Ch: 175 [Deadite in Space]

Ch: 175 [Deadite in Space]

"Buy me five minutes," Pablo yelled.

"Five minutes? With this abomination? Are you kidding me?" I yelled back, barely dodging the magic chains the corrupted Dr. Strange threw at me.

My red aura shielding me from their destructive force. The corrupted Dr. Strange's attacks were relentless, but I couldn't afford to let up. I had to create an opening for Pablo to perform the ritual.

With each dodge and weave, I analyzed the patterns of the chains, seeking a weakness in their movements. I noticed a brief moment of vulnerability when the chains retracted momentarily before launching another attack.

Timing my movements with precision, I waited for that split-second opening. As the chains retracted, I propelled myself forward, punching through the intricate magic circle before him.

"Stop resisting and surrender your soul and I shall make your death painless," Dr. Strange's voice boomed in the atmosphere.

"Shut the fuck up!" With a hard kick in the stomach, I sent the freak higher into the atmosphere.

As the corrupted Dr. Strange soared higher into the atmosphere, I could feel the thinning air and the growing urgency of the situation. I needed to buy Pablo more time to perform the ritual and seal the demon before it regained its strength.

Gathering my strength, I propelled myself upward, closing the distance between us.

"Time to show you fucker my magic," I yelled.

I extended my hands, and the air around me crackled with electricity. Brilliant blue arcs of lightning danced across my fingertips. With a powerful thrust, I unleashed a bolt of lightning toward the descending demon.

The lightning crackled through the atmosphere, accompanied by a thunderous boom that reverberated throughout the surroundings. The electrifying energy collided with the demon, momentarily disorienting it and throwing it off course.

But the corrupted Dr. Strange was not so easily defeated. It quickly regained its composure, retaliating with a barrage of dark energy. Shadows swirled and twisted, converging into a concentrated sphere of malevolent power.

With a forceful thrust of its hand, the demon launched the dark energy sphere toward me. The sphere emanated an eerie purple glow, pulsating with a chaotic energy.

[That's raw chaos energy. Dodge it.] > The System warned.

"I don't need your help. Just shut up and watch. Skill: Eternal Void," I decided to meet the attack head on. If that thing touches the ground, the explosion will destroy everything in miles.

As the chaotic energy sphere hurtled towards me, I summoned the power of the Eternal Void. Void Flames swirled around me, coalescing into a massive spear of swirling darkness, tinged with a deep purple hue. The spear crackled with raw power as it clashed with the chaotic energy, creating a dazzling display of conflicting forces.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

A wave of energy rippled through the air, accompanied by a low rumble that reverberated through the atmosphere. The clash of the opposing magics created a cacophony of sound, like the crackling of thunder and the roar of a tempest.

Damn it! Not enough void energy.

[Energy: 30%]

I used too much energy when I used the ultimate attack.

"What in the hell are you?" The corrupted Strange asked.

"A human, who is kicking your ass," I blinked behind him, instantly binding him with my red aura strings, "Tell me freak, can you survive the vacuum of the space?"

I pulled him higher into the atmosphere. Fuck it, this is getting dangerous. I can barely breath and the gravity pressure is insane. I don't know how long I can stay in here.

'Hey, System. Buy 5 skill scrolls, 2 health potions, 1 energy booster, 1 teleportation scroll from the shop.'


[EP: 590000]

[64500 EP required]

[Confirm purchases: Y/N]

'Yeah, buy them.'

[Affirmative: Purchase successful]

[Remaining EP: 525500]

'Great. Now open those 5 skill scrolls.'


Skill 1: Energy blast- Create a simple explosion of raw energy.

Skill 2: Focus [Passive]- Increase your focus by 10%.

Skill 3: Fast Heal [Passive]- Auto heals minor injuries.

Skill 4: Massage Master [Passive]- You know how to use your hands better than anyone.

Skill: 5: Adaptation [Passive]- Adapt to any situation. Near-death experiences might require gaining adaptability to harsher environments.


Great. Four useless skills and one dangerous skill. Fuck it! I don't have time to use any more points.

"You will die if you fly further," The corrupted Strange yelled.

Ignoring the warning, I continued to ascend into the upper reaches of the atmosphere, my grip on the corrupted Dr. Strange tightening. The lack of oxygen and the extreme pressure threatened to crush me, but I remained resolute. I couldn't afford to back down now.

"I'll take my chances, you son of a bitch," I growled, my voice strained as I struggled against the harsh conditions. Come on work, my new adaptation passive skill.

With a burst of energy, I propelled myself even higher, nearly reaching the edge of the Earth's atmosphere.

My red aura is shining even brighter, preventing the vacuum of the space from crushing me. I can see ice forming around the aura shield.

As the ice formed around my aura shield, I could feel the freezing cold seeping into my bones. The lack of oxygen and the extreme conditions were taking their toll, but I refused to let go. I had to keep the corrupted Dr. Strange contained until Pablo could complete the ritual and seal the demon.

With the frozen atmosphere closing in on us, I summoned all my strength and channeled it into my grip. The corrupted Dr. Strange struggled and thrashed, but my red aura held firm, preventing his escape.

I looked down. Everything is blurry. A faint yellow energy is shining around the corrupted Strange. Shit! Bastard is still alive and I can't exert any more strength.

"Argggg!" With a final burst of strength, I flew higher and higher. I don't know how far I went, but although it's blurry, I can see a big giant bluish ball before my eyes.

The view from this height was breathtaking and terrifying at the same time. The vast expanse of space stretched out before me, dotted with distant stars and galaxies.

But I couldn't afford to get lost in the beauty of the cosmos. My focus remained on the corrupted Dr. Strange, who was struggling against my grasp, his attempts to break free growing more desperate.

"You monstrous bastard. You are still alive. You humans of this world are really interesting. But this is the end," The corrupted Strange began to evolve even further. He tore apart my aura strings.

"Energy booster, Health potion. Use it," I mumbled.


[Energy: 100%] [Timer: 1 minute]

1 minute is enough to end this fight.

"Using 100% Energy. Ultimate Skill: Void catastrophe," I used my one and only ultimate skill, hoping to end this fight with a single strike. Now, that we are in space, there is no more reason to hold back. I fused the skill with the Kandarian dagger.

*Weapon Master's Genetics*

*Energy Fusion successful*

"That won't work on me, human," The corrupted Strange's voice echoed into my head. I can see a green light shining on his chest. This fucker is using the time stone.

"Hahaha... Using time stone... Well, good luck with that," I said with a smirk. I know that the power of time can not stop my ultimate. But then again, "Q&Q. Increase the quality and quantity by 10x."

10 glowing purple daggers appeared before me, "Good buy, fucker." I threw them toward him.

The 10 glowing purple daggers sailed through the vastness of space, propelled by the force of my ultimate skill, "Void Catastrophe." Each dagger crackled with the immense power of the void, ready to unleash its devastating impact on the corrupted Dr. Strange.

Time seemed to slow as the daggers closed in on their target. The corrupted Dr. Strange, encased in his green time shield, watched with a mix of arrogance and anticipation, "I will turn your power and this cursed dagger to nothingness."

But his confidence was short-lived. The daggers pierced through the time shield effortlessly, their power overwhelming the temporal magic. As the daggers struck their mark, a cataclysmic explosion of void energy erupted, engulfing the corrupted Dr. Strange in its devastating force.

"IMPOSSIBLE!" He screamed in agony.

The explosion rippled through the void of space, creating shockwaves that reverberated across the cosmos. The raw power of the void consumed the corrupted Dr. Strange, tearing through his form and reducing him to nothingness.

As the explosion subsided, I floated in the vast emptiness of space, my red aura flickering around me. Exhaustion gripped every fiber of my being, but a sense of accomplishment filled my heart. The corrupted Dr. Strange was no more.

[Demon slain 1x]

I don't have any more energy. Must use the teleportation scroll...

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