Ch: 145 [Guns and Grenades]

Ch: 145 [Guns and Grenades]

As the fiery-haired boy summoned thick bushes around them, the impact from their jump was cushioned, preventing any major injuries. The mutant children quickly regained their footing, their eyes never leaving the monstrous form of the towering Deadite.

Mystique, her blue skin shimmering in the sunlight, assessed the situation with a sense of urgency. The distraction had bought them a momentary respite, but they knew they couldn't afford to waste any time. They had to keep the towering Deadite contained until X-23 returned with the weapons she had found.

"Stay focused and keep your guard up," Mystique commanded, her voice laced with authority. "We need to hold our ground until X-23 gets back."

The teenage girl crackled with electricity, her powers ready to be unleashed. She glanced at the fiery-haired boy and nodded, their unspoken communication a testament to the trust they had built during their time together.

With a burst of electricity, the teenage girl shot bolts of lightning toward the towering Deadite, aiming for its eyes as they had planned earlier. The crackling energy streaked through the air, illuminating the battlefield for a split second before striking the massive creature, "Giant eyeballs soup coming right up!"


The towering Deadite let out a guttural roar as the electricity coursed through its body, momentarily disorienting it. It thrashed and swung its massive limbs in a frenzy, attempting to swat away the source of the electrical assault. The mutant children swiftly dodged its attacks, their agility, and reflexes pushed to the limit.

Meanwhile, the fiery-haired boy summoned vines from the ground, their thick and sturdy forms snaking their way toward the towering Deadite's legs. The vines coiled and twisted around the monstrous appendages, constricting them and impeding its movement.

The towering Deadite bellowed in frustration, its movements becoming more sluggish as the vines tightened their grip. It strained against the natural restraints, its malevolent form pulsating with a mixture of rage and desperation.

Mystique, her eyes shifting to a golden hue, scanned the battlefield, looking for any signs of X-23's return. She finally caught a glimpse of her. She has climbed on top of a nearby crane and is pointing the RPG launcher at the Deadite.

Mystique shapeshifted.


Mystique, now in her male form, swiftly grabbed the fiery-haired boy and the teenage girl, her strong arms wrapping around them protectively. With a burst of speed, she sprinted away from the towering Deadite, putting a safe distance between them and the battlefield.

As they reached a secure vantage point, Mystique set the mutant children down gently, her golden eyes scanning the area for any signs of danger. She watched as X-23, perched atop the crane, aimed the RPG launcher at the immobilized Deadite.

"X-23's got a clear shot," Mystique said, her voice filled with anticipation. "Stay ready, kids. This might be our chance to turn the tide."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The mutant children nodded, their eyes fixed on X-23, their hearts pounding with a mix of hope and anxiety. They knew that the outcome of this battle hinged on the successful strike from the RPG launcher.

Her gaze focused unwaveringly on the towering Deadite. She took a deep breath, steadying herself, and squeezed the trigger. The RPG launcher roared to life, sending a projectile hurtling through the air with incredible speed and precision.

The explosive projectile connected with the towering Deadite, striking it with a deafening blast. The force of the explosion tore through its flesh, sending chunks of grotesque matter flying in all directions. The monstrous creature let out a blood-curdling howl of agony, its form convulsing in pain.

The mutant children watched in awe as the towering Deadite staggered, its grip on reality momentarily loosened. But to their surprise, it started to absorb the remaining dead remnants of the guards to regenerate.

As the mutant children and Mystique observed the towering Deadite's regeneration, a sense of urgency washed over them. They had hoped that the RPG launcher's strike would be enough to incapacitate or even destroy the creature, but it seemed that their task was far from over.

Mystique's mind raced, considering their next move. They needed to find a way to counter the Deadite's regeneration abilities and deliver a decisive blow. She turned to the fiery-haired boy and the teenage girl, they were both exhausted after continuously using their power without a break.

"Damn! That freak just won't die!" The teenage girl mumbled as she tried to summon more lightning, but it was useless, "I am out of gas."

"I can probably summon a couple of more vines..." The fiery-haired boy mumbled.

"Don't worry about that. That thing can't move anymore due to the regeneration effect. This should be enough to buy time," Mystique explained with a tint of uncertainty in her voice, "Let's take this chance and get more weapons. You kids ever fired a grenade launcher?" she asked with a smirk.

[On the top of the crane]

As X-23 stood atop the crane, her eyes focused on the regenerating towering Deadite, she knew that she had to utilize all the weapons she had found inside the warehouse to deliver a decisive blow. With calculated precision, she selected her next weapon from the arsenal at her disposal.

She armed herself with a laser rifle, its sleek design fitting perfectly in her hands. The weapon hummed with power as she activated it, the red beam of energy illuminating the battlefield. With a steady aim, she unleashed a barrage of laser fire toward the regenerating Deadite, targeting its vulnerable areas.

The laser beams sliced through the air, searing through the flesh of the towering Deadite with each hit. Smoke rose from the creature's wounds as it struggled to regenerate amidst the relentless assault. X-23's keen eyes scanned for weak points, focusing her fire on the areas that seemed to impede the regeneration process.

But despite her efforts, the towering Deadite's regenerative abilities proved resilient. It continued to absorb and assimilate the remains of the fallen guards, replenishing its own flesh and repairing the damage inflicted by the laser fire.

Her brow furrowed in frustration as she realized that the regular weapons were not working against it, however, due to the regeneration, their plan to buy time for the reinforcement worked.

The giant Deadite was now stuck in a single place, unable to move due to the regeneration effect.

"Got you, bastard," X-23 muttered under her breath, "Stay there like a good freak and keep regenerating. I have enough ammunition to last hours and these self-recharging laser rifles are cherries on top of a grenade."

She paused firing to cool down the rifle's core and took out a grenade.

With a quick flick of her wrist, she armed the grenade and tossed it toward the regenerating Deadite. The explosive soared through the air, landing with a resounding thud near the creature's feet. She took cover behind a metal structure, shielding herself from the imminent blast.

The grenade detonated with a powerful explosion, sending shockwaves rippling through the area. The towering Deadite was engulfed in a fiery inferno, its regenerative abilities momentarily overwhelmed by the sheer force of the blast.


The mutant children and Mystique, have already managed to enter the weapon warehouse.

Inside the weapon warehouse, the mutant children and Mystique quickly surveyed the array of firearms, explosives, and other specialized weaponry. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder, creating an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement.

The fiery-haired boy's eyes widened as he took in the assortment of weapons before him. He couldn't help but let out an exhilarated chuckle.

"Whoa, check out all these toys!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "I've never seen so many guns in one place. I am gonna go full-on Rambo mode." He picked up an automatic laser rifle.

The teenage girl, her eyes shining with a mix of curiosity and excitement, stepped closer to the weapons rack. She ran her fingers along the polished barrels and gripped a sleek, black submachine gun.

"This baby looks pretty badass," she said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "I'm going with this."

"Make sure you keep those barrels at that Deadite and don't kill yourselves. Haaa... What am I doing? Giving kids guns and grenades... Charles is going to kill me," Mystique mumbled as she took two grenade launchers and grenades in a bag and strapped it on her back.

*******[POWER STONES]******[No new chapter tomorrow.]****

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