Ch: 163 [Hina vs Sea King]

Ch: 163 [Hina vs Sea King]

Since the Yellow Lanterns and the Red Lanterns are approaching Earth, I couldn't help but wonder if this was all part of a larger plan. It seemed too convenient, too orchestrated. Perhaps this was nothing more than a diversion, intended to keep the heroes occupied while the real threat, Sinestro and his allies, made their move to seize the box.

If that were the case, then the Avengers and the Justice League would undoubtedly be focused on dealing with the Lanterns, leaving us vulnerable to a sneak attack.

I feel a surge of confidence. My newly remembered skills and abilities have given me an edge, and I am more than ready to take on anyone who dares to challenge us. My aura flares with power, the crimson flames dancing around me like an ethereal cloak.

"This would be a perfect chance to beat them up to a pulp," I say, my voice filled with determination. "Let them come. Hina, you remember our training?"

My gaze fixed on Hina. There's a sense of pride and anticipation swirling within me as I see the determination in her eyes.

She nods, her face filled with a mixture of excitement and focus. "Yes, Daddy. I remember everything. I'm ready."

[Atlantean Detected]

[Hostility Detected]

Atlantean, huh? If they are the counterparts of the Justice League, then this fish must be Aquaman's counterparts. Hina should be enough to deal with him.

"Good," I pointed my finger toward the north, "a big fish is about to come out from the sea. Take him down."

Hina took out a worn-out red crystal ring from her pocket and wore it.

"Show it to me for a moment," I touched it and used my Q&Q skill to increase the quality, "Now, go. Meanwhile, we will deal with the rest of them."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hina powers up her ring and transformed into a Red Lantern. Well, somewhat like a Red Lantern, and flew toward the sea. The water level rose high up in the sky. A man is standing on the water pillar.

As the Atlantean emerges from the depths of the ocean, his imposing figure commands attention. The water swirls and rages around him, as if paying homage to his regal presence. His armor gleams in the sunlight, a testament to his Atlantean heritage. However, he is missing his left arm. There is a golden claw in its place.

I can feel the raw power emanating from him, the strength of the sea coursing through his veins. But I am undeterred. Hina, now transformed into a Red Lantern, faces him head-on, her own powers surging within her.

"What? She is a Red Lantern?" Christie asked with a troubled expression.

"Nope. It's complicated. Just watch," I replied.

"According to Owlman's testimony, he is known as Sea King, Aquaman's counterpart," Laira informed, "Are you sure she will be alright against him?"

"That's not the correct question," I said with a smirk, "What you should be asking is, how many seconds would he survive against Hina?"

Sea King's eyes lock onto Hina, a mix of curiosity and contempt flickering within them. He doesn't seem intimidated by her, but he should be. Hina is a force to be reckoned with, fueled by rage and determination.

"So, you dare to stand against the might of Atlantis?" Sea King's voice booms, carried by the crashing waves. "You and your pitiful allies will be crushed beneath the weight of the sea!"

He raised his trident and pointed it at Hina.

Hina wasted no time, her powers as a Red Lantern surging through her. She unleashed a torrent of red energy constructs, shaped like monstrous sea creatures, launching them at Sea King with fierce determination. The constructs crashed against his formidable Atlantean defenses, but Hina's rage and power were unmatched.

As Sea King retaliated with a blast of water from his trident, "Tidal wave!"

Hina swiftly dodged the incoming tidal wave, her Red Lantern powers granting her enhanced speed and agility. She channeled her rage into her constructs, unleashing two giant hands, and punching through the massive tidal wave.

"Damn you, human!" Sea King yelled in anger. He raised his trident in the air.

A giant vortex appeared on the sea.

"I will bury this entire island under the depths of the sea," He yelled.

Hina stopped in midair, looking at the swirling vortex, "Is this your best?" She asked arrogantly.

Her arrogance is not without merit. She possesses incredible powers that extend far beyond those of a typical Red Lantern. With the ability to control five elements and the option to switch to her Green Lantern mode, right now she isn't even using 10% of her strength.

"How dare you mock this king?" Sea King's voice revibrated in the air.

"Mocking?! I haven't yet started. Tell me, King," Hina takes off her ring, transforming back to her regular form. The air around her body was swirling like a glider, helping her fly, "What will you do if I do this...?"

She manipulates the water, splitting the sea in half, Sea King's eyes widen in disbelief. He never expected to encounter such power, especially from a young girl.

The sight of the sea being parted before him leaves Sea King momentarily speechless. His regal facade falters as he realizes the immense strength Hina possesses.

"I... I underestimated you," he stammers, his voice laced with a mix of astonishment and anger. "But this changes nothing. I am still the king of the sea, and I will not allow you to challenge my authority."

Sea King summons a massive tidal wave, hoping to overwhelm Hina with the sheer force of the ocean. The towering wave looms over her, threatening to crash down upon her with devastating force.

But Hina remains unfazed. She raises her hand and, with a wave of her palm, freezes the entire tidal wave solid, turning it into a massive wall of ice.

"I repeat again... Is that all you've got?" Hina taunts, a smirk playing on her lips. "I control the elements, Sea King. The sea is mine to command."

With a flick of her wrist, she shatters the icy wall, sending countless ice shards hurtling toward Sea King. He tries to defend himself with his golden claw, but the onslaught is relentless. The shards pierce through his defenses, leaving deep cuts and wounds.

He roars in pain and frustration, his confidence shattered. He realizes that he has underestimated his opponent, and now he is paying the price.

Hina shoots herself toward him using her air control.


Hina blinks in front of Sea King, her eyes filled with determination and power. She raises her hand, and the air around her begins to crackle with electricity. Sparks dance across her fingertips as she channels her elemental abilities.

"You've made a big mistake challenging me, Sea King," she declares, her voice laced with authority. "Now, time to put an end to this!"

Hina unleashes a devastating barrage of elemental attacks, combining her control over fire, water, earth, air, and electricity. Flames engulf Sea King, crackling bolts of lightning strike him, and torrents of water and gusts of wind pummel him relentlessly.

Sea King tries to defend himself, summoning the power of the sea to shield him, but it's no use. Hina's mastery over the elements is unparalleled, and she overpowers him at every turn.

With a final surge of power, she engulfs Sea King in a sphere of pure energy, trapping him within. The sphere pulsates with the combined might of the elements, and Sea King struggles against its confines, but to no avail.

"Go and rot in hell," Hina states with finality.

With a forceful motion of her hand, she compresses the energy sphere, causing it to implode with a blinding flash. When the light dissipates, Sea King is nowhere to be seen.

Hina reverts back to her regular form, her aura glowing with residual energy. She turns to face us, a victorious smile on her face.


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