Ch: 161 [Johnny Quick]

Ch: 161 [Johnny Quick]

Christie's words sent a jolt of anticipation through me, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of desire in response to her seductive proposition. But beneath the allure, I couldn't forget the danger that accompanied her sadistic tendencies.

"Careful, now," I cautioned, my voice laced with a hint of warning. "You might regret what you ask for."

"Then, why don't you make me regret?" Christie takes off her black jacket, revealing her exposed breasts. Her nipples were already stiffened into hard points, and they seemed to stand out on her ample mounds, beckoning me to suck them.

The sight of her perfect body sent an electric current straight through me, and I was overwhelmed by a powerful desire to take control. However, before we could continue, a flash of green light appeared on the balcony. It was Laira. The green lantern energy surrounded her entire body, making it glow slightly as she levitated down from the roof. She touched down lightly on the balcony, then turned toward us with a slight smirk on her face.

"I see you two are enjoying each other's company," she said in a smooth tone that made my hairs stand up on end. "How many girls did you seduced, Alex?" Her purplish skin and pointy ears gave her a fae-like appearance, but there was nothing innocent about her mischievous grin.

"Laira..." I started to say something, "It's been a while, huh?"

"Yeah, is your mother home?" She asked.

"Nope, no idea where she is," I replied.

"I see," She summoned a familiar white box from her ring.

"You are still holding on to that thing?" I asked with a curious tone. I don't want to get involved in some intergalactic shit.

Christie wore her jacket back and sat on the bed with crossed legs. Her eyes were on the box in Laira's hand. Laira's eyes went toward Christie.

"Don't worry about her," I continued, "She is a friend."

"Oa isn't safe anymore. The Guardians pointed me your way," Laira replied as she extended the box toward me."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"Oh, nope. That's not going to happen. I don't want to get involved in your Guardians' shit or whatever that is. I have enough problems of my own. Besides, that thing is a danger beacon that attracts danger... Why the fuck would I put my family in danger?" I shot down her offer without even reading it.

"But-" Before she could speak, I interrupted.

"The other lanterns are after it, probably other enemies too..." I said. I remember seeing it on the news about his death. It was around the same time I met Laira and this box. And she also mentioned being attacked by other lanterns. This is a big jumbo shit, which might be better to just avoid it.

Laira didn't answer.

"Haaa. That's why I have been looking for your mother, but she is a hard person to find," She exclaimed, frustration evident in her voice.

"Well, good luck with that," I replied dismissively. "I'm not interested in being a part of whatever intergalactic drama you have going on. And I would appreciate it if you didn't involve my family. Those Guardians or whatever they are, go to them and slam that box on their table. Your job will be completed. Let them deal with their own shit. Let them fight, kill each other for all I care."

Laira's expression hardened as she listened to my words. She understood my reluctance and frustration, but she also knew the significance of the box and the potential danger it posed.

"I understand your concerns, Alex," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and determination. "But the fate of countless lives, not just on Oa but across the universe, could be at stake. This box holds a huge secret within it."

"And how is that my problem? I ain't a hero or a lantern. Why should I go out all the way and face some unknown force? There are enough heroes... Justice League, Avengers, SHIELDS... Heck, there is Thor, a God, in the Avengers team. Get their help. I am sure no matter how big the threat is, they would be able to handle it," I emphasized, trying to make Laira understand my perspective. The burden of the box and its secret was not something I wanted to shoulder.

Laira's gaze narrowed, and her voice took on a more serious tone. "The Guardians believe that you have a connection to this box, Alex. They believe that you hold the key to unlocking its power and unraveling the mystery behind it. Whether you like it or not, you are already involved."

"Well, that's unfortunate for them, because I have no intention of getting involved," I replied firmly, crossing my arms over my chest. "If they think I hold the key, they can find someone else. I have my own battles to fight, and I won't be dragged into theirs."

Laira's frustration was evident as she clenched her jaw. "I understand your reluctance, Alex. But this is bigger than any individual battles. This is about the fate of the universe, about protecting innocent lives. You have a chance to make a difference."

I shook my head, my resolve unwavering. "Blah! Blah! Blah! Innocent lives are at stake. The fate of the universe is at stake. I have heard those lines countless times before. It's kinda annoying truth be told. Haaa..."

After a brief pause, I continued, "Let's say I help you. Save the universe and all that heroic shit. What would I gain from that?"

Laira's expression softened as she considered my question. She understood that appealing to my sense of duty and heroism might not be enough to convince me.

"I can't promise you riches or material gain," she replied honestly. "But if you help us, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you made a difference. You will be part of a greater cause, fighting for something beyond yourself. And who knows, perhaps there will be allies and friendships forged along the way."

"Nah! I am good and satisfied with my life so far. Why would I go and pick a fight with someone without any reason just based on your words? I don't even know you well. We met like what, one time, and I helped you. That's all," I said with a sigh. This is getting nowhere, this alien girl just wasted a good moment with Christie.

"They will come for you if they get a hold of it," Laira said, her voice filled with urgency. "They will stop at nothing to possess the box and its power. You and your family will be in danger whether you choose to get involved or not."


[Speed Force detected]

**The Speed Force is an extra-dimensional energy field that grants superhuman speed and other related abilities to speedsters like the Flash. It serves as the source of their powers and allows them to tap into incredible speed, agility, healing and reflexes.**

[Take caution]

[Enemy in stepped into Aura Zone]

[Scanning Target]

[Jonathan Chambers]


A System notification window appeared before my eyes.

Ah! A speedster entered my domain. It looks like he followed Laira here.

"Yeah, all thanks to you..." I raised my aura barrier, surrounding the area around my house. Luckily, this house is on a quieter corner of the island, so causing some commotion won't matter. But Jenny and Hina are there sleeping. I have to kill this bastard fast before he gets the chance to react.

Considering the possibilities, his target is this box in Laira's hand. He will try to snatch it right before our eyes, and probably try to kill her.

Ah! Here he is.

*Dracul: Heightened Senses + Shadow Dasher*

As I activated my heightened senses and Shadow Dasher ability, time seemed to slow down around me. I could see the speedster, Jonathan Chambers, approaching with lightning-fast speed, his movements blurred to the naked eye. But with my enhanced perception, I could track his every move. Arcs of lightning crackled around his red suit. He looks just like the Flash.

I swiftly moved into action, my body moving faster than ever before thanks to my Shadow Dasher ability. I anticipated Jonathan's every move as he dashed towards us, his speed almost unfathomable. With each step, he left behind a trail of crackling lightning.

*Immense Strength*

In an instant, I grabbed his throat and wrapped my red aura around his body, and pulled him up in the air, "Yo! Didn't your parents teach you to knock before entering someone's room?"

Jonathan Chambers struggled against my grip, his eyes widening in surprise and alarm. The speedster's attempts to break free were futile, as my enhanced strength and aura held him firmly in place.

"Who... who are you?" he managed to gasp out, his voice strained.

"Names aren't really important right now," I replied, my voice dripping with a mix of amusement and threat. "What matters is that you're trespassing on my territory and making a move on something that doesn't belong to you."

Jonathan's eyes darted between me, Laira, and the white box she held in her hand. The realization of the situation seemed to dawn on him, but his expression didn't change. A creepy smile crept across his face, and he chuckled softly.

"Well, well, well," he said, his voice laced with arrogance. "Looks like we've got ourselves a little guardian here, huh? You are a speedster too, huh? You think you can stop me?"

I tightened my grip on his throat, my aura pulsating with power. "You tell me?"


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 13 chapters ahead⭐

(No double billing) (Exclusive NSFW chapters only on pat reon) (I have started working on a Fallout fic. Will release it soon enough. Adv chs are available on Patreon.)

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