Ch: 152 [Test Subjects]

Ch: 152 [Test Subjects]

[Location: Lizard Island]

I groggily opened my eyes, my body still tense from the vivid memories that had flooded my mind. As I sat up on my bed, I realized that my headache was throbbing, intensifying with each passing moment. Before I could gather my thoughts and make sense of the situation, a deafening roar filled the air, shaking the room and rattling my already aching head.

The sound was unmistakable—a low rumble that seemed to reverberate through the walls. I stumbled to my feet, clutching my temples in an attempt to alleviate the pounding pain. Steadying myself, I stumbled towards the window, drawn by curiosity and a sense of unease.

As I peered outside, my eyes widened in disbelief. Hovering in the sky above my house was a massive aircraft, unlike anything I had ever seen before. It was sleek and modern with the X-Men logo on it.

Fuck! What do they want? Shit! My head. Although my memories are fragmented, I remember most of the things. And Hina was telling the truth.

The door flew open and Jenny rushed in.

Jenny, breathless and wide-eyed, took in the sight of the hovering aircraft and my disoriented state, "You alright?" she asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I will live. What do they want?" I asked, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Storm and Grandma brought some injured kids with them and want you to help them," Jenny explained the situation.

I somehow gathered my thoughts and went outside with Jenny.

As I stepped outside, the blinding sunlight assaulted my senses, intensifying the ache in my head. I shielded my eyes with my hand, squinting to get a better view of the scene unfolding before me.

Storm and Grandma were standing near the aircraft.

"It's 9 am and you are still sleeping?" Grandma asked.

I narrowed my eyes at Grandma's comment, the pain in my head fueling my irritability. "Do you have any idea what I've been through? Sleeping is a luxury I can't afford right now," I retorted sharply, "You all just had to annoy me with your problems just when I regained some fragments of my memory. Argg! Damn!"

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You remember everything?" Grandma asked with a curious look.

"More or less. Just babble out what you want with me. My head is killing me," I said in annoyance.

As I spoke, my words carried a sharp edge, reflecting the frustration and pain that coursed through me. I could sense the tension in the air, but I had little patience for niceties in my current state. My mind was a battleground of memories and emotions, and the constant assault on my sanity had left me raw and irritable.

All I want now is a cold bath and some painkillers. Damn! What the fuck is going on System?

[Memory synchronization]

[Time: 3 hours]

[Side-effects: Headache, nausea, burning eyes, emotional disbalance]

Storm, ever composed and serene, regarded me with a mixture of understanding and concern. "I apologize for the abruptness of our arrival, but we are in dire need of your assistance. The injured children aboard our aircraft require your unique healing abilities."

I glared at Storm, my patience wearing thin. "Healing abilities? Who told you that I have healing power? Professor? Besides, you should have gone to those awakeners with healing abilities."

As Storm maintained her calm demeanor, her voice remained steady despite my abrasive response. "We are aware of awakeners with healing abilities, but their powers are limited compared to yours. Your healing abilities, combined with your knowledge and experience, make you the most suitable candidate to aid these children."

I scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping my lips. "Knowledge and experience? What kind of shit did Professor spat? Go away, I ain't getting dragged into some heroes' shit again. I still remember what you heroes said to me back then. Didn't you guys like the word collateral damage. So yeah, collateral damage..."

Storm's expression remained unwavering, her calm demeanor unaffected by my harsh words. "I understand your hesitation and the pain you've endured. But these children, they need your help. They are innocent victims, caught in the crossfire of a battle they never asked for. If we don't act quickly, their lives may be lost."

"I was also an innocent victim!" I yelled. Fuck! What the hell am I saying? I can't remember what happened after killing Steppenwolf's minions and here they are trying to create another mess.

As the words left my mouth, I could feel the weight of bitterness and anger in my voice. The memories of the past, the pain, and loss I had experienced surged to the forefront of my mind, fueling my current demeanor. I knew my outburst was harsh, but I couldn't help the surge of resentment that coursed through me.

Storm's gaze remained steady, her voice unwavering. "You're right, Alex. You were an innocent victim, and I am truly sorry for the pain you've endured. But we have a chance to make a difference now, to prevent others from suffering the same fate. These children, they deserve a fighting chance."

"Back then I too was powerless, I too deserved a chance. But what did I get? Months in a coma and a weak, damaged body riddled with scars. So, goodbye, find someone else to do your job. If someone kicks the bucket while I try to heal, you will put it on my head while keeping your hands clean. I know how this world works, Storm. The world has changed, but the people haven't," I yelled angrily.

"Just stop yelling and help out the kids, they won't make it tomorrow if you refuse, and considering their injuries, no ordinary healer would be able to keep them alive," Grandma's words cut through my anger and frustration, a pang of guilt and responsibility tugged at my heart. I looked at Storm and Grandma, their unwavering determination mirrored in their eyes.

I took a deep breath, trying to push aside my personal grievances and focus on the bigger picture. Despite the pain and resentment that still lingered within me, I couldn't turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent children. Can I now? I just have to be the hero and help them.

"Please," Jenny tugged my shirt, "Help them."

I looked back and saw Harley and Hina standing near the door.

"You gonna help them, right, Puddin'?" Harley asked with an awkward grin.

"Daddy?" Hina also joined in.

Ah! Hina! Now that I remembered the past memories, it feels like I am seeing after an eternity.

As I gazed into the eyes of Jenny, Harley, and Hina, the weight of their expectations bore down on me. How could I let them down?

I exhaled heavily, a mix of resignation and determination flooding my being. "Fine," I said, my voice laced with reluctance but laced with determination, "I'll help them. But if anyone dies in the process, I won't take any responsibility."

Storm nodded appreciatively, her expression softening with gratitude. "Thank you, Alex. Your assistance means more than you know. We have already brought the children to the medical facility on the aircraft. I'll lead the way and explain the situation in more detail."

I followed Storm towards the massive aircraft, the X-Men logo emblazoned on its side.

"Hey, Jen, bring me a cup of coffee... Make it strong," I said turning back.

Jenny nodded and hurried off to fetch a cup of coffee, understanding the need for a caffeine boost in the midst of the chaotic situation. As I made my way toward the aircraft with Storm, the throbbing pain in my head seemed to intensify with each step. The memories and emotions that had flooded back into my mind left me feeling raw and vulnerable.

As we reached the entrance of the aircraft, Storm turned to me, her voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you for putting aside your anger and agreeing to help, Alex."

"We will see about that. I ain't gonna help you for free," I said while examining the aircraft's interior.

"We will compensate you properly for your efforts," Storm replied, still maintaining her calm expression.

Interestingly, even though my words were harsh, she managed to control her anger. I guess the situation is that grave, huh?

The interior of the aircraft was sleek and high-tech, with advanced medical equipment lining the walls. It was clear that this was a state-of-the-art facility designed to handle emergencies and provide immediate medical care.

As I stepped inside, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and apprehension. The gravity of the situation began to sink in, and I knew that the lives of these injured children rested partially in my hands. It was a responsibility I couldn't take lightly.

Storm led me through the medical facility, explaining the situation in more detail as we walked. She informed me that the children were victims of the AMO's experiments. Ah! So they are the one's Mom and Granny want to save.

"I'll do what I can," I replied, my voice more resolute than before.


Upon entering the medical section, I was greeted by approx. 50 victims. Some of them are is very bad condition. Some are half human and half machine. What kind of fucking experiments those bastards did on them? Why were the heroes too late as always?

As I surveyed the victims in the medical section, a mix of shock, anger, and sadness washed over me. The sight of their injuries and the realization of the pain they must have endured filled me with a deep sense of empathy. These children had become the casualties of an unjust and cruel world, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination to do whatever I could to alleviate their suffering.

The children ranged in age from as young as five to teenagers. Some had visible physical injuries, while others displayed the signs of cybernetic enhancements and modifications. It was clear that they had been subjected to inhumane experiments, turning them into a grotesque fusion of flesh and machine.

I approached the nearest child, a young girl with wires protruding from her arms, her eyes filled with fear and pain. Kneeling beside her, I gently took her hand in mine and spoke softly, "I'm here to help you. My name is Alex. Can you tell me your name?"

The girl hesitated for a moment, her voice barely above a whisper, "M-Mia."

"Well, Mia, you're in good hands now. I'm going to do my best to make you and your friends feel better, okay?" I reassured her, my tone as gentle as possible.


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