Ch: 151 [The Final Lessons pt2]

Ch: 151 [The Final Lessons pt2]

During the final years of training, I started to show signs of dementia. The once-sharp mind that had guided Hina through countless lessons and imparted wisdom now struggled to hold onto memories and thoughts. It was a cruel twist of fate, to witness my own mental faculties deteriorating just as Hina stood on the precipice of her destiny.

The early signs were subtle—a forgotten name here, a misplaced item there. At first, I brushed them off as mere lapses in concentration, the natural result of a lifetime dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. But as time went on, the gaps grew wider, the memories slipping through my fingers like sand.

I couldn't deny the truth any longer. The clarity of thought that had once defined me was slowly fading away, leaving behind a fragmented and disoriented mind. Each day became a struggle to hold onto coherent thoughts, to string together words that made sense. I could see the confusion in Hina's eyes, the worry etched across her face as she witnessed the decline of her mentor.

I sought solace in the training chamber, the familiar surroundings offering a semblance of stability in a world that felt increasingly uncertain. The ancient scrolls and artifacts that adorned the walls held a lifetime of knowledge, but their secrets became elusive, slipping through the fog of my diminishing memory.

I don't even remember Skye's face anymore nor do I remember the ones who took her from me. But I can't let Hina know about my condition. She is deep in training. Disturbing her at this moment would be catastrophic.


The once-vibrant chamber now seemed to mock me with its silent reminders of a past I could no longer grasp. The scrolls that once held profound wisdom now appeared as indecipherable symbols, taunting me with their secrets just beyond my reach. My trembling hands reached out to touch the delicate parchments, but the words slipped away like fleeting phantoms, leaving me grasping at empty air.

Hina, ever dutiful and devoted, would stand beside me, her gaze filled with concern and unspoken questions. She could sense the fragments of my mind slipping away, the erosion of my identity and the legacy I had strived so diligently to impart upon her. But I couldn't bear to burden her with the weight of my affliction. She had her own destiny to fulfill, her own battles to face, and I refused to let my fading mind become an obstacle in her path.

Every day became a battle against the encroaching darkness, the relentless assault on my memories and thoughts. I clung desperately to fragments of the past, hoping to piece together the jigsaw puzzle of my life before it shattered irreparably. But the harder I tried to hold onto those fading memories, the more they slipped away, like wisps of smoke dissipating into the air.

I would wake up in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest. Nightmares would haunt me, fragments of forgotten battles and lost loved ones merging with the present in a disorienting haze. The lines between reality and delusion blurred, leaving me adrift in a sea of uncertainty. It was a cruel irony to be a guardian of wisdom, yet find myself lost in the labyrinth of my own mind.

I began to write a diary to keep things in order. I don't remember the one responsible for Skye's death anymore. I cursed myself. How could I possibly forget such an important thing?

Sometimes, an unknown face of a woman with white hair would come before my eyes, looking at me with a serene smile. She is so familiar, but I don't remember her.

This can't go on. I must find a solution. I must find a way to heal my mind. There is still so much to teach her.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, as I immersed myself in a tireless pursuit of answers. I experimented with various remedies and treatments, drawing upon the scattered remnants of knowledge I could still grasp. Herbal concoctions and elixirs, each promising to restore clarity and preserve fading memories, were tested with hopeful anticipation. But time and again, their efficacy proved fleeting, their effects no more than temporary flickers of respite in the relentless march of my deteriorating mind.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Finally, after searching for a year or so, I heard a rumor of an ancient tomb. The rumors said that there is an ancient pond of healing, somewhere deep within the catacombs of that ancient tomb, guarded by unkillable minotaurs' guardians.

Leaving Hina behind was one of the most difficult decisions I had ever made, but I knew it was necessary. My fading mind couldn't offer her the guidance she deserved, and finding a cure for my condition became an urgent mission. With a heavy heart, I wrote a heartfelt note, explaining my absence and expressing my unwavering belief in her abilities. I assured her that I would return, that this journey into the ancient tomb was essential for both of us.

Under the cover of darkness, I embarked on the arduous journey to the fabled tomb. The path was treacherous and filled with unknown dangers, but my determination pushed me forward. The rumors spoke of the healing pond hidden within its depths, a place said to possess restorative properties beyond imagination. If such a place existed, I had to find it.

However, I wasn't the only one who was looking for the tomb.

As I approached the vicinity of the tomb, a sense of foreboding settled over me. The sky was darkened by the presence of strange, bat-like creatures soaring through the air, their eerie screeches echoing in the distance. The sight of alien spaceships hovering above the ancient tomb sent shivers down my spine. It was clear that something far more sinister was at play.

It was as if they were waiting for me to enter their range. In a blink of an eye, countless invisible spaceships appeared out of nowhere, surrounding me.

It was then that I heard the deep, booming voice resonating through the air, chilling me to the core. "You cannot hide, guardian of knowledge. Hand over the Anti Life Equation to me."

I stood there, frozen in fear and confusion. Anti-Life Equation? These were unfamiliar terms, their significance lost in the fog of my deteriorating memory. My mind scrambled to make sense of the situation, but the relentless assault on my thoughts left me grasping at fragments of understanding.

Three imposing figures beamed down before me.

The three imposing figures that stood before me emanated an aura of power and darkness. The leader, a towering figure with glowing eyes and a demeanor that exuded authority, stepped forward. He was wearing silver spiny armor.

I summoned my sword, "Who the fuck are you?"

"I am Steppenwolf," The towering figure answered, "a humble servant of Lord Darkseid."

I knew of Darkseid, the tyrant ruler of Apokolips, from the tales passed down through generations. His name invoked fear and despair, and his insatiable hunger for power was legendary. To encounter one of his servants in this ancient tomb meant that the stakes were far higher than I had anticipated.

Steppenwolf's eyes bore into mine, his voice laced with an undercurrent of menace. "You possess knowledge that is of great interest to Lord Darkseid. Hand over the location of the Anti-Life Equation, and your end will be swift."

It doesn't matter who he is or what he wants, right now, my only goal is to find the pond of healing. However, taking on three of them in my condition would be difficult.

"I think you should know that my memories are not what it used to be. Ever heard of a disease called dementia?" I asked while silently powering up my sword with energy.

Steppenwolf sneered at my mention of dementia, his eyes narrowing with disdain. "A feeble mind is of no consequence to Lord Darkseid. It won't stop his grand plan. All you have to do is surrender your head to me."

As Steppenwolf's words hung in the air, a surge of energy coursed through my veins.

[Skill: Cronos Activated]

Without hesitation, I activated my Cronos skill, stopping time for precious 10 seconds. Steppenwolf and his minions froze in their tracks, their menacing postures suspended in mid-motion. I swiftly blinked behind one of the minions, my sword gleaming with energy as I thrust it into his throat. A gurgled gasp escaped his lips, his life snuffed out before he had a chance to react.

With the first minion dispatched, I moved like a shadow, my movements swift and calculated. Blinking behind the second minion, I aimed for his heart, driving my sword through his chest. A brief look of shock and pain flickered across his face before he collapsed, lifeless.

I activated my invisibility skill, fading from their sight, and dashed into the tomb. I must restore my memories to face him.


[Final memory fragment fusion completed]

[Ending Memory Simulation]

[Waking up the Host]


AN: MC's dementia is the result of Skye's mind-blocking skill we saw when Emma Frost entered his mind.

*******[POWER STONES]******

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