Ch: 174 [Corrupted Strange]

Ch: 174 [Corrupted Strange]

Ash's eyes widened with a mix of awe and recognition. "Well, slap my ass and call me Sheila! That's the Kandarian Dagger! Now, all we need to is fix the book and stop this Deadite madness."

Natasha nodded, her grip on the dagger tightening. "We have the missing page of the Necronomicon and the Kandarian Dagger. Let's get them to Dr. Strange." She took out a device and called over the encrypted line.

Her call was swiftly answered by Dr. Strange, his voice filled with urgency. "Natasha, what's the situation? Have you retrieved the missing page?"

"Yes, we have the page and the Kandarian Dagger," Natasha replied, her voice steady. "But the city is still overrun by Deadites. We need to find a way to stop this outbreak before it spreads further."

Dr. Strange's response was quick and decisive. "I've already deciphered the Necronomicon. All I need now is the final page."

An intricate round magic seal appeared before us. Then a big hole appeared and Dr. Strange walked out of it with an old book with a human face.

Dr. Strange surveyed the chaotic scene with a mix of concern and determination. "The Kandarian Dagger and the final page are crucial to sealing the Deadites and restoring order. Hand them over to me, and I will begin the ritual immediately."

[Booom!] Ash aimed at Dr. Strange's head and took the shot.

Ash's shot missed its mark, narrowly grazing Dr. Strange's cheek, or more like got deflected by a strong barrier. The sorcerer's eyes flashed with a mixture of surprise and annoyance as he quickly conjured a shield to protect himself.

"Are you out of your mind, Ash?!" Natasha shouted, her voice filled with disbelief and anger. "He's here to help us! We need his expertise to stop this!"

Ash smirked, his shotgun still raised. "Sorry, Nat, but I've dealt with enough magical mumbo-jumbo to know when something's fishy. And this guy reeks of fishiness."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Dr. Strange, his shield still intact, glared at Ash with a stern expression. "I assure you, Mr. Williams, my intentions are pure. We don't have time for infighting. The Deadite outbreak must be contained, and your cooperation is crucial."

Ash remained skeptical, his finger still on the trigger of his shotgun, "Come on, bud. Show your true face and stop wasting our time. Because the next shot won't miss your head."

"Hehehehehe... Aahahahaha... Ashy Slashy... The chosen one, yeah? Look around you. Things just got out of hand," A sinister voice came from Dr. Strange. After a pause, he continued, "You can not stop us anymore. Finally, we will feast on your soul and we have even got some side dessert."

Everyone jumped back from him and readied themselves for a fight.

"Fuck!" Selina cursed, "He read so much from that creepy book that he became corrupted."

As tension filled the air, Dr. Strange's form began to contort and twist. His body contorted, bones cracked, and his features distorted, taking on a grotesque appearance. The corrupted sorcerer's transformation was complete, revealing his true nature as a Kandarian demon.

"Look at me, so strong, so much knowledge and power," His voice boomed, "This is greater than anything I have ever wielded."

The Kandarian demon, now fully revealed, stood before us in all its horrifying glory. Its once-human form had been twisted and contorted beyond recognition. Its flesh was pale and rotting, patches of decaying skin hanging loosely from its skeletal frame. Its eyes glowed with a sickly green light, filled with malevolence and hunger.

Its limbs elongated and distorted, each ending in razor-sharp claws that dripped with an acidic black substance. Its mouth stretched impossibly wide, revealing rows of jagged teeth stained with the blood of its victims.

A foul odor emanated from the creature, a mixture of decay and sulfur, assaulting our senses and causing bile to rise in our throats.

Ash, ever the fearless warrior, stepped forward, his shotgun raised. "Well, well, well, ain't you a sight for sore eyes. Ready to dance, you ugly son of a bitch?"

The Kandarian demon let out a guttural growl, its voice a mix of malicious laughter and snarls. "You will be the first to fall, Ashy Slashy. Your soul will be mine, and your friends will be my playthings."

"Hey, Nat. If I kill that freak, I won't get into trouble for killing Dr. Strange, right?" I asked.

Natasha, her eyes filled with determination, nodded in response to my question. "We're way past worrying about consequences, Alex. This... thing is not Dr. Strange anymore. It's a threat to everyone, and we need to stop it by any means necessary."

Ash, his chainsaw revving with a mix of excitement and anger, joined in. "That's right, Alex. We're up against a real big bad now. And trust me, I've taken down worse."

Selina cracked her whip, her eyes fixed on the Kandarian demon. "I am gonna take a long vacation after this shit."

"You all stand back. That bastard is mine. The dagger," I extended my hand toward Natasha. She handed it to me, "I am gonna aim for that book in his hand and throw it to you. You know how to read it, right?" I looked toward Ash.

"Not me, our Pablo here is an expert," He pointed at the thin man.

Pablo nodded, his eyes focused on the Kandarian demon. "I can decipher its incantations and perform the ritual to seal the demon back where it belongs."

With a determined nod, I activated my red aura, "Well, wish me luck."

"Hey, be careful," Natasha kissed my cheek.

I nodded and took off, "Skill: Shadow Dasher + Heightened Senses + Superior Endurance + Super Strength." I pushed my power to the limit.

As I activated my abilities, my body was enveloped in a swirling aura of red energy. My senses sharpened, allowing me to perceive the world with heightened clarity. My muscles tensed, ready to unleash the full extent of my superhuman strength.

With a burst of speed, I dashed toward the Kandarian demon, closing the distance between us in an instant. The demon, taken aback by my sudden burst of power, lunged at me with its razor-sharp claws. But I was prepared.

Turning to shadow, I blinked, avoiding the claws, and slashed the dagger on its wrist.

Damn, too shallow. Fucking 20 feet bastard.

I quickly adjusted my strategy. I needed to find an opening to strike a more decisive blow.

Using my heightened senses, I analyzed the demon's movements and weaknesses, searching for a vulnerable spot. Its grotesque form moved with unnatural agility, but I could sense a pattern in its attacks.

Dodging and weaving through its strikes, I circled around the demon, searching for an opportunity. And then I spotted it—a brief moment of hesitation in its movements, a split second where its guard was momentarily lowered.

Seizing the opportunity, I launched myself at the demon once again, this time aiming for its chest. But that giant freak disappeared and appeared above Natasha and all, "I will squash you like bugs."

"Haaaa!" With a burst of speed, I blinked under it, "Die, you gross fucker." I kicked it hard, sending the 20 feet demon flying into the atmosphere.

The impact had the demon in its air, completely stunned. But the fight wasn't over. I didn't have time to celebrate my victory. I needed to take the demon down and fast. I chased after it. But, it threw countless magic chains at me. Fucker is using Dr. Strange's body to use his magic.

With my superhuman speed and enhanced senses, I dodged the chains and kept on running. With another blink, I was right near the Demon's right hand. I need that book fused with his arm.

I noticed that the place where I slashed earlier haven't healed. I slashed the dagger on that spot.

My slash severed the demon's right hand, it fell to the ground.

Rawrrrrrr!!!!!! The demon's roar swept over the atmosphere, creating torrents of shockwaves.

"Take that book and do your magic, Pablo," I yelled.

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