Ch: 146 [Magneto]

Ch: 146 [Magneto]

Inside the weapon warehouse, Mystique glanced at the fiery-haired boy and the teenage girl, a hint of amusement dancing in her golden eyes. She had been so focused on the mission that she hadn't taken the time to learn their names.

"Hey, you two," Mystique called out, her voice filled with curiosity. "We've been fighting side by side, and I don't even know your names. Care to enlighten me?"

The fiery-haired boy grinned, his excitement still palpable despite the gravity of the situation. "Names? I'm Blaze, and this lightning generator here is Spark," he said, pointing at the teenage girl.

Spark smirked, her eyes sparking with mischief. "Yeah, we're like a fire and lightning combo, ready to kick some Deadite butt. Except he spews plants instead of fire. Nice to meet you, Mystique. You can call me Sparky if you want."

Mystique chuckled, her shapeshifting features betraying a faint smile. "Blaze and Sparky, huh? I like it. Sounds like a dynamic duo ready to take on anything."

Blaze twirled the automatic laser rifle in his hands, a glint of determination in his fiery hair. "You bet we are! We're not gonna let this Deadite ruin anyone else's day."

Sparky nodded in agreement, her fingers tracing the sleek curves of her submachine gun. "We've got the firepower, Mystique. Just tell us what to do, and we'll keep this giant freak pinned down until help arrives."

Mystique's eyes gleamed with confidence as she slung the grenade launchers over her shoulder. "That's the spirit. Keep hammering away at the Deadite, but be careful not to exhaust yourselves. We need to maintain a steady barrage and keep it pinned down."

Blaze nodded, his eyes ablaze with determination. "Got it, Mystique. We'll hit it hard and fast, just like a raging inferno."

Sparky cracked a mischievous grin, electricity crackling around her fingertips. "And I'll make sure to light up the sky with some electrifying fireworks. This Deadite won't know what hit it."

As they made their way back to the battlefield, Mystique leading the charge, the trio prepared to resume their assault on the regenerating Deadite. Their weapons glinted in the sunlight, their resolve unyielding.

Blaze glanced at Mystique, a question lingering in his eyes. "Mystique, what's the plan once the reinforcements arrive? How are we going to finish this thing?"

Mystique's voice held a note of determination. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there, Blaze. For now, let's focus on our job—keeping that Deadite contained. We'll deal with the next phase when the time comes."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The mutant trio rejoined the battle, their weapons blazing.

"Boom! Hell yeah! Aim for its mouth..." Blaze yelled while shooting.

With their powers depleted from the continuous barrage, Blaze and Sparky relied solely on their weapons, firing with precision and determination. The air was filled with the sound of gunfire and the acrid scent of gunpowder as they targeted the towering Deadite's vulnerable areas.

Sparky's submachine gun spat out a stream of bullets, aiming for the creature's exposed chest. She focused on keeping a steady rhythm, her fingers dancing across the trigger.

Blaze's laser rifle emitted a series of rapid pulses, each shot burning through the Deadite's flesh as he aimed for its gaping maw. He gritted his teeth, channeling his frustration and fatigue into every shot.

Mystique, equipped with grenade launchers, strategically launched explosives toward the regenerating Deadite. She aimed for its limbs, trying to hinder its regeneration process and prevent any sudden movements.

Meanwhile, on top of the crane,  X-23, having heard the low grumble emanating from behind her, swiftly turned around to face the source. Her senses heightened, she scanned the area, her eyes narrowing in on a group of smaller Deadites emerging from the shadows.

"Looks like we've got some unwanted company," X-23 muttered, her grip on the laser rifle tightening. She swiftly assessed the situation, realizing that the new arrivals could potentially power up the giant Deadite that grows stronger after absorbing the other Dedites.

Without hesitation, X-23 swiftly fired a series of precise shots, targeting the approaching Deadites. The laser beams cut through the air, striking the smaller creatures with deadly accuracy, piercing their heads.

However, there were too many of them. They were swarming all around her.

"Hey, little bitch, why don't ya come down and play with us, huh?" One of the Deadite taunted.

X-23's eyes narrowed as she heard the taunting voice of the Deadite. She maintained her focus, her body moving with swift precision as she dispatched the approaching creatures with lethal efficiency.

"Are you that dumb to realize that I am already playing a game, and it's called Freak Shooting?" X-23 mocked it as she took the pin off the grenade and threw it at the hoard.

The grenade exploded amidst the swarm of Deadites, sending body parts flying in all directions. The blast created a momentary reprieve, allowing her to assess the situation and plan her next move. She knows that staying there isn't safe anymore. Soon those freaks will overrun her. She needs to warn the others.

She swiftly descended the crane, her movements fluid and agile, as she raced back towards the battlefield where Blaze, Sparky, and Mystique continued their relentless assault on the regenerating Deadite. Her mind raced with urgency, knowing that she needed to warn them about the approaching swarm of Deadites.

As she reached the mutant trio, X-23's voice cut through the chaos. "We've got company! More Deadites are headed our way!" She gestured towards the shadows where the horde was lurking, their grotesque forms slowly advancing.

Blaze's eyes widened, his trigger finger momentarily pausing. "Damn, they just keep coming!" he exclaimed, his fiery hair standing on end. "We can't let them overwhelm us."

Sparky's expression hardened, determination etched on her face. "Then let's give them a taste of their own medicine. Time to turn up the voltage!"

"Not this time, they are swarming all over the place," X-23 explained the situation.

"How many?" Mystique asked with a worried look.

"Too many..." X-23 replied.

"How much longer do those heroes need? We are sitting duck here and running out of ammunition," Blaze complained as he threw a grenade at the giant Deadite.

Blaze's frustration echoed through the battlefield as the explosion from his grenade rocked the giant Deadite. Mystique's eyes narrowed, her mind calculating the dwindling resources and the relentless onslaught of the Deadite horde.

"We'll hold them off as long as we can," Mystique said, her voice laced with determination. "But we need a plan, and we need it now."

Out of nowhere, all the metal around the airfield started to tremble.

"Looks like reinforcement is here," Mystique said with a smile as she looked in the sky, "Took you long enough, Erik."

As the metal trembled and the air crackled with energy, a powerful magnetic force swept across the battlefield. Mystique's smile widened as she witnessed Magneto's arrival. Hovering in the air, his magnetic aura pulsating, Magneto surveyed the scene with a determined gaze.

"Sorry, traffic," Erik smirked as he flew down to the ground, "So, these are the undeads they have been talking about. Deadites, right? Looks ugly enough to want me to rip them apart... Huh? So, you are the three kids they took away?" His eyes fell on the three mutant kids.

Blaze, Sparky, and X-23 exchanged glances, momentarily taken aback by Magneto's presence. Blaze's fiery hair flickered with a mix of awe and apprehension, while Sparky's eyes crackled with curiosity. X-23 remained stoic, her gaze fixed on the mutant master of magnetism.

"Yeah, that's us," Blaze replied, his voice tinged with respect. "We've been holding our own, but these Deadites just keep coming."

Sparky's excitement bubbled up as she spoke, her words quick and energetic. "I have been zapping them, but nothing working. What can you do alone?"

X-23 remained cautious, her instincts telling her to observe and assess the situation. "We need a strategy. The Deadite horde is growing, and they're swarming from all directions. We need to end that big one fast and I was expecting some more reinforcement."

Erik's gaze swept across the battlefield, taking in the chaotic scene and the relentless advance of the Deadites. His magnetic aura intensified, crackling with power.

As he turned his attention towards Sparky, a mischievous smile played on his lips. With a swift motion of his hands, he summoned an immense amount of metal from the surroundings, forming it into gigantic razor-sharp blades. The blades hovered in the air, glowing with magnetic energy.

Without hesitation, Erik directed the blades towards the towering Deadite. With a powerful surge of magnetic force, the blades sliced through the creature's flesh, severing it into smaller, more manageable pieces. The giant Deadite writhed and howled in agony as it was torn apart by the immense force of the magnetic blades.

"WOW!" Blaze's mouth remained open in awe.

"How did you do that? How can you hurl that massive blade with a single finger?" Sparky was also stunned.

Blaze, Sparky, and X-23 watched in awe as the giant Deadite was reduced to scattered remains. The battlefield grew quieter as the smaller Deadites momentarily paused, sensing the defeat of their formidable leader.

Erik's magnetic aura crackled with satisfaction as he lowered the blades to the ground. He turned to the mutant trio, his gaze firm. "You can also do things like this with your powers, you just need proper training."

"Uum... We can talk about that later... The hoards are coming toward us, Erik," Mystique cut in, her eyes scanning the advancing horde of Deadites.

[Rumble] [Crackle] The sky became dark and cloudy. Thunder began to crackle in the sky.

*******[POWER STONES]******

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[Harem] [Alternate reality, before the merge. Illuminati. Ultron. Thanos. More.]

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