Ch: 148 [Does this one has a soul?]

Ch: 148 [Does this one has a soul?]

> Check it out. My 2nd Multiverse Fic with a different approach.


Cynthia couldn't believe what she was seeing before her eyes. It appeared to be her son, Alex, trapped within the confines of the magical cell. However, upon closer inspection, she realized that this figure was different. The lower half of his body was composed of old, rusty machinery, a combination of man and machine.

Shock and confusion filled Cynthia's heart as she extended her hand toward the force field surrounding the clone. She channeled her magic energy through her fingertips, allowing it to flow into the barrier. As her energy connected with the force field, she sensed a distinct aura, a signature that was not her son's.

A surge of realization washed over Cynthia. The truth dawned on her with painful clarity—this was not her son, but a clone, a failed experiment created by unknown forces. The emotions that overwhelmed her were a mixture of relief that her real son was safe on Lizard Island, yet heartbreak for the existence of this twisted copy.

'A clone! Those bastards! But why Alex?' A question tugged her mind. But right now, she has other things to worry about.

The clone's eyes met Cynthia's gaze, filled with a mix of confusion and longing. Tears streamed down his face as he called out to her, "Mom!? Help!"

Cynthia's heart ached at the sound of her son's voice, even though she knew it was a distorted version of the child she loved. The clone's plea tugged at her maternal instincts, compelling her to find a way to free him from his torment.

"Just wait a bit more, I will get you out of here," With renewed determination, Cynthia focused her magical energy, seeking weak points or vulnerabilities in the force field that encapsulated the clone. She carefully analyzed the shimmering walls, tracing her fingertips along its surface, searching for any sign of weakness.

She could have just sliced it off, but that might hurt the clone.

As her investigation progressed, Cynthia noticed subtle fluctuations in the magical energy within the force field. It seemed that the barrier was not impregnable; there were small fluctuations, perhaps remnants of previous failed attempts to break free. This gave her a glimmer of hope.

Drawing upon her own strength, Cynthia intensified her efforts. She channeled her magic energy into a concentrated beam, slowly and carefully, directing it towards a specific point in the force field where the fluctuations were the strongest.

The barrier quivered and crackled under the pressure of Cynthia's focused assault. She could feel the sadness and agony radiating from the clone. Those eyes, looking at her with hope... 'Playing with the forces of nature... Bastards, trying to be a creator... Wants to live for eternity... Searching for immortality...'

With one final surge of energy, the force field gave way, shattering into a thousand shimmering fragments. Cynthia watched as the clone stumbled forward, released from his prison. He collapsed onto the ground, weak and disoriented, but free from the confines that had held him captive.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Cynthia rushed to her clone son's side, cradling his head gently in her arms. She could feel his irregular breathing and the fading pulse of his mechanical heart. Time was running out, and she needed to act quickly.

"Alex, can you hear me?" Cynthia whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and urgency.

The clone's eyes fluttered open, his gaze meeting Cynthia's. A flicker of recognition passed through his eyes as he struggled to speak. "Mom... it hurts... inside... I don't want to die."

Cynthia's heart ached at her clone son's words. She knew that this twisted creation was suffering, trapped between the realms of human and machine. Determination burned within her, and she vowed to do everything in her power to ease his pain.

"I won't let you die, Alex," Cynthia said, her voice filled with unwavering resolve. "We'll find a way to help you, to make things right."

She gently cradled his head in her hands, her fingers tracing the contours of his face, searching for any signs of weakness or instability. The clone's breathing grew shallower, his mechanical parts struggling to maintain their function.

Cynthia closed her eyes, her mind racing with possibilities and potential solutions. She recalled her own knowledge of magic and technology, contemplating how she could merge the two to aid her clone son.

Drawing upon her magical abilities, Cynthia focused her energy into a healing aura. She carefully directed the flow of magic toward the clone's body, seeking to mend the broken parts, to restore harmony between flesh and machine.

As Cynthia's healing aura enveloped the clone's body, she felt the delicate balance of magic and technology interweaving. The magical energy surged through the clone's mechanical parts, repairing damaged circuits and restoring functionality.

"Please..." The clone lightly grabbed Cynthia's arm, as if he is telling her to stop.

Cynthia paused, her eyes filled with concern. She could sense the clone's distress and uncertainty. She gently withdrew her healing aura, allowing the magic to subside.

"Just hold on... I will heal you..." she said, her voice filled with compassion.

The clone's eyes met Cynthia's, a mixture of fear and resignation in his gaze.

"I... I don't want to die... B-But... I don't belong here. I know I am a freak made up by them. I am not the real Alex... I'm not your son. I'm a flawed creation, a failed experiment. But these memories..." The clone's voice drifted off as his mechanical parts wheezed with sparks of electricity.

Cynthia listened to the clone's words, her heart heavy with a mix of sorrow and understanding. She knew deep down that this clone was not her real son, but an imperfect replica created by AMO. The realization that he was aware of his nature and felt trapped within his own existence weighed heavily on her.

Tears welled up in Cynthia's eyes as she reached out and gently grasped the clone's hand, offering him comfort and reassurance. "I may not have given birth to you, but you have a part of me within you. You possess memories and emotions that are real, even if your physical form is different. You are not alone, and you deserve a chance at life."

The clone looked at Cynthia, his eyes searching for truth and acceptance. "You are the same as always. *cough* *cough* You must know... I... I am the second failed product they created after the first one escaped. Subject 0X is Alex Wilson, your son. They performed various tests on him after the Red Hulk clone attack incident. They discovered that he possessed a perfect body, capable of surviving and adapting..."

After a brief pause, he continued...

"They did something that awakened his latent powers. I... I don't know... He tore apart everyone in the facility and escaped. That's the last memory I have that they imprinted into my brain. AMO is just the face... the real... Arggg!" The clone grabbed his chest.

The magic barrier was the only thing keeping him alive and with that gone, his life force has depleted.

Cynthia's heart sank as she watched the clone's condition deteriorate before her eyes. She knew that time was running out, and she needed to act swiftly to save him, or at least provide some comfort in his final moments.

Cynthia's heart sank as she watched the clone's condition deteriorate before her eyes. She knew that time was running out, and she needed to act swiftly to save him, or at least provide some comfort in his final moments.

Gently cradling the clone's head in her arms, Cynthia whispered words of love and reassurance. "You are not alone, and your existence is not in vain. Your experiences, however twisted, have shaped who you are. You have value, and I will honor your life."

With tears streaming down her face, Cynthia focused her magic energy once again, this time not to heal, but to ease the clone's suffering. She enveloped him in a cocoon of warm, comforting energy, offering solace and tranquility.

"Who did this?" Cynthia whispered.

As the clone's life force flickered, he mustered the last bit of strength to speak. "Omni Consumer Products... OCP... They are the ones behind all this. They wanted to create the perfect weapon, an army of clones with enhanced abilities. But their experiments went wrong, after the Red Hulk Clone and Alex... And they discarded us as failures. Mom..." He grabbed Cynthia's hand tightly.

Cynthia held onto the clone's hand, her heart heavy with sorrow and anger. She could feel the clone's life slipping away, but she refused to let him face his fate alone.

"I promise you, my dear, I will make them pay for what they've done," Cynthia whispered, her voice filled with determination. "No one should have to suffer like this, and I won't let them get away with it."

"Mom... sky..." The clone mumbles as his arms went limp, but there was still a flicker of life left in his eyes.

Cynthia could feel the clone's life force fading rapidly, but she couldn't ignore his last request. With tears streaming down her face, she focused her magical energy and opened a portal to a mountaintop, far away from prying eyes. The landscape before them was breathtaking, with the vast expanse of the sky stretching overhead.

With great care, Cynthia carried the clone in her arms, stepping through the portal and emerging into the open air. The cool mountain breeze brushed against their skin as they stood on the rocky terrain, gazing up at the boundless sky.

Cynthia found a comfortable spot and gently laid the clone down, under a tree.

"Sky... beautiful... Mom... Does this one has a soul?" A mumble escaped the clone's lips.

Cynthia knelt down beside the clone, her heart heavy with both grief and determination. She looked into his eyes, he is gone.

"Yes," Cynthia closed his eyes.

As Cynthia closed the clone's eyes, a deep sense of sorrow washed over her. She knew that despite his flaws and his artificial nature, he had possessed consciousness, memories, and emotions. The clone had yearned for acceptance and a chance at life, and in his final moments, Cynthia had provided him with solace and the beauty of the open sky.

However, the anger and rage in her heart burst open. She remained there, looking at the lifeless body of the clone. In her life, she had encountered and seen many deaths. She is very familiar with death, but when it comes to her own son, she just couldn't bear it.

Her usual vibrant blue magic energy began to crackle around her body, slowly turning black. Dark clouds began to cover the bright clear sky.

As the dark clouds gathered above Cynthia, her anger and grief mingled, fueling the transformation of her magical energy. The crackling black energy surrounded her, swirling and pulsating with a sinister aura.

Pure rage!

Cynthia's eyes glowed with an intense fury as she stood up, her body enveloped in the swirling black energy. Her grief had transformed into a burning rage, and she vowed to unleash her wrath upon those responsible for the creation and suffering of the clones.

With a powerful gesture of her hand, Cynthia unleashed a torrent of dark magic toward the horizon. The ground shook, and the very air seemed to crackle with her power. The force of her anger and determination manifested as a devastating storm, its dark clouds rumbling with thunder and lightning.

As the storm raged, Cynthia's mind raced with thoughts of vengeance. She would seek out OCP, the organization behind the creation of the clones, and make them pay for their atrocities. No longer bound by her usual restraint, she decided to embrace her old self.

"Become one with the earth," Cynthia pointed her finger toward the lifeless body of the clone.

As Cynthia pointed her finger towards the lifeless body of the clone, the ground beneath it trembled. The earth responded to her command, and vines emerged from the soil, wrapping themselves gently around the clone's body. The vines carried the clone, lifting him up and cradling him in a tender embrace.

With a solemn expression on her face, Cynthia disappeared with a flash of dark lightning.

******[Those who don't know OCP. >> Robocop]***

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