Ch: 147 [Subject 0X]

Ch: 147 [Subject 0X]

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As the sky grew dark and thunder rumbled overhead, a bolt of lightning streaked across the horizon. Jane Foster, now transformed into the mighty Thor, descended from the heavens, Mjolnir in her hand. Her eyes glowed with the power of the storm as she landed gracefully amidst the chaos.

Beside her, Valkyrie, astride her loyal winged steed, Aragorn, joined the fray. The sound of thundering hooves filled the air as Valkyrie and her majestic pegasus charged into battle, her sword gleaming with an ethereal light.

The mutant trio, along with Mystique and Magneto, turned their attention towards the new arrivals, their eyes widening in awe and relief.

"Wait! Since when did Thor become a girl?" Blaze exclaimed, his voice filled with astonishment and curiosity.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Blaze's question hung in the air for a moment as the mutant trio and their allies exchanged glances, processing the unexpected transformation of Thor. Mystique, always quick to adapt, stepped forward, her voice filled with a mix of admiration and respect.

"That's Jane Foster, the current wielder of Mjolnir. It's a long story," Mystique said.

With Mjolnir in her grasp, Jane Foster channeled the power of the storm, her eyes blazing with determination. She swung the mighty hammer, unleashing bolts of lightning that electrified the air. The lightning struck the approaching Deadites, engulfing them in crackling energy and reducing them to ash.

Valkyrie, wielding her ethereal sword, soared through the air on Aragorn's back, gracefully cleaving through the ranks of Deadites. Her swift strikes were precise and deadly, each swing of her blade cutting through the creatures with ease.

Blaze, Sparky, and X-23 watched in awe as Jane and Valkyrie unleashed their might upon the horde. They marveled at the combination of lightning and swordplay, their attacks complementing each other with seamless precision.

Magneto, his gaze fixed on the battlefield, observed the display of power with a mixture of fascination and calculation. His magnetic aura crackled with energy as he assessed the situation, considering the best way to utilize his own abilities.

"Jane Foster and Valkyrie... They are strong as always," Magneto acknowledged, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration.

Magneto, drawing upon his mastery over magnetism, unleashed a torrent of metallic projectiles towards the remaining Deadite horde. The projectiles tore through the air with deadly precision, impaling and shredding the creatures with a combination of electrifying sparks and metallic shards.

Blaze, Sparky, and X-23, emboldened by the display of power from their allies, joined in the assault with renewed vigor.

As Blaze summoned torrents of vines from the ground, they surged forward, entangling and ensnaring the remaining Deadites. The plants coiled around the creatures, restricting their movements and rendering them helpless.

Sparky, her eyes glowing with electric intensity, unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts from her fingertips. The bolts crackled through the air, striking the immobilized Deadites and disintegrating them into ashes.

X-23, ever the agile and deadly fighter, moved with calculated precision. She darted among the remaining Deadites, her adamantium claws slashing and slicing through their ranks. With each strike, she delivered swift and lethal blows, severing limbs and decapitating the undead creatures.

While Mystique continued to shoot with precision, targeting the heads.

Together, Blaze, Sparky, and X-23 formed a formidable trio, their powers, and skills harmonizing to create a devastating assault. The mutant trio fought side by side with Thor, Valkyrie, Mystique, and Magneto, their combined efforts reducing the once overwhelming Deadite horde to a scattered remnant.

As the last of the Deadites fell, the battlefield grew quiet, save for the crackling energy and the lingering scent of victory. The mutant trio and their allies stood amidst the aftermath, their chests heaving with exertion and their eyes reflecting the intensity of the battle.

Jane and Valkyrie flew down.

"Everyone alright? Sorry, we were late," Jane apologized.

Blaze, Sparky, and X-23 exchanged glances, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the presence of the mighty heroes. Blaze's fiery hair flickered with a mix of awe and gratitude, while Sparky's eyes shimmered with admiration. X-23, ever the stoic warrior, nodded in acknowledgment.

"We're fine now," Blaze replied, a hint of relief in his voice. "Thanks to all of you. You arrived just in time."

Valkyrie dismounted from Aragorn, her sword glowing with residual energy. She regarded the mutant trio with a nod of approval. "No need to thank us, just doing our jobs." She glanced at Erik and smiled, "Besides, with him here, you lots would be just fine without our help."

As the mutant trio and their allies caught their breath, a shimmering portal materialized nearby. Out stepped a group of sorcerers from Kamar Taj, led by Wong, the steadfast protector of mystical knowledge. Behind him, a diverse array of sorcerers followed, their robes adorned with intricate symbols and their eyes filled with determination.

Wong's gaze swept across the battlefield, assessing the situation and the defeated remnants of the Deadite horde. He nodded in approval, his voice calm yet commanding. "Well done, everyone. You have fought valiantly against the forces of darkness. We wanted to arrive early, but with the evil rising, our forces are spread thin."

Blaze, Sparky, and X-23 turned their attention towards the sorcerers, their expressions a mix of curiosity and relief. Blaze's fiery hair flickered with newfound energy, while Sparky's eyes sparkled with intrigue. X-23 remained vigilant, her senses attuned to any lingering threats.

"At ease, kids, they are allies," Mystique said.

"How is the translation coming along?" Jane asked Wong with a curious expression.

"Strange is doing all he can, but we need those missing pages. Tony found one of those missing pages. Hopefully, we will find them soon and send the evil back to the underworld," Wong replied, his voice filled with determination, "Well, for now, let us cleanse this area."

Wong and the other sorcerers stepped forward, their eyes filled with ancient wisdom and power. They extended their hands, creating intricate patterns and arrays. With a gust of wind, a surge of mystical energy pulsated from those arrays, spreading out across the battlefield. The energy rippled through the air, purging the lingering traces of evil and corruption left by the defeated Deadites.

As the energy wave passed over them, Blaze, Sparky, and X-23 felt a tingling sensation, as if a weight had been lifted from their shoulders. The residual darkness that clung to their senses dissipated, leaving behind a sense of clarity and renewed strength.

Wong's voice resonated with sorrow and exhaustion. "The forces of evil have been vanquished for now. Haaa... So many innocent people died today... May their soul rest in peace."


[Meanwhile, under the now ruined AMO's base.]

Cynthia found herself standing before a seemingly impenetrable obstacle—a colossal metal blast door blocking her path, "Now, what are you bastards hiding behind this?" Undeterred, she grasped her magic sword with unwavering resolve, its blade humming with latent power.

With a swift and precise strike, Cynthia swung her sword with all her might, the enchanted blade slicing through the unyielding metal as if it were mere paper. The deafening screech of tearing metal filled the air as the door split apart, revealing a hidden passage beyond.

Curiosity and a sense of urgency propelled Cynthia forward as she cautiously stepped into the newly revealed tunnel. The passage was dimly lit, and the air carried a stale, musty scent of long-forgotten secrets. As she ventured deeper, the sounds of the ongoing battle above gradually faded, replaced by an eerie silence that wrapped around her like a shroud.

"Great, an old tunnel. Humm... Traces of footprints and tint of magic!" Cynthia mumbled to herself, noticing the old footprints and magic under the gleaming light of her enchanted sword.

Cynthia followed the footprints and magical residue, her senses heightened as she moved deeper into the tunnel. The passageway seemed to stretch on endlessly, leading her further into the unknown. She remained alert, ready to face any hidden dangers that might lurk in the shadows.

As she continued her exploration, the tunnel gradually widened, revealing a vast underground chamber bathed in a faint, otherworldly glow. The air grew thicker with an ancient and foreboding energy, and Cynthia's instincts told her that she was getting closer to uncovering the secrets hidden within.

In the center of the chamber stood a small square cell. The walls of that cell were made of pure magic energy. And on the ground was written with paint- 'S: 0X. Ver-2'

The walls shimmered with an ethereal light, pulsating with arcane power. Inside the cell, a figure could be seen, trapped and suspended in the magical confines. Cynthia approached cautiously, her grip on her sword tightening as she prepared for any potential danger.

As she drew nearer, Cynthia's eyes widened in recognition. Her legs gave out and she fell on her knees. "No!"

The one inside the cell looked at Cynthia. Drops of tears gushed out from that person's eyes, "Mom!? Help!"


AN: Dropped the bomb in this chapter. The bigger bomb will drop in the next chapter. Who is this person? Any ideas?

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