Ch: 164 [Space battle]

Ch: 164 [Space battle]

"That's awesome," Jenny hugged Hina as soon as she landed.

"Girl, you broke him and then squeezed him to nothingness," Christie spoke with a sadistic smirk, "Call me impressed."

"You alright?" I asked, noticing her abnormal heartbeat. She used too much energy at once after a long time, so, it's obvious for her to be exhausted.

"Yes," Hina continued, "Just a bit out of breath."

"That was impressive," I grabbed her shoulder, "Take some rest for now."

"Hey, guys!" A loud yell from Harley took our attention toward the southern part of the island. She is running towards us from the forest with a familiar long sword on her back and she is holding a bloody barb-wired baseball bat.

She stopped before me. Her body is covered in blood.

"Harley?" I looked sternly at her.

She grinned, a little crazily, as she wiped some of the blood off her face with the back of her hand. "Heya, Puddin'! You won't believe the kind of party I crashed down there!"

"Party?" I raised an eyebrow, slightly amused despite the seriousness of the situation.

"Yeah, a real bloodbath! But don't worry, I made sure to even out the numbers a bit," she said, swinging her bloodied baseball bat around as if it were a trophy, "I even bought back his head. Creep is still alive. Tried to bite Harl. But, I smashed his face like this..." She swings her bat in the air.

"Harley, focus," I said.

She opens her backpack and took out a severed head, with missing teeth.

"Deadites," Christie muttered, recognizing the creatures Harley had faced.

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"Yeah, those creepy fellas! But don't ya worry, puddin', Harley took care of them," she said, clearly proud of herself.

I couldn't help but smile at her resilience and enthusiasm, even in the face of danger. "Well, good job, Harley. But let's get you cleaned up and checked for any injuries."

Harley giggles and twirls her bloody bat in the air. "Injuries? Nah, puddin', these deadites tried to take a bite outta me, but it looks like they got teeth made of candy floss. My skin's tougher than Superman's! They couldn't even scratch me!"

I examine her closely, making sure she's telling the truth. Surprisingly, she seems completely unscathed despite the brutal encounter. It would seem that my Q&Q skill is working just fine. It was a good idea to enhance her body beforehand without her knowing.

"Well, I guess you really are a force to be reckoned with, Harley," I remark, impressed by her playful nature even after facing deadites. "But let's still get you cleaned up. Can't have you walking around covered in blood, now can we?"

She shrugs, nonchalant about her appearance. "Hey, it's all part of the fun, ain't it? But sure, if you insist, Puddin'."

She rushed into the house.

I grabbed the severed head by its hair.

*Hey, System, what the fuck is this?*

The System responds, [Deadites are demons from Hell, known for their relentless and sadistic nature. They are typically depicted as possessed or resurrected humans, often with decayed or monstrous appearances. Deadites are known for their insatiable hunger for human flesh and their ability to possess and manipulate the bodies of their victims. They can be incredibly dangerous and difficult to kill, requiring specific methods to permanently put them down. Chop it down to pieces and burn them.]

*Void Flames*

I summoned the void flames in my hand and burned the head to ashes.

"It would seem that this island isn't safe anymore," Christie mumbled.

As the ashes of the severed head scatter in the wind, a somber silence fills the air. Christie's words hang heavy, reminding us of the increasing threats we face on the island. It's clear that the situation is escalating, and we need to find a way to ensure our safety and protect the Box of Shadows.

The blaring sound of the emergency alarm catches our attention. It looks like the heroes have detected the deadites and the approaching threats and are trying to evacuate the citizens.

[Ring!] [Ring!] A message from Jessica.

Jessica informed me that the island is on red alert due to the Syndicate's attack. The nearby heroes are evacuating the citizens.

"Thanks for the update, Jessica," I reply, appreciating her timely information. "Tell the heroes to focus on evacuating the citizens and ensuring their safety. We'll handle the threats here. And we got some deadites. Make sure to check each and everyone."

"Will do. Wang has already sent us some sorcerers from Kamar-Taj. You... Be careful. I will join you as soon as I am done with my side," She texted back.

"Alright, you too be careful," After a final text, I closed my phone.

It's a good thing that they are evacuating the citizens, but this means Alica won't be coming here anymore. Fuck! My precious plan. Oh, well, Willo is on her tail, she won't be able to escape.

So, let's focus on the present events.


Meanwhile, outside Earth's atmosphere.

Powergirl and Ultragirl, two Kryptonians with immense power, engage in a fierce battle in the vast expanse of space. Their clash sends shockwaves rippling through the cosmic backdrop, their blows reverberating with devastating force.

Ultragirl charges at Powergirl, her eyes filled with determination and a hunger for victory. She delivers a powerful punch, aiming for Powergirl's midsection. But Powergirl anticipates the attack and swiftly dodges, countering with a series of lightning-fast strikes.

Their blows connect with explosive force, causing shockwaves to ripple through the surrounding space. Energy crackles around them as they unleash their superhuman abilities, the raw power of their Kryptonian heritage on full display.

Ultragirl retaliates with a heat vision blast, but Powergirl skillfully meets her attack with her own heat vision.

The clash between Powergirl and Ultragirl intensifies, their heat vision beams colliding with a blinding explosion of energy. The force of the impact sends them hurtling backward through space, their bodies glowing with residual heat.

They quickly recover, their determination unyielding. Powergirl charges forward, her superhuman speed propelling her with incredible velocity. She delivers a powerful punch, aiming to knock Ultragirl off balance.

Ultragirl, however, anticipates the attack and counters with a swift dodge, followed by a devastating uppercut. Her fist connects with Powergirl's chin, sending her spinning backward.

Powergirl regains control mid-air, adjusting her trajectory with a powerful burst of heat vision, propelling herself back toward Ultragirl. Their fists collide once again, their strength matched evenly in this cosmic showdown.

Their fight continues, each combatant unleashing their full range of Kryptonian abilities. They move with incredible speed and agility, their blows landing with tremendous force. The clash of their bodies creates shockwaves that ripple through the surrounding space.

The Yellow and Red Lanterns stopped in their tracks, sensing the explosive energy and shockwaves. The heroes waiting to fight the Lanterns were in awe as they are witnessing the battle unfolding before their eyes through the space station.

"This is our chance," Iron Man said after scanning the battle space, "This is the perfect chance to face those oncoming Lanterns. They are still far away from Earth and it will minimize any potential damage."

"Agreed," Thor stomps his storm bringer axe.

"Yeah, that's a good plan," Captain Marvel said while watching the battle, "Allowing them to reach the sol system might cause unnecessary damage. What do you think, Batman?"

"Humm..." Batman as always grumpy was looking at the screen, "We should make two squads. One will face the lanterns while the other one will stay on Earth, in case this entire facade turns out to be a distraction. We can not rule out the fact that this is Sinestro's master plan to draw away all the strong heroes from Earth. The box Sinestro is after is still on Earth and in safe hands. But still... We can not take a chance."

Vision nod in agreement with Batman's suggestion. "You're right, Batman. We can't afford to underestimate Sinestro's tactics. Splitting into two squads seems like a sensible approach. We'll have one team engage the Lanterns in space while the other remains on Earth to protect it in case this battle is a diversion."

Iron Man takes charge, addressing the assembled heroes. "Alright, let's divide into teams. Thor, Captain Marvel, Cyborg, and I will lead the squad in space to confront the Lanterns. The rest of us will stay on Earth and be ready for any potential threats here."

Thor, Captain Marvel, and Cyborg acknowledge the plan, and the remaining heroes position themselves for the impending battle. The heroes on Earth prepare for the possibility of an attack, while the space team readies themselves to face the approaching Lanterns.

"Alright, Batman, I leave Earth's defense to you, and feel free to check the hanger, I left some new armor for you all. Keep us updated if things change," Iron Man said as he went into his armor, "Let's go."


Back on the island, a fiery man flew down and threw a ball of flames at Alex and the others. Christie summoned an air vortex to counter it.

"And whose counterpart, are you?" Alex inquired.


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