Moto Sekai Ichi'i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 68: A Way To Fight With Magic

Chapter 68: A Way To Fight With Magic

“Master, here’s this morning’s issue of the Vinz newspaper.”

“Hmm, thanks.”

While having my cheeks stuffed with breakfast in the morning, Yukari handed me the morning newspaper in a curious manner.

In any case, why the newspaper? Or so, I wondered. After all, I don’t really have the habit of reading newspapers. Well, I’m not really in the mood to think too deeply about it since I just woke up, so for the time being, I decided to open it and read it.

“Ngh-ptffffff――! ! “

With the soup entering the wrong conduct, I spout it out of my mouth almost like a geyser.

I coughed since I almost choked. “Whoa, what a mess! ” said Silvia while doing nothing in particular except for being surprised. Eko just happily laughed for some reason on the side. Yukari contemplated for a moment if she should wipe all the fish soup mess as she held a towel, but after a moment of hesitation, she only wiped my crotch area intensively. I kind of expected this, but she sure is a lewd little elf.

“Second-dono. What’s written in it? “

“Ahh, please let me, explain.”

Before I noticed it, Windfield was already summoned to the living room.

Spreading the newspaper in the center of the table, she began to explain its contents.

“This is the heading, you see? 『A Violation of the Knights’ Agreement? Doubts Over the Suppression of the Chivalrous Bandits』.”

“Umu. I somehow know what that means, but……”

“If, by reading this newspaper, you can understand that the knights are hiding something related to the suppression of the bandits, then it’s all good.”

“Does this concern the First, Second and Third Knight Orders? “

“Yeah. First of all, it generates doubt against the Knight Orders, and consequently, that doubt will spread towards the First Prince’s faction. In tomorrow’s newspaper, or maybe the one the day after, the details of what happened, will be explained. If the information is small, and delivered in iterations, the effect will be by all means, more impressive. This is basic strategy.”

If you put out a catchy headline about suspicion, the ‘curiosity’ of the people will make them want to know more. Giving information like this is similar to feeding a starving crowd. After all, many people were skeptical about the seemingly thorough suppression of the righteous bandits carried out by the First Knight Order, so opinions collided left and right; therefore, the more information that was given out, the more it fanned the flames of conflict and the more distrust would spread.

Moreover, after the alleged violation of the agreement, with the testimony of a survivor of R6 and the request to disclose official documents, the allegations of evidence tampering and withholding will gain momentum. Seriously, a perfect plot.

“……Hey, did you get this information moving?”

“Correct, it was my doing. Second-san, it’s fine if you praise me, you know? “

“Very, very nice, Windfield. Simply excellent! “

“Ehh, that’s somehow…… well, at least it’s something.”

Windfield looked dissatisfied for a moment, but then she compromised with just that after feeling Yukari’s and Silvia’s murderous intent.

“Ahh, Silvia-san. I think, you might be called today, by the Third Knight Order. If that occurs, then tell them this. ‘If it’s that man, then he might know something’.”

“You mean that I should say that Second-dono has a suspicious air around him? “

“Yeah, that’s right. Like, ‘he was talking to a suspicious person behind the inn’. If they ask you, it’s fine to tell them something like that.”

“Umu, okay.”

“Second-san, please be prepared, to be able to move at any moment, in the court. Also, please don’t get kicked out, okay?” warned Windfield.

“If it’s about the former, leave it to me. As for the latter, I’ll try doing my best.”

To be able to make those useless Court Mages into something decent, a challenge reaching the absurd was surely waiting for me.

Well, after giving it some thought overnight, I managed to come up with an answer. I don’t know how well it’ll work though.

“――I’m very sorry to be interrupting your talk.”

And at that moment. The one who appeared was not the usual Cubero, but a maid. Looking at her, Yukari said “That sure was fast”. What is it? I’m curious.

“We have secured the R6 member, Besaid-sama, at the servants’ residence. How should we proceed?”

“Oh, so that’s why you asked of them? That really was fast. Very nice! “

“……Y-Your kind words are wasted on me.”

The maid answered while looking down shyly. Or rather, was she the one who caught him? Yukari said she was a ‘pro investigator’, but……yeah, no matter where I look at her, she doesn’t look the part. She looks like your ordinary everyday girl. You sure can’t judge a book by its cover.

“We’ll go see him this moment, Cubero and I. Please get everything ready.”


Giving out those instructions, I gulped down my morning meal. Windfield appeared to be having a good time, with a face of “It’s finally starting”.

And then, after a few minutes.

We met with the living witness in the basement of the servants’ residence.

“Young leaaaaaaaaader! I’m so- I’m so happy to see you safe and well! “

Noisy…… This was my first impression. The second thing I noticed was his scary face.

Just like one would expect from the Yakuza, the righteous bandits seemingly really bet their lives in this kind of job. Even if the Knights had broken their fangs and scattered the herd, his eyes remained as keen as a sharp knife. His angular face and his swept-back black hair really packed a punch visually.

“Besaid. You’ve done great surviving that hell. I’m really proud of you for that.”

“Those words are too much for me! It doesn’t really matter whether I’m alive or dead! Leader! The fact that you’re alive is huge for the R6! The rebirth of the R6 is not just a pipe dream anymore! “

“That’s not it. I’m only here because you guys risked your lives for me. And, the fact that you survived that hell, that will become a great force for us the R6, and for my Master.”

“Huh……? Master……is it? “

“Second Firstest-sama. You, just like me, should by no means make light of this name.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“…………I see, then, that assassin too.”

After hearing my name from Cubero, Besaid stood up while muttering something. His eyes rested on me.

“Besaid! Refrain from doing anything strange――”

“No, it’s fine. He wants to see if I’m prepared. Isn’t it okay? He’s your underling (little brother) after all. There’s a bit of mischievousness in him, similar to you.”

“……I feel ashamed to admit so.”

Besaid and I stared at each other. After stopping Cubero, he looked down with a slightly embarrassed face.

“I know this is a bit rude…… but please let me test you.”

Besaid approached me while cracking his neck. I can’t see him taking anything like a fighting pose. This guy, he’s quite used to fighting. If I were to bump into him in any place other than Mobius, there’s no way I could’ve won.

“I’m sorry, but this isn’t going to be a fight.”

But this is Mobius. No matter how much you struggle, this is an online game. If you fight against another person, it’s not a fight, it’s PvP. The difference in status isn’t easily overcome, and the number of acquired skills and the difference in their ranks is large. And above all else, the difference in the PS (Player Skills) is enormous.

“――Haa! “

Besaid’s right hand came straight at me. First of all, I tried to identify it, but it was just 《Soldier Martial Arts》. Just looking at it, I had plenty of room to avoid it.

Hey hey, is this because of the level difference……?

“Ohh, this guy evaded it! “


Besaid appeared pumped up, getting carried away. Looking at that development, Cubero just held his head on one hand.

Yeah, it appears that only that wasn’t enough. “I want to test how strong the beloved master of the young leader is”, yeah, that was pretty much plastered on his face. However, no matter how much he wants to test his power, the difference between him and me who’ll become the top in the world…… It’ll only make me look like a villain.

This is making me a bit annoyed.

Thus, trying to become a bit serious, I silently used《Spirit Summoning》.

“(Angolmois, possession.)“

“(As you wish.)“

With a single word, I immediately commanded for 《Spirit Possession》.

At that moment, Angolmois became a rainbow of light and fused with me.

“Ah……! ? “

“……W-wh-what is that……!? ! “

Not only Besaid, but Cubero was also surprised. I see this is the first time he’s seen it, right?

“This is called Spirit Possession. All stats are multiplied by 4.5 at Grade Nine.”

“G-Grade nine……! ? “


Even if you put it in the simplest terms, it means that your opponent suddenly became 4.5 times stronger than before. It’s a hopeless difference.

Since Cubero has been beaten by me before, he should have a rough estimate of what my total status should be. Going from there, if they increased by a factor of 4.5, then he must know this is a level where the gap has opened considerably. I can tell as much by his pale face.

“Tch……you’ve done it! Like this, I go without pulling my punches! “

But I forgot. This was Cubero’s underling, a hardcore chivalrous bandit. No matter how big the difference has become, he’s the type of person to just face it head on.

GAAN―― My jaw was hit directly by 《Silver Martial Arts》.

“O-OOOOOoooouchhh! ? “

It was Besaid who uttered that sound while holding his right hand and turning from side to side on the ground.

I mean, this is not surprising at all. Because the difference between Besaid’s STR and my VIT was just too large, Besaid’s attack didn’t go through and all the damage was instead returned to his fist.

“Ahhh, what an idiot.”

I couldn’t help but to go to Besaid’s side and apply 【Healing Magic】《Small Recovery》. If it’s just a bruise, this should do the trick.

“……S-Sorry. I’m greatly obliged.”

As Besaid stood up, he thanked me deeply, feeling quite ashamed too. Seems like he has completely lost his will to fight.

And for some reason, next to me, Cubero was also bowing his head. Knowing how serious Cubero is, I think he might feel the blunder made by his underling as his own.

“Don’t look down on me, small fry.”

While sending back Angolmois with 《Unsummon》, for the time being, I scolded this guy. The two of them bowed their heads even lower.

“I’ll never look down on you for the rest of my life. If I can be given your forgiveness, I’ll never forget this debt.”

“No, this responsibility lies on me, as his leader. I’ll carry it. I’ll start by teaching Besaid how to be responsible for his acts.”

The story moved in an unexpected direction for a moment.

“Hey wait, the talk has deviated. It’s fine if you just don’t look down on me.”

“That won’t be enough! Second-sama is the last hope of us in the R6. You’re the great benefactor who picked me up and saved me. Even if Second-sama allows this to end with just this, I can’t permit it.”

“That……That’s right. What should I do? ……Coming this far, I’m ready to give you my life at any moment.”

“Like I said, wait! Why do people never, ever listen to what……Eh? “

Incidentally, I noticed it. Cubero, so that’s what you meant?

When I looked at Cubero’s expression, he was just looking straight at me. Ahh, I knew it, so that’s the case.

“……Alright, Besaid. If you want to take responsibility for your acts, there’s one thing I’d like to ask you.”

“Something you want to ask me……? “


Guided by Cubero, this is going smoothly. All thanks to him, I won’t have to be late for the temporary lecturer job. While having that in mind, and thanking Cubero in silence, I opened my mouth.

“I want you to testify in front of the people.”

“Magic Curtain, was it? “

“Yeah. That’s the only way for you to make a good impact.”

We were in a conference room near the court, and close to the training grounds.

What is currently being held is a meeting with the group leaders. A place where the leaders of each group in the First Royal Court Magician Division gathered and we decided on the future policies.

In there, I talked about the idea that I came up with last night.

I really wanted to use the word ‘barrage’ instead of ‘curtain’, but in this world without any sort of artillery, I don’t know if the meaning would be conveyed, so I decided on ‘Magic Curtain’.

Magic Curtain―― well, that’s just basically a magic barrage. Using a magic with a short cooldown timer, in other words, the First Form, shoot it like a curtain, overwhelming the enemy. This is a well-known tactic both useful for defense and offense.

In any case, the important part is to “keep firing”. With this, it’s okay to fire a few missed shots, after all, what’s important is to compete with quantity rather than quality to a certain extent. On the defensive side, aside from overpowering the enemy’s arrows and magic, it can be said that even in the event of a kamikaze assault, it’s excellent to restrain it or even destroy it. That’s the case for ground, but.

“Wait a moment, kid. But that being the case, wouldn’t the power be reduced? It might not be possible to annihilate them. And that also makes search and destroy, cover, and support uncertain.”

“Well, that’s a given. Most of them don’t even know the Fourth Form. With that, the other option is to give up on everything. Besides, it’s not the mages’ job to do anything like annihilation in the first place.”

“What do you mean by that? “

“You, if I’m not mistaken, are most likely a war veteran. Isn’t the best war’s approach to “increase the number of injured over the dead”?”

“Hmm…… I see.”

At that point, Captain Zephyr finally realized. Twenty years have passed since the last war, so it must’ve been hard to overturn the knowledge burned in him.

Incidentally, even though I’m talking about war with a calm demeanor, all my knowledge comes from 『Team Battles』. There’s no way me, someone who was seriously addicted to online games and lived in modern-day Japan, could have even an ounce of war experience.

“The number of injured over the dead? What does that mean? “

“I suppose that’s a bit difficult for you to grasp, Sherry-chan? “

“I was not asking you.”

“Hm, me then? In other words, not going as far as taking the lives of the enemy soldiers. By leaving the soldiers injured, you can place a burden on the enemy. Transporting, recovery, care. This will cause for people to be assigned to those tasks and will also increase their expenditures.”

“I see, I’m somewhat convinced. Thank you very much, Captain. Then, if that isn’t a mage’s job, what is? “

“……That is, sorry. I don’t know.”

Being given no real answer by the Captain, Sherry-chan turned towards me with a face that seemed to be disgusted by me from the bottom of her heart.

“Hmm? “


“I wonder what do you want? “

“……Tell me, please, by all means.”

“It can’t be helped, sure, I’ll tell you.”

Sherry-chan asked me with a bitter expression. It’s actually quite fun to pick on her. I think that since Silvia, I haven’t found someone like this.

“A Mage is basically a “High-power, wide-area, medium-range soldier”. They are great soldiers who can make a huge opening in the enemy army by just using a single high-ranked Fourth or Fifth Form spell.”

“Isn’t that a contradiction to what you just said? Like this, isn’t the job of a mage to do that instead of a Magic Curtain? “

“That is if you were mages like the ones I described just now. How many of you can use a high- rank Fourth or Fifth Form spell? “

“……About twenty people can. The higher the rank, the fewer people there are……I can use Water Attribute Fourth Form at Grade seven.”

“Ehh, for real? “

Unexpected. Grade seven is quite a high rank.

“Yeah. How is it? Are you impressed? “

“By the way, what about the other forms? “

“Of Water Attribute, from First to Third Form, they all are at Grade nine.”

“Great. What else? “

“About the Wind Attribute, I’m so-so up to the Third Form. The others aren’t really worth saying.”

“In our group, nobody comes close to Sherry with it comes to Water Attribute magic.”

The triumphant-looking Sherry is a bit annoying, but even the Captain spoke proudly. Wait, no, no, no……

“What about the other attributes? You don’t raise them past the First Form? “

“Yeah. After all, it’s better to give priority to the attributes that have a faster growth.”

“But you learn them, right? “

“Of course. However, just up to the First Form――“

“I just don’t get it. If you’re trying to become a mage, why do you devote all your efforts to just one attribute? “

“……What? You too, I don’t understand what your point is? “

“Well, I think that for a mage, it is common sense to raise all attributes evenly.”

If you raise the rank of all attributes in order, starting from the First Form, and continuing with the least amount of experience required, then the total amount of INT can be increased the most efficiently. If we compare when only one attribute is raised to reach Grade nine, to raising all four to Grade nine, the total amount of INT has a difference of four times.

Therefore, as a mage, if you want to pack a punch, you should raise all attributes evenly from the beginning. In particular, since the Fourth and Fifth Forms require a huge amount of experience to rank up, you want to raise the First, Second and Third Forms to a high Grade first.

“Are you stupid? It’s the opposite. Everyone has their own attribute, so it’s better to focus on it and raise it. It’s only a waste to spend time on weak attributes. Well, there sure are people who are good at all attributes, but that’s just one in a million people.”

“――! “

Good at an attribute…… I had no idea.

I see. I’m a guy who could learn magic just by looking at the Grimoire, but everyone else had to go to the magic academy and spend time learning how to use it. Is the difference too large in how much time it takes to learn it? If that’s the case, then it might even take ten years for someone who’s not good enough to learn the Second Form of an attribute they’re weak too. If so, then it surely is bad, no wonder they are so willing to do their best only at the attribute they’re good at.

However, I wonder why the individual differences are this much? There seems to be a reason that can’t be overlooked.

To use Magic, a deep understanding of its depth is important――Suddenly, I remembered the contents of the class I took my first day at the Magic Academy. That seems to be the core of the matter…… Nope, I still don’t get it. Let’s just ask “Win-aemon”, the next time I see her.

But leaving that aside, the situation is quite bad. I must somehow break these wrong ideas.

“Alright, let’s then begin by breaking that common sense that Sherry-chan speaks of.”

“Eh? “

Getting up from my chair, I asked Irie-san to bring a Game Crown. With a happy “Yes”, she then ran off to get it.

After that, we moved places to the training grounds.

The purpose is to “Compare the power of a single First Form spell, between Sherry and I”. This will most likely break their common sense, along with their pride.

Therefore, a “Game Crown” is used. The only setting changed was「Display DPS ON」. This is the setting I used to use the most.

DPS stands for Damage Per Second, and I think that pretty much explains itself. Originally, this was used to measure the median firepower of continuous attacks over a certain period of time, but this time it will be used to measure just the damage from one spell.

If there’s only one attack made in that second, then the DPS that appears will show the dimension of the attack. After all, if you divide that attack by one second, the damage will be displayed as it was. However, in this case, since the “Display DPS” function shows the damage at the same time as the attack happens, the spell effect might be obstructive and a little difficult to see. That’s why I chose to delay the DPS display for a bit, to make it easier.

“Didn’t you say the Game Crown was harmful? “

“In this case, it is rather welcomed.”

“Haa. I wonder how you’ll use it?”

I handed one of the Game Crowns to the captain Zephyr and the other one to Sherry-chan.

“You captain, stand here. Sherry-chan will attack the captain using a Water Attribute First Form spell.”

“I’ll be the target, huh……?”

“Understood, alright.”

Since everything is virtual-like, there is no pain at all. Therefore, a real person can play the role of the target.

“Here I go.”

The game started with Sherry-chan’s voice, directed to the group watching in a circle around them.

Soon after facing each other, when Sherry-chan’s 《Water Attribute?First Form》 spell of Grade nine was activated, a basketball-sized water mass flew towards the head of the captain while swirling around.

Along a ‘bashaa’ sound, it connected. Noncritical. After a short delay, 「DPS:873」 was displayed above the head of the captain.

“Well, something like this.”

For some reason, Sherry-chan was speaking proudly. With her black hair in a bob cut and her short stature, combined with her slim body, she looks just like a ‘kokeshi’ doll.

“You look just like a kokeshi.”

“Who are you calling kokeshi!? “

Ohh, she understood it. I suppose they are also in this world, the kokeshi dolls.

“Then, next is me and the Leader. You guys, better take a good look at the DPS.”

“I’m the target again……?”

Ignoring the captain Zephyr, who managed to squeeze out his real thoughts, I faced him.

And thus, the game started.

Just like Sherry-chan, I also activated a 《Water Attribute?First Form》 spell. The rank is also at Grade nine. However, when compared to hers, mine is clearly――


Someone raised their voice. That’s right, it’s clearly smaller than Sherry-chan’s First Form spell. It’s about the size of a tennis ball.

Mobius’ 【Magic】 has a peculiarity, the higher the user’s INT, the more compact the triggered effect becomes. Why? According to one theory, it is said that this specification was set in place so that an opponent’s INT can be guessed to some extent when their magic is activated in a PVP. In addition, since the effect is reduced, the visual interference is smaller, and it becomes easier to handle. On the other hand, the other party has a hard time hesitating.

Well, in other words. Something like “The smaller the magic, the higher the power”. Therefore, that voice of surprise must’ve been from someone who knew of this specification.

“Here I come.”

Using those whimsical words as a signal, I started. I tried to make it sound like this wasn’t a big deal. However, the insides of my mind were different.

I’ll put my everything in this. And then, I unleashed the 《Water Attribute?First Form》 spell.

……With this one shot and the numbers that will come out, I’ll let you all know, to the point where you’ll hate yourself, how much of what you’ve done has been too shallow.

With no more than a First Form spell. It won’t be because of some grand and flashy spell. These were my thoughts.

This is nothing but the result of you all, happily attaining the position of Court Mages and neglecting the foundations of magic. Regret it, at least. And then, do something to change it. I swore to myself that I’ll make these people in front of me think “I will raise the rank of all First Form spells to Grade nine”.

This is how life is. This is not something to enjoy or to look down upon. Be constantly improving. Or, how can you even call yourselves the best mages in the Kingdom?

When you’re not fighting with your life on the line? When you’re not fighting properly with magic!?

“Nuwaa! ? “

Then it landed. The captain was blown away a few meters, falling to the ground.

The DPS was displayed.

Then, there was a moment of silence.

Immediately afterward, a roar erupted.

Everyone was surprised. And they were those who doubted their eyes.

However, those numbers that appeared ruthlessly pointed out the difference between me and them. A true, undeniable fact.

「DPS:4693」――It said


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