Ch: 162 [Ultragirl]

Ch: 162 [Ultragirl]

As Jonathan Chambers felt the tight grip of my hand around his throat, a wicked grin spread across his face. He knew he had one advantage over me: his super speed. With a burst of lightning-fast movement, he attempted to phase out of my grasp, hoping to slip through my fingers and escape.

But I was prepared for such a maneuver. My heightened senses allowed me to anticipate his actions, and as he attempted to phase, I activated my Domination skill.

*Aura Domination*

With my Aura Domination skill activated, I exerted my control over Jonathan's body and mind, suppressing his attempts to phase and escape. His movements slowed, his struggles weakened, and he found himself trapped within the confines of my aura.

A mix of frustration and fear flickered in Jonathan's eyes as he realized his speed was no longer an advantage. He was at my mercy, held firmly in my grasp.

"Now, now," I said, my voice dripping with a combination of amusement and menace. "You were so confident a moment ago. But it seems you underestimated the power you were dealing with."

Jonathan's expression twisted into a scowl. "You won't get away with this," he spat defiantly, though his voice lacked the conviction it had held earlier. The aura of arrogance that had surrounded him was beginning to crumble.

"Oh, I think I already have," I replied calmly, tightening my grip on his throat just enough to remind him of his vulnerable position. "You see, I don't play by the same rules as your average hero. I am something different, something darker. I can kill you right now if I want to and no one will lift a single finger."

"Haha," He laughed awkwardly, "You are just a kid and you are talking about killing? Nice bluff... Argggg!"

He screamed in agony and pain as I manipulated my aura to break his legs and arms. Then used Q&Q to degrade his Speed Force to the maximum limit.

"Ssshh! I will break one bone everytime you scream," I said with a smirk. He gritted his teeth, trying to swallow his screams. I threw him on the floor, wrapping him up nicely with my red aura.

"You know him?" I looked toward Laira.

"Yes, Johnny Quick, alternate version of the Flash. He is a member of the Crime Syndicate," she answered with a grim expression, "If he has found us, this can mean only one thing..."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"The others are on their way, right?" Christie finally spoke.

"Spill it out, Mr. Quick," I demanded, my voice laced with a dangerous edge. "Tell us who else is coming for that box."

Jonathan groaned in pain, his body wracked with agony from the broken bones and the degradation of his powers. The torment was meant to weaken him further, to loosen his tongue and force him to reveal the truth.

"I... I was sent by... Ultraman," he managed to choke out between gritted teeth, the pain evident in his voice. "He wants that box... He'll stop at nothing to get it."

"He is lying, Ultraman is banished to Phantom Zone, it's Sinestro, isn't it?" Laira cut in.

"And who the hell is this Ultraman and Sinestro?" I inquired. What the hell is going on with this world? There are so many man and woman. Can't they find other names to add at the end of their names?

Jonathan winced in pain as Laira's words hit him like a verbal blow. His eyes darted between us, fear mingling with the pain etched on his face.

"Ultraman... Sinestro... they're both dangerous," he managed to gasp out, struggling to find his words. "Ultraman... he's from an alternate Earth, the Crime Syndicate's leader. Sinestro... he's a powerful Lantern, corrupted by fear."

"Briefly speaking, Ultraman is Superman's counterpart, just like he is Flash's counterpart," Laira explained, "And, Sinestro, as he said... He is a Yellow Lantern, fueled by the energy of fear."

I held my grip on Jonathan Chambers, my mind processing the new information. So, we had a powerful crime leader from an alternate Earth and a corrupted Lantern after the box. The situation was escalating quickly, and the danger surrounding us was far greater than I had initially anticipated.

"Ultraman and Sinestro," I repeated their names, committing them to memory. "They won't stop until they have this box in their possession. Is that what it is?"

"Yeah, if you understand the danger, why don't you give it up and go on your merry way?" Johnny Quick sneered, his voice filled with pain and defiance. "You can't possibly hope to stand against them."

A dark smile curled on my lips as I tightened my grip on him, making him wince in agony. I took the box from Laira's hand. "Oh, I have no intention of running away. In fact, I'm looking forward to the challenge. It's been a while since I had some real fun."

After remembering my past memories, I have been itching to fight and test those new skills that I remembered. And right now, the targets are delivering themselves to me of their own free will. This will be fun.

Laira's eyes widened as she looked at me, a mix of surprise and concern in her expression. "Alex, you can't be serious. These are incredibly powerful individuals. Even the Justice League had trouble fighting them. We need a plan, allies..."

I interrupted her with a smirk, "Well, my dear Laira, the plan is to wait for them to arrive and kill them. As for allies, we got my long-lost daughter from my previous life, Hina... Then we have Christie here, a veteran of her own rights, then there is my Harley, somewhere on the island doing god knows what..."

As I was speaking, a familiar scent caught my nose.

"Ah! And here she comes, our strongest girl..." I pointed at the window.

Powergirl flew inside the room.

Her arrival brought a wave of relief and confidence. With her immense strength and formidable powers, she would be a valuable asset in the upcoming confrontation with Ultraman and Sinestro.

She surveyed the scene, her eyes quickly taking in the restrained Johnny Quick and the tense atmosphere in the room. "Looks like I arrived just in time," she said, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. "So, who's the unlucky guy?"

I gestured towards Jonathan Chambers, still trapped within my aura. "This is Johnny Quick, a member of the Crime Syndicate. He came for the box, but it seems we have some much bigger players involved." I glanced at Laira and Christie, who were still processing the information about Ultraman and Sinestro.

Powergirl's eyes narrowed as she focused on Jonathan. "We have caught sight of around eighty Yellow Lanterns and seventy Red Lanterns, approaching Earth's defenses. Kid..." She looked into Johnny's eyes, "What's Sinestro plotting after abandoning Ultraman?"


"And where is your Yellow Ring? Why are you pretending to be weak?" She grabbed him by his hair and threw him out of the window.

My eyes went toward the door. Jenny and Hina has already woken up from the commotion.


Jenny and Hina stood in the doorway, their eyes wide with surprise at the scene unfolding before them. They quickly took in the restrained Jonathan Chambers and the intense atmosphere in the room.

"What the hell is going on?" Jenny asked, her voice filled with concern.

Hina, on the other hand, wore a curious expression as she surveyed the situation. "Is this another fight, Dad?"

I nodded, a hint of pride in my voice. "Yes, it seems we have some powerful enemies coming for this box, so get ready to kill some Lanterns."

Outside, Johnny's broken body fell on the rocky ground with a thud.

Powergirl flew outside, "Come on, now... Babble out everything you know and save yourself some pain."

As Powergirl confronted Jonathan, he groaned in pain and fear, blood trickling from his broken body. The sight of Powergirl's imposing presence and the prospect of further pain pushed him to reveal more information.

"Okay, okay! Just... just don't hurt me anymore," he pleaded, his voice trembling.

But before he could speak, rays of laser beam pierced through his head, killing him instantly. Shit! It was out of my range. I couldn't even sense the killer. But soon, a woman flew down from the sky.

"Ultragirl!" Laira mumbled, "She is Powergirl's counterpart."

Ultragirl landed gracefully on the ground, her eyes fixated on the lifeless body of Johnny Quick. She looked at us with an air of confidence and superiority.

"Looks like I arrived just in time," she said, a wicked smile playing on her lips. "And it seems I don't have to deal with this traitor anymore. Thank you for taking care of him."

Her presence exuded power, and it was clear that she was not to be taken lightly. As a member of the Crime Syndicate, she possessed abilities similar to Powergirl but likely amplified to even greater levels.

"Now, let's see... Oh, you weaklings. Don't even bother surrendering. I am going to relish the chance to pick that box out of your splattered bodies," Ultragirl threatened, her voice dripping with arrogance and sadistic delight.

My aura flared with renewed intensity as I locked eyes with Ultragirl, my expression unyielding. "You're welcome to try," I replied, my voice laced with a dangerous edge.

"She is mine!" Powergirl blinked before her and punched her into the atmosphere, "Keep that thing safe." She flew off like a bolt of lightning.

Fuck! Everyone can fly, why not me?


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⭐As of now, Pat reon is 13 chapters ahead⭐

(No double billing) (Exclusive NSFW chapters only on pat reon) (I have started working on a Fallout fic. Will release it soon enough. Adv chs are available on Patreon.)

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