show it on limited occasions.

“T-Tha-Thank y-you very m-mush.”

Irie-san left while walking backward, her cheeks dyed in vermillion and her head lowered. Seems like it was a critical hit.

At that time, I noticed by chance the figures of some female members who looked at her with envious eyes. I see, at first, I thought I wasn’t welcomed at all, but there seems to be a few people who had a good impression of me. I’m grateful for that. However, on the downside, it seems it will take some time to gain the support from the male members.


All the while, Sherry-chan looked at me with absent eyes. Just because your appearance is a little on the good side and you have some skills, you’re simply letting it get to your head…… That kind of feeling. She really is easy to understand.

……As expected, it may be better to show my abilities if I want my work as a teacher to go smoothly. If they didn’t understand it from yesterday’s display, all I can do is come up with something using the four major attributes.

But, almost as if reading my mind, Captain Zephyr opened his mouth while I was thinking about what to do.

“Understood. I will give out instructions.”

“Captain! ? “

“Sherry. This kid’s ability is real. Enough of that, you’re the only one who won’t admit it.”


Sherry-chan was shocked to have been chided by the Captain, whom she thought felt the same as her. It was a face on which you could almost hear the sound effect “GAAN”.

“Starting now, we do the usual training! When the lecturer-dono approaches, give priority to answering his questions! Then, let’s get started! “

Everyone in the first division, who until now seemed unwilling to do anything, began to move as soon as the captain spoke. The same held true for Sherry-chan. As expected of the captain, his commands are absolute in the group.

However, I’m sure the captain has it hard too, having to switch from ‘kid’ to ‘lecturer-dono’. I’m sure my comment about him wasting those 55 years from yesterday has something to do with it. I actually think I might’ve gone too far with that, but it’s not like I really will retract that statement, a fact is a fact after all. And it’s not like apologizing will make him improve.

……And so, a few hours later.

Let’s go straight to the point.

“This is worse than I thought.”

Royal Court Magician Division. Going by that name, I was expecting a bit more from the Kingdom’s greatest mages. I understood most of it yesterday, but still, I thought that maybe there was a million in one chance.

But how about it? 「Is this a group for playing? 」 was my honest opinion.

“If war breaks out, the Court Mages can be called to the front lines, right? “


“Do mages move as a group? Or do they move individually? “

“Annihilation, search and destroy, cover, and support. We do everything.”

“So, a half-assed group? “

“That’s not it. We change plans according to the progress of the battle.”

“Ahh, so that’s why……”

Their training was mainly in the form of organizing, scattering and rearranging their formations at each signal. Apparently, they are taught to “use this magic during this formation at this signal” with different tactics, repeating it many times so that it becomes ingrained in them for the time they need to do it on the battlefield. This is ridiculous although I won’t say it.

“What about improving their magic? “

“I let them work on that on their own.”

“HA? “

“Since everyone works on their strong points, having a baseline training is impossible.”

“No, no, I don’t mean about that. Don’t you go monster hunting? “

“Uh, experience training, is it? They go hunting in the mines and large forests about once a week.”

“Hee……? And that’s it? “

“Indeed, but…… is there a problem with that? “

Hey, hey, hey, are these guys for real? Aren’t they taking it easy? This isn’t like hunting for deer on a holiday. How many strong monsters you can hunt is directly linked to the strength of your skills, you know?

“Why don’t you go earn more experience? “

“It’s dangerous. There are a lot of objections to it, too. And, there are the budget constraints as well. And so far, there hasn’t been the need for it. Therefore, I’ve left the experience training to the discretion of the individuals.”

Ahh, I see. If they force them to earn experience points, they’ll be nothing more than a ‘black company’. Makes sense…… Is what I’d like to say, but I just can’t. How nice it is to be a peace idiot. Aren’t they supposed to be soldiers? Not some random company workers. Please motivate yourselves to become stronger.

“Just in case, let me ask. When was the last time you went to war? “

“……22 years ago.”

“OK, I see. Just don’t say anything anymore.”

I think most of the guys here were just kids at that time. And I bet Sherry-chan wasn’t even born yet. So that’s why they’re not motivated at all.

“This calls for a drastic reform.”

In the previous Mobius, there was this game called 『Team Battle』. You could play team vs team “War Games”, but this was something deeper. Swordsmen, archers, lancers, mages, etc. Putting together a well-balanced team with equivalent abilities, the winner was the team who could come up with a better, well-thought-out strategy. And when it came to Team Battles between the top Teams, it felt like a real war. That was nothing short of a masterpiece, hundreds of players colliding against each other in a vast field.

I was busy becoming the world’s best individual, so I’m an amateur for Team Battle warfare, but I do have some knowledge. I wanted to eventually form the strongest team and planned to reach the top in the Team Battles as well. Well, that’s a dream that didn’t come true.

But even with my second-hand knowledge, the first time I saw the training of the Court Mages, I thought it was strange.

Those preconceptions are wrong in the first place.

Annihilation, search and destroy, cover, and support. They change plans according to the progress of the battle―― that sounds great and all, but this is not the job of a mage in the first place.

A mage is a「Medium range soldier who conducts attacks over a wide range with high fire power」. Their might is certainly huge, but they can’t cope with a charge of short-range soldiers such as swordsmen at all, and they can be easily sniped by long-range soldiers such as archers. In other words, “In terms of firepower, one or two people are enough”, and “An escort of short-range soldiers serving as a protective wall is essential”.

And even if the annihilation squad is made up solely from mages and they act as a group, it would only take a moment for the enemy’s short-range soldiers to attack and destroy them. And even if they let them act, it would end with a barrage from the enemy’s archers since there’s no one playing the role of protective wall. Then, in the case of cover fire, the Fourth and Fifth Form are attacks of a wide area, so if they don’t watch it closely, friendly fire will end up happening. And lastly, as support, mages are certainly convenient for that, but it’s a wasted use of a mage.

Do they know that? Or, despite knowing that, is there a reason why they still do it that way? My only doubt is why are they training formations this much?

Then, I suddenly remembered. Sherry-chan’s words. She certainly said “There’s no way someone like you can use a Fourth Form spell”, right?

…………Can it be?

“Hey, be totally honest with me. Who here can use a Fourth Form spell? It doesn’t matter of which attribute.”

One, two, and so on. Out of the 200 people here, only around twenty raised their hands. Whoaa……

“……And the Fifth Form? “

This time, only the captain Zephyr raised his hand. Are you kidding me!? ?

In order to effectively use a mage in a Team Battle, the Fourth and Fifth Forms are essential. Furthermore, the “INT Demon” is the ideal growth type, raising all four major attributes from the First Form to the Fifth Form to the highest Grade. The mages’ strength lies in “High attack power over a wide area”―― a mage who can’t do this can be considered nothing but baggage.

……And that’s their current state. This First Royal Court Magician Division can be declared to be a collection of recruits, useless in a Team Battle.

Surely, the mages in the enemy country should be at the same level since the last war was fought over 22 years ago, but this level of mediocrity is not something I can accept so long as I’m their lecturer.

But even if I say that, what should I do? Am I going to have to teach these guys the Fourth Forms? Let’s not speak nonsense, there’s no way I’ll go to such lengths.

There has to be some way, or else, I’ll have to find a way to make it work the way they are right now.

Yeah, some way, someway……


“I wonder if that’ll work!? I’m off for today! “

“K-Kid! Where are you going!? “

“I’ll come tomorrow! “

* * *

“――Don’t move.”

Surprised by that voice, and the cold sensation touching the back of my neck, I froze. What perfect timing. Even if I were to be killed right now, nobody would hear my voice.

“W-What is it? What can someone like me do for you? “

I played the pitiful beggar. This place was the back of the Kamel church. Churches and beggars practically come as a set. Even if you hide your face with a ragged cloth, you don’t stand out. If you want to hide a tree, you hide it in a forest. It’s the same for moving around the churches in the Kingdom. You can safely hide yourself like this. Or so I thought……

“Whoa! “

Suddenly, the pressure slackened. I sort of fell forward and then I looked back.

Their whole body covered in black, a shadow that almost lost itself in the darkness. Standing there, not allowing for a single change, and with a voice that made it too hard to distinguish it from man or woman. This is――An “Assassin”.

“Tch……What do you want? How did you find me? How do you know who am I?”

There’s no longer any need to keep the lie going. I removed my hood to get a better look.

“I knew it. You are Besaid-sama, right?”

“And what if I am? Idiot.”

“Cubero-sama is waiting for you.”

“――! ! “

A name I’ve heard after a long time. And a name I have thought of every day. The name of the R6’s young leader.

“I-Is the young leader alive!? “

No, wait. This might be a trap to lure me out.

“Where is the young leader.”

“He’s at our base.”

“Base? ……”

When I tried to take a step forward, a threat blocked me from moving. 【Thread Manipulation】, huh? How troublesome.

“……How about you introduce yourself?”

“From the all-purpose maid squad serving under Second Firstest, and part of the assassination squad led by one of the Ten Great, Yve. But because I’m an assassin, I can’t reveal my name, voice or face. Please excuse me for that.”

“Hey, hey, is it alright for an assassin to reveal its master’s name?”

“Our Master isn’t someone so weak to be troubled by something insignificant like this.”


“Also, there’s no need to hide it from you.”

“Huh? What do you mea――Nghhn! ? “

My consciousness was blown away by the impact on the back of my neck. This assassin wasn’t alone I see. I guess this is only obvious.

……Young leader, please be alive.

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