Ch: 149 [Memories Recovered]

Ch: 149 [Memories Recovered]

Its getting frustrating. That guy is used alt ac to spam another review.


I woke up with a jolt, my mind swirling with fragments of memories. Some were hazy and disjointed, like scattered puzzle pieces waiting to be put together. But amidst the confusion, certain memories stood out, vivid and painfully clear.

I remembered Skye, the woman who had hired me as her bodyguard. Her presence had captivated me from the moment I laid eyes on her. Her snow-white hair cascaded down her shoulders, a stark contrast against her fair skin. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of azure, held a depth of emotion that drew me in like a gravitational force.

Skye was a single mother, and her daughter Hina was the light of her life. Hina had a contagious enthusiasm and an endless curiosity about the world. She would often cling to my shoulders, urging me to take her to the giant tree in the field so she could witness the beauty of a sunrise. I would laugh and playfully protest, telling her not to call me daddy. But Hina was stubborn, and she continued to address me as such, slowly melting away the resistance in my heart until I fully embraced the endearing term.

The memories continued to flood my mind, overwhelming me with a bittersweet mix of joy and sorrow. I remembered the happy times Skye and I spent together, strolling through that very field hand in hand. The flowers bloomed in vibrant colors, dancing with the gentle breeze as if celebrating our love. We would lie on the grass, watching the clouds drift by, sharing dreams and secrets that only the two of us could understand.

But amidst the beauty and tranquility, darkness loomed on the horizon. I recalled the day the rains of fire fell from the sky, transforming our idyllic paradise into a nightmare. Skye, weakened and fragile, fell into my arms, her life slipping away as tears streamed down my face. In that moment, I failed to protect her, to shield her from the horrors that befell us.

The memories surged forward, engulfing me in their raw intensity. I remembered the ones responsible for destroying everything I held dear, for shattering the life we had built. Anguish and anger surged within me, fueling my determination to seek justice for the ones I lost and the pain inflicted upon us.

I was strong, there was no doubt about that. But strength alone couldn't undo the devastation that had been unleashed upon us. The weight of that failure bore heavily on my shoulders, a constant reminder of my shortcomings.

In the aftermath of the tragedy that had befallen us, I was left grappling with a profound sense of loss. The weight of grief settled upon my shoulders like a heavy shroud, its tendrils wrapping around my heart, squeezing with a relentless grip. Every breath felt like a struggle, as if the air itself had turned heavy with the weight of my sorrow.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


She was the only light I had left with me.

Hina, my sweet daughter, was the sole survivor of that fateful day. Her innocence had been marred by the cruel hands of fate, leaving her with scars that ran deeper than any physical wound. I couldn't protect Skye, but I vowed to shield Hina from further harm, to be the pillar of strength she needed in a world that seemed intent on tearing us apart.

However, I stopped myself from breaking apart. If I break, who would look after Hina? I vowed to make her the strongest being alive. And when she is strong enough to look after herself, I would go on a journey...

My final journey would be to find and kill the ones who took everything away from us.


Time passed, and the weight of my grief fueled my resolve to shape Hina into a force to be reckoned with. Every day became a relentless cycle of rigorous training, designed to forge her into the strongest being alive. I pushed her to her limits and beyond, testing the boundaries of her physical and mental endurance.

The training grounds became our sanctuary, a place where pain and determination melded together, where tears mingled with sweat. Hina's young body trembled under the strain, her delicate features contorted with effort, but she never wavered. She possessed a resilience and determination far beyond her years, fueled by the same fire that burned within me.

We started with the basics—endurance, strength, and agility. Hina would rise before dawn, her tiny hands gripping the cold metal of the training equipment, her muscles straining against the weight. We would run for miles, her small frame barely keeping up with my steady pace, but she never complained. The pain and exhaustion became her companions, and she learned to embrace them, channeling her anguish into every strike, every leap.

As the days turned into weeks, Hina's progress became evident. Her punches grew sharper, her kicks more precise. Her once faltering steps transformed into graceful movements, as if she had found a rhythm within the chaos. But physical prowess alone would not be enough. To face the ones responsible for our tragedy, Hina needed more than just physical strength—she needed an indomitable spirit.

I pushed her further, challenging her mind and soul. We practiced meditation, seeking clarity amidst the turmoil. Hina would sit in silence, her eyes closed, breathing in the fragrant air that carried traces of the past. Memories would flood her mind—of Skye's laughter, her gentle touch, and the love that had enveloped us. But Hina learned to acknowledge those memories without being consumed by them, to let go of the pain and focus on the task at hand.

I taught her the art of strategy, the importance of analyzing her opponents, and exploiting their weaknesses. We studied ancient texts, delving into the wisdom of past warriors, seeking guidance in the face of overwhelming odds. Hina absorbed knowledge like a sponge, her thirst for understanding insatiable.

The next phase of Hina's training was centered around control over emotions and making split-second decisions. We delved deep into the intricacies of the human psyche, exploring the profound impact emotions could have on one's judgment and actions. Hina needed to master her emotions, to harness them as a source of strength rather than allowing them to overpower her.

In the training grounds, we set up scenarios designed to evoke a range of emotions. Hina would face simulated situations that mirrored the intense emotions she might encounter in real-life battles. We would recreate the chaos and fear of that fateful day, immersing her in an environment that stirred up memories of loss and pain. I pushed her to the edge, seeking to expose her vulnerabilities and help her confront them head-on.

In those moments, I watched as Hina's emotions waged a fierce battle within her. Anguish, anger, and sorrow would swirl in her eyes, threatening to consume her. But she gradually learned to reign in those emotions, to find the calm in the midst of the storm. I taught her techniques to regulate her breathing, to quiet her racing heart, and to focus her mind. Through countless repetitions, Hina honed her ability to regain control even in the most tumultuous of situations.

But it wasn't enough to merely suppress emotions. Hina had to understand them, to navigate the intricate labyrinth of her own heart. We spent hours discussing the nature of grief, anger, and vengeance. I encouraged her to express her emotions openly, to acknowledge and embrace them without allowing them to dictate her actions. Together, we delved into the depths of her pain, unraveling the complex web of emotions woven within her.

In the quiet of the training grounds, we sat by a tranquil pond, the ripples on its surface mirroring the depths of our souls. Hina spoke of her fears, her doubts, and the overwhelming burden of loss that weighed on her young shoulders. I listened, offering solace and guidance when needed, but always reminding her that she possessed the strength to rise above her circumstances.

As time went on, Hina's ability to make split-second decisions became crucial. We created scenarios where she had to react swiftly and effectively, assessing the situation and choosing the best course of action in an instant. I exposed her to unexpected challenges, forcing her to adapt and make choices under intense pressure. It was a test of her mental fortitude and the clarity of her judgment.

Through countless repetitions, Hina sharpened her instincts. She learned to trust her intuition, to analyze the smallest cues and anticipate her opponents' moves. Her mind became a battlefield of calculations, a chessboard where she strategized her every action. In those critical moments, Hina's focus was unwavering, her resolve unyielding.

But amidst the training and the relentless pursuit of strength, I never let Hina forget the true purpose behind her journey. We would often sit under the shade of the giant tree in the field, its branches stretching towards the heavens as if seeking solace. Hina would speak of her mother, of the memories they shared, and the dreams they once held. I would listen, allowing the weight of her grief to be shared, shouldering a portion of the burden she carried.

Finally, it was time to pass on my immortality and my energy techniques to her. I had to make sure she would be alright in my absence.


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