Ch: 173 [The Final Phase pt2]

Ch: 173 [The Final Phase pt2]

As I descended into the chaos below, the burning world unfolded before my eyes. The city of Sydney was engulfed in flames, the sky stained with swirling black smoke. The relentless onslaught of Deadites continued unabated, their demonic presence fueling the destruction and despair.

I landed amidst the chaos, my senses immediately assaulted by the cacophony of screams and roars echoing through the air. The ground trembled beneath my feet as the battle raged on. My heart pounded in my chest, a mix of determination and fear coursing through my veins.

I took a moment to assess the situation, my eyes scanning the area for any sign of Natasha and Selina. The streets were strewn with debris and bodies, the remnants of the valiant efforts to contain the Deadite outbreak. The stench of burnt flesh and decay hung heavy in the air, adding to the nightmarish atmosphere.

Although it's fun to fly, but right now, I am not having fun. And even though I can see the life signs below me, it will be hard to find them in this fucking chaos. I can't even smell their scent due to this pungent smell of burning flesh.

It's freaking disgusting.

[Booom!] A massive explosion!

"What in the freaking hell is that thing?" A giant flying creature caught my eye. Below, a group of people were fighting that thing.

The group of people, including a man with a chainsaw hand and shotgun, a blonde swinging her axe, a tall girl with black long hair in a black dress shooting at the freak, and a thin man chanting something that's deflecting the demon's fiery blasts. The air crackled with energy as weapons clashed and powers collided. The creature let out an ear-splitting screech, its wings beating with ferocity.

Suddenly, the demon turned its attention toward me. Its gaze burning with malice and I could sense its hunger for destruction, its thirst for chaos. Like a bullet, it shot itself toward me.

"Bring it on fucker!" I summoned my red aura, creating a defensive barrier around me, and filled my fist with void flames and I too charged at it, full speed, "I will kill you fucker with a single hit. Ultimate Skill: Void Catastrophe."

As I collided with the charging demon, my fist connected with its monstrous form, unleashing the power of the Void Catastrophe. The cataclysmic force erupted from the void flames, engulfing the demon in a maelstrom of chaos and destruction.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The void flames consumed the creature, reducing it to ashes within seconds. Its screeches turned into agonized howls as its form disintegrated, unable to withstand the overwhelming power of the void. The air crackled with energy as the flames spread, leaving nothing but a smoldering silhouette where the demon once stood.

I blinked before the group of survivors and used my red aura to shield them from the overpowering power of the void, "Brace for the impact!"

The survivors huddled close to me, taking cover behind the protective shield of my red aura. The void flames raged around us, their destructive force unleashed upon the demon and now threatening to consume everything in their path.

The ground trembled beneath us as the void cataclysm tore through the surrounding area. The buildings crumbled, and debris flew through the air like deadly projectiles. The air grew thick with dust and smoke, making it difficult to see.

I strained to maintain the shield, feeling the immense power of the void surging through me. The flames crackled and danced. I quickly created another barrier of void flames around us. It's too hard to maintain this big of a shield.

Gradually, the cataclysm subsided, the void flames receding into the darkness from which they emerged. Silence settled over the area, broken only by the crackling of flames and the heavy breathing of the survivors.

As the dust began to settle, I released the shield, allowing the survivors to emerge from their protective cover. They looked around, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief.

The man with the chainsaw hand and shotgun approached me cautiously. His eyes narrowed as he assessed my presence.

"Well, well, looks like we've got ourselves a new player in this game," he remarked, his voice gruff but tinged with a hint of admiration. "You took that big bastard down like it was nothing. I am Ash Williams, this is my daughter Brandy, my friend in arms, Pablo and Kelly."

I stepped forward, my aura flickering around me as I extended my hand to shake Ash's. "Nice to meet you all. I'm Alex. I came here looking for someone... Natasha Romanoff and Selina Kyle. Have you seen them?"

Ash's eyes widened with recognition. "Natasha? Yeah, she's down here. She and Selina went to retrieve the missing page of the Necronomicon. They should be inside that library."

[Scrrrecchh!] A high pitch scream swept over the area. The library, Ash just pointed, exploded.

The explosion sent shockwaves through the already devastated city. The remnants of the library crumbled, engulfed in a raging inferno. Flames danced in the air, devouring everything in their path.

Fear gripped my heart as I stared at the burning wreckage. Natasha and Selina were inside that library, their fate uncertain. I needed to act swiftly, to find a way to reach them and ensure their safety.

"Come on!" I shouted to Ash and his companions. "We need to get to the library. Natasha and Selina are in there!"

Ash nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "You heard the man! Move your asses, people! We've got some badass ladies to rescue!"

We sprinted through the chaos, navigating the debris and dodging the remaining Deadites. The flames licked at our heels as we approached the library, the heat intensifying with every step.

Suddenly, countless tendrils of shadow energy, erupted from the debris of the library.

The tendrils of shadow energy swirled and coiled, forming a protective barrier around the burning wreckage. They undulated with an almost sentient presence, repelling the flames and shielding whatever remained inside.

"Natasha! Selina!" I shouted, my voice filled with urgency and concern. "Are you in there? Can you hear me?"

There was a moment of tense silence before a voice emerged from within the shroud of darkness. "Alex? Is that you?" Natasha's voice echoed, her tone tinged with both relief and desperation.

"Yes, it's me!" I called back, my voice filled with determination. "Hold on, I will get you girls out."

With a surge of power, I commanded my aura strings to exert force on the debris surrounding the library, aiming to create an opening and clear a path for Natasha and Selina. The tendrils of shadow energy writhed and twisted as I focused my energy, their dark power intertwining with my own.

With a mighty pull, I tugged at the wreckage, tearing apart splintered beams and shattered concrete. Dust and debris filled the air, obscuring my vision, but I pressed on, determined to reach my girls.

Finally, my efforts paid off as a small opening emerged, revealing a glimpse of the interior of the library. Through the dust-filled air, I could see Natasha and Selina, their figures silhouetted against the backdrop of flames.

"Natasha! Selina! Hurry, this way!" I called out, my voice laced with urgency.

With a sense of urgency, the two women maneuvered through the wreckage, guided by the dim light filtering through the opening. They emerged, covered in dirt and soot, their faces filled with a mixture of exhaustion and relief.

I reached out to them, pulling them close in a tight embrace. "I'm so glad you're both okay," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion and well, smoke.

Natasha quickly hugged me tightly and we shared a nice kiss.

"I have missed you," I whispered pressing my forehead on hers.

Tears welled up in Natasha's eyes as she held me tightly. "I missed you too, Alex. I thought I would never see you again."

Selina, standing beside us, offered a small smile. "Glad to see you both reunited. But we're not out of the woods yet. We still have to deal with the Deadite outbreak and find a way to stop this madness."

I nodded, my focus shifting back to the dire situation at hand. The burning city still lay in ruins, and the Deadites continued their relentless assault.

"You found the page?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, and something extra," Natasha held the page and a long dagger.

"That's the Kandarian Dagger!"

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