Ch: 150 [The Final Lessons pt1]

Ch: 150 [The Final Lessons pt1]

Thank you for all your support. I really appreciate it. The funny thing is he thinks all are my account. lol. He even went further to use alt ac to write another review. I checked that ac and guess what? All the fics on his reading list are bookmarked Ch:1 and most are abandoned years ago.

The day had arrived when I deemed Hina ready to receive the profound knowledge and techniques that had been passed down through generations. It was a solemn occasion, as I knew that this would be the final stage of our training together. I had watched Hina grow from a wide-eyed child into a determined young woman, and now it was time for her to shoulder the weight of our shared purpose.

We retreated to a secluded chamber within our training grounds, a sacred space reserved for the most profound teachings. The air within the chamber was heavy with anticipation, and the flickering candlelight cast dancing shadows on the walls, creating an atmosphere of mystery and reverence. Hina stood before me, her eyes reflecting a mixture of excitement and trepidation, as she prepared to delve deeper into the secrets of our lineage.

The chamber was adorned with ancient scrolls and artifacts, each holding a fragment of the wisdom that had been passed down through the ages. I gestured for Hina to approach a large wooden table at the center of the room, where a worn scroll lay open, revealing intricate diagrams and symbols. This scroll held the key to unlocking the true extent of her potential.

"Hina," I began, my voice low and steady, "the time has come for you to embrace your legacy fully. The techniques I am about to teach you have been guarded fiercely for centuries, handed down from one guardian to the next. They carry the essence of our ancestors, their accumulated wisdom, and the hopes they had for a better world."

Hina's gaze never wavered as she absorbed my words, her eyes reflecting a determination that matched my own. She understood the gravity of what was to come and the responsibility that rested upon her shoulders.

I picked up the scroll, its delicate parchment whispering secrets as I unrolled it further. The diagrams depicted intricate energy channels within the body, representing the flow of life force that coursed through every living being. I traced my finger along the lines, feeling the energy hum beneath my touch, and turned to face Hina.

"These techniques harness the power of our life force, the energy that binds us to this world," I explained. "Through years of refinement and mastery, our ancestors developed methods to manipulate and control this energy, enabling them to achieve extraordinary feats. Sorcery, magic, chaos energy, dark energy, divine energy, and various other power exists in this realm, but without lifeforce, all is meaningless because to use those power, you need to be alive."

Hina's eyes widened, a mix of awe and anticipation shimmering within them. She had witnessed glimpses of my own abilities and understood the immense potential this knowledge held.

"And starting this moment, I will teach you the ultimate form of power: immortality," I continued, my voice carrying the weight of centuries of guardians before me. "Immortality is not simply the ability to live forever, but the mastery of life force, the essence that sustains us. It grants us unparalleled resilience and longevity, allowing us to withstand the ravages of time."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hina's breath caught in her throat, her eyes widening with a mixture of disbelief and wonder. The concept of immortality held a profound allure, but she understood that it came with its own challenges and sacrifices.

"Immortality is not without its price," I cautioned. "To attain such power, you must forge an unbreakable bond with your life force, intertwining your essence with that of the world around you. This union will grant you longevity, but it will also tether you to the ebb and flow of existence, binding your fate to the very fabric of life itself."

Hina nodded, her expression one of steadfast resolve. She understood the implications of this path and the sacrifices she would have to make.

With a determined nod, Hina signaled her readiness to embrace the path of immortality. I sensed her unwavering commitment and knew that she was prepared to face the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.

I began by explaining the fundamental principles of immortality, guiding Hina through the intricate process of forging a connection with her life force. We delved into the depths of meditation, exploring the power of breath control and visualization techniques to attune her mind and body to the flow of life energy.

In the dimly lit chamber, we sat in silence, our breathing synchronized as we entered a state of deep meditation. I instructed Hina to focus her awareness inward, to feel the pulsating energy within her, resonating with every heartbeat. She closed her eyes, shutting out the outside world and turning her gaze inward.

"Feel the life force coursing through your veins," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "Visualize it as a brilliant, radiant light, illuminating every part of your being. Breathe it in, absorb its energy, and let it suffuse your entire existence."

Hina followed my guidance, her breaths deep and steady. She envisioned a warm, golden light emanating from the depths of her core, spreading outwards with each inhalation. As she exhaled, she released any tension or negativity, allowing it to dissipate into the ether.

For hours, we remained in that state of profound connection, delving deeper into the realms of consciousness. I guided Hina through a series of intricate energy manipulation exercises, teaching her how to harness her life force to heal injuries, enhance her physical abilities, and fortify her resilience.

As time passed, Hina's mastery of her life force grew, her control becoming more refined with each session. She learned to channel the energy to specific parts of her body, mending wounds and revitalizing weary muscles. Her stamina increased, and her movements became fluid and graceful, as if she had become one with the very essence of life itself.

But immortality went beyond physical prowess. It encompassed the mind, the spirit, and the connection to the world around us. I introduced Hina to the concept of elemental manipulation, guiding her through the intricate dances of fire, water, earth, and air.

Under my guidance, Hina learned to draw upon the elemental energies that permeated the world, using them to enhance her combat abilities and unleash devastating attacks. She danced with flames, her fingertips igniting in a brilliant display of pyrokinesis. She called forth gusts of wind, her movements imbued with an ethereal grace. She commanded the earth itself, shaping it to her will, and embraced the fluidity of water, using it to heal and protect.

But as Hina's power grew, I emphasized the importance of balance and responsibility. Immortality was a gift, but it could also be a curse if misused. I spoke of the dangers of succumbing to the lure of power, of losing oneself in the pursuit of vengeance and justice. Hina listened intently, understanding the weight of her actions and the consequences they could bring.

"Remember, Hina," I told her, my voice filled with solemnity. "Your purpose is not to revel in your own power but to wield it with wisdom and compassion. The true strength of an immortal lies not in the destruction they can unleash, but in the lives, they can protect and nurture."

Hina nodded, her eyes shining with determination and a newfound understanding. She was ready to embrace her role as the guardian of life, to protect the innocent and uphold the balance of existence.

But immortality was not the only secret I had to impart to Hina. There was one final technique, one that had been passed down through generations, whispered only in hushed tones.

"The power of the ring fueled by different emotions," I began, my voice taking on a grave tone. "This is a technique known only to a select few. It harnesses the energy of emotions and channels them through a specially crafted ring, amplifying their effects and granting immense power."

I pointed at the red ring on her finger that I gave her the very day everything ended.

"The red ring!" Hina mumbled.

Hina looked down at the ring on her finger, the crimson gem gleaming in the candlelight. She had worn it every day since the day it was given to her, unaware of its true significance until now. Her heart raced with a mix of curiosity and trepidation as she realized the potential that lay dormant within the ring.

"Emotions are a powerful force, Hina," I continued, my voice steady yet filled with caution. "They have the ability to shape our actions and influence the world around us. But when harnessed and channeled through the ring, their impact becomes amplified, granting you unparalleled power. You have already mastered your emotions, so it will be an easy task for you."


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