Ch: 172 [The Final Phase pt1]

Ch: 172 [The Final Phase pt1]

As Natasha observed the mysterious black energy bolts piercing through the wall, a sudden realization washed over her. She felt a surge of power building within her, an energy she had never experienced before. It coursed through her veins, awakening something dormant deep within her.

Her eyes widened in astonishment as she witnessed the transformation taking place within herself. Her once-normal features were now bathed in an ethereal black aura. Her skin seemed to darken, and her eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity.

Selina watched in awe, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected turn of events. "Nat, what's happening to you?" she asked, her voice filled with a mix of concern and fascination.

Natasha's voice resonated with an eerie echo as she spoke, her words carrying a weight and power that was undeniable. "I don't know. It's like I can feel the shadows around me."

The black energy surrounding her coalesced, forming tendrils that moved with a life of their own. They twisted and turned, responding to Natasha's thoughts and intentions.

Selina's eyes widened, a mixture of excitement and caution in her gaze. "This... this is incredible! You've actually awakened! Hahaha. Come on, put it to the test. These Deadites will be perfect for some practice."

Natasha's eyes flickered with a newfound determination as she embraced her awakened powers. She nodded to Selina, a confident smile playing on her lips. After trying to awaken countless times, and after giving up all hope and retiring, she has finally awakened her dormant power.

As she embraced her newfound power, she extended her hands toward the approaching horde of Deadites. The shadows responded to her command, swirling and coiling around her fingertips like wisps of black smoke. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed a torrent of shadowy tendrils that shot forward, piercing through the Deadites with ease.

The tendrils acted with a will of their own, striking with precision and speed. They wrapped around the demonic creatures, constricting and tearing them apart. The Deadites let out shrill screams as they were engulfed by the darkness, their forms crumbling into ash.

Selina watched in awe as Natasha effortlessly dispatched the Deadites, her control over the shadows unmatched. "That's the way. Girl Power!"

"Damn, right?" Natasha continued to slaughter the Deadites as if they were nothing but pieces of paper, followed by Selina. The two women worked together, reveling in the thrill of the kill.

The Deadites continued to charge at them, their numbers increasing with every passing second.

Selina smirked. "Fuck! They just keep regenerating and getting up for more! We've got to find that page first. Some dumbhead lunatic must be reading from it."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"I think we have found it, but..." Natasha pointed at the library building, where an ominous black figure floated above the structure. The figure's form was shrouded in black energy, its demonic wings protruding from its back. She quickly utilized her newfound power to blend in with the shadows of the buildings along with Selina.

"You think we got a chance to kill that... that freaking demon thing? It looks worse than that drafter," Selina mumbled in a soft voice.

"We are gonna need bigger guns and then some," Natasha whispered, her eyes transfixed on the dark figure that hovered above the library. "But one thing is certain, that freak is guarding the library. Which can mean only one thing... the Necronomicon's missing page. And that means, we have to get in there!"

Selina nodded. "Agreed. You use your shadows and sneak in there and wait for a chance. I will call the others back and draw that freak away from here."

"Sounds like a plan," Natasha replied.

"Stay safe, girl," Selina added, her tone serious. "I will be back as fast as possible."

"You too, Selina," she replied, her eyes still transfixed on the floating figure that hovered above them. She quickly disappeared into the shadows of the buildings, leaving Selina behind.

Selina swooped into the building and took out her walkie-talkie to contact her friends. "Hey, Ash, you there?"

As she waited for a response on the walkie-talkie, a static-filled voice crackled through the device. "Yeah, what's up?" Ash's voice came through, filled with the sounds of battle in the background.

"Listen up, Ash. We've got a situation here. We've located the missing page of the Necronomicon, but it's being guarded by a powerful demon. I need you and the others to regroup and provide backup. We're going to need all the firepower we can get," Selina relayed the information, her voice filled with urgency.

Ash's response was quick and determined. "Copy that. We're on our way. Just hold tight."

She pocketed the walkie-talkie and made her way through the building, her steps silent and swift. She needed to find a vantage point where she could draw the attention of the demon away from the library, buying Natasha the time she needed to retrieve the missing page.

As she climbed to the rooftop, she spotted the towering figure of the demon hovering above the library. It radiated an aura of darkness and malevolence, its wings flapping with an unsettling intensity. She knew that facing such a formidable foe head-on would be a suicide mission.

Taking a deep breath, Selina reached for her grappling hook and launched it toward a nearby building. The hook caught onto the ledge, and she swiftly ascended to the rooftop, her agility and cat-like reflexes aiding her ascent.

From her vantage point, she surveyed the area, strategizing her next move.


Selina's eyes scanned the surroundings, her mind working quickly to come up with a plan. She needed to draw the demon's attention away from the library and create a diversion long enough for Natasha to retrieve the missing page. She spotted a nearby billboard, still intact amidst the chaos, and an idea formed in her mind.

With calculated precision, she leaped from the rooftop, her body twisting in mid-air as she deployed her whip. The whip coiled around the billboard's metal frame, and Selina swung herself onto the platform, her black-clad figure blending seamlessly with the night.

She activated a small device from her utility belt, projecting a holographic image onto the billboard. The image displayed a flickering scene of the demon's wings flapping, mimicking its presence.

The demon, attracted by the movement, turned its attention towards the billboard. It let out a roar of anger and charged towards the illusion, its massive form crashing through the buildings in its path.

As the demon pursued the holographic image, she swiftly moved across the rooftops, heading back towards the library. She needed to rendezvous with Natasha and ensure that the retrieval of the missing page went smoothly.

In the shadows of the library, Natasha continued to search for the missing page. She knew that time was of the essence, and she couldn't afford any mistakes. The dark tendrils of her awakened powers danced around her, ready to strike if needed.

Selina arrived at the designated spot, her movements fluid and silent. She approached Natasha, her voice hushed yet determined. "Nat, the demon is distracted. We've bought ourselves some time. Did you find the page?"

She nodded, her gaze unwavering. "I can sense something... Just give me a moment."

As Natasha concentrated, the shadows around the library seemed to come alive, shifting and reforming. They coalesced into a writhing mass, parting to reveal a hidden entrance, previously unnoticed by the untrained eye.

"You wait here. Run, if things go south..."

"You better not die in there, because I don't want to break the news of your death to Alex," Selina whispered softly, trying to not attract the demons' attention.

"Don't worry, I will be fine," Natasha replied.

She stepped forward, her body enveloped in the swirling darkness. She disappeared into the depths of the shadowy passageway, her senses heightened and focused on her objective.

Inside the hidden chamber, she found herself surrounded by ancient tomes and artifacts, each radiating a sense of power and foreboding. At the center of the room, resting on a pedestal, was the final page of the Necronomicon.

[Meanwhile] [First Person POV] [Avenger's aircraft]

"What in the fucking world is this shit?" I asked Jessica after witnessing the burning world below us. Deadites are running everywhere, and survivors are barely surviving. It's like an apocalypse where the gates of hell have been opened, unleashing all kinds of evil freaks on Earth.

"Ground 0. With the heroes busy with the Lanterns and Syndicate, there are not enough strong heroes to stop them. We need to find the last page of the Necronomicon and bring it to Dr. Strange and it would be all over..." Jessica explained the situation.

"We? Why the fuck did you bring us into this hell hole? Turn around, right now. I don't want to put my family into this dangerous shits," I said after hearing the details of the situation below.

"Natasha and Selina are down there, fighting..." Grandma said.

"What the hell? She told me she wanted to take care of some loose ends, but this... What the fuck was she thinking. Arggg! Fine, but I will go in alone. You better take them out of this hell hole, right now," I yelled in anger.

Damn, you, Natasha. You just had to do your heroic shits again. I am gonna spank you when this is all over.


After saying goodbyes and giving hugs to all my girls, I opened the hatch.

"Well... Here I go..." I jumped down.


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We are approaching the end of Book-1. It will end around Ch: 200 [approx]. Then will continue with Book-2 [It will start with Powergirl/Kryptonian Saga] [Mortal Kombat shifted back.]

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