Ch: 176 [Sinestro’s rampage]

Ch: 176 [Sinestro’s rampage]

As I floated in the vastness of space, my energy depleted and exhaustion setting in, I knew I had to act quickly. I activated the teleportation scroll I had purchased earlier and focused my mind on a safe location back on Earth.

The magic of the scroll enveloped me, and in an instant, I found myself back in Sydney, just outside the area where the battle had taken place. My knees buckled, and I fell to the ground, gasping for breath as the strain of the intense fight and the teleportation took its toll.

Natasha, Selina, Ash, and the others rushed to my side, concern etched on their faces. "Alex! Are you alright?" Natasha asked, her voice filled with worry.

"I'll be fine," I managed to reply between labored breaths. "Just need a moment to catch my breath."

Pablo, who had been standing nearby, looked at me with a mix of awe and gratitude. "You did it, Alex. You took down the Kandarian demon. I don't know how you managed to survive in space, but that was incredible."

"It was touch and go there for a moment," I admitted, still trying to steady my breathing. "But we can't relax yet. We need to make sure the demon is truly sealed, and the Deadite outbreak is stopped."

"Don't worry. The ritual is complete. I have closed the broken seal between the mortal and underworld," Pablo replied.

"Thank you, Pablo. You did great work," I said, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "Now, let's make sure this nightmare is over."

As we regrouped and caught our breath, the city of Sydney still lay in ruins. The aftermath of the battle with the Deadites was evident in the devastation all around us. The ground was littered with debris, and the once-bustling city now resembled a ghost town.

But amidst the destruction, there was also a sense of victory. We had successfully thwarted the Kandarian demon and sealed the Deadites back where they belonged. The threat had been neutralized, and now it was time to focus on recovery and rebuilding.

"I guess it's time for us to return back to our reality," Ash said.

"You are from another world?" I asked, surprised.

"You can say that... Our world has no heroes or superpowers like yours. It was fun, but we have another big demon to slay. But without the Kandarian dagger, it's gonna be tough," Kelly replied.

I took out a copy of the dagger I made earlier and stored it in the System's inventory, "You mean this?"

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"That's the Kandarian Dagger! I thought it was in space, destroyed," Ash asked, his eyes wide with astonishment.

"Don't worry about that. Take it," I gave the dagger to Ash.

"Damn, kid, you're full of surprises," Ash said, grinning. Then he turned toward Pable, "Well, Pablo, do your voodoo and open a portal to Ruby. It's about time to pay her the dues."

Pablo nodded and began to chant an incantation from the Necronomicon, his hands moving in intricate patterns. The air around us seemed to shimmer and warp, and a swirling vortex of magical energy appeared before us.

"Alright, everyone, this is it," Ash said, looking at his companions. "Let's go kick Ruby's ass."

"Hey, take them," I took out a Health Potion and increased its quality and quantity by 10x, and gave them to Ash, "It will bring you back from the brink of death."

Ash and his companions took the Health Potions, thanking me for the valuable aid. With a nod of appreciation, they stepped through the portal Pablo had opened, disappearing into another dimension to continue their fight against evil.

As they left, Natasha wrapped her arms around me, holding me close, "I was so afraid... I am glad that you are ok."

"I'm glad too," I replied, hugging her tightly. "I couldn't bear the thought of leaving you and Selina behind. I'll always come back to you, no matter what. And sorry for making you worried."

Selina, who was standing nearby, smirked and chimed in, "Just don't make a habit of getting yourself into life-threatening situations, okay? I can't deal with the stress."

I chuckled, giving Selina a playful nudge. "I'll do my best. But you know how these things go."

However, our happy moment was cut short.

[Yellow Lantern detected...]

[Fear energy blade construct...]

"Nooo!" I tried to push Selina out of the way.

[Stab!] A yellow blade pierced through Selina's heart. Someone stabbed her from behind.

"Well, shit!" Selina, with a look of shock on her face, collapsed to the ground, the yellow energy blade still protruding from her chest. I turned around to see a figure clad in a sinister yellow Lantern Corps uniform, holding the hilt of the deadly construct.

His eyes glowed with malevolence as he looked down at Selina's lifeless form with a twisted smile on his face.

"You!" I growled, my anger and grief bubbling to the surface. "You son of a bitch!"

I tried to rush in, but I am completely spent. My body is aching all over. I took out the last Health Potion from my inventory and drank it.

[Health Restored]

As the Health Potion surged through my body, replenishing my strength, I summoned the last reserves of my energy. With a burst of speed, I lunged at the yellow Lantern Corps member, aiming to take him down.

I threw a punch.

But before I could reach him, he erected a barrier of fear energy, repelling my attack effortlessly.

"Ah, ah, ah," he taunted, his sinister grin widening. "Don't struggle and hand over that box to me."

"Sinestro!" Natasha jumped in with her newly awakened shadow powers.

"Natasha, be careful!" I yelled, knowing full well the power of the Yellow Lantern Corps and their leader, Sinestro.

Sinestro raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused by Natasha's boldness. "Ah, the Black Widow. My intel says you are a normal human with an enhanced body. But this... this is new."

"Stay away from him!" Natasha's eyes were filled with fury as she summoned her shadowy tendrils, ready to attack.

But Sinestro simply chuckled. "You really think you can defeat me with those little shadows? My fear energy is far superior to your feeble attempts at darkness."

As if to prove his point, Sinestro unleashed a barrage of fear energy constructs, each taking the form of nightmarish creatures. They swarmed towards Natasha, who deftly dodged and weaved, using her shadow powers to evade the onslaught.

I need to take this chance to stabilize my Dracul and Void energy. But before that, I need to heal Selina.

"Keep him busy, Nat," I yelled as I dashed over to Selina, but to my surprise, her body vanished in thin air.

What the fuck!? Damn it! I will think about what happened later. I sat in a meditation position. Time to stabilize my energy.

As I entered a meditative state to stabilize my energy, Natasha channeled her inner darkness, tapping into the newfound power she had awakened. The shadows around her intensified, swirling and coalescing into a massive, nightmarish figure.

The shadowy entity resembled a giant demonic being, its form ever-shifting and malevolent. With a low growl, it lunged at Sinestro, seeking to engulf him in darkness.

Sinestro, however, was not easily intimidated. He erected a barrier of fear energy around him, deflecting the shadowy attacks with ease. He then countered by summoning a massive yellow energy construct in the shape of a deadly snake, ready to strike at Natasha.

The battle between Natasha and Sinestro was a clash of darkness and fear, each using their unique powers to gain an advantage. Natasha's shadowy tendrils moved with incredible speed and precision, trying to overwhelm Sinestro, but he parried every strike with calculated ease.

As I continued to meditate and stabilize my energy, I could feel my Dracul and Void powers gradually returning to their peak. But I couldn't stay on the sidelines for long. Natasha needed help, and I needed to find Selina.

"Come on, Alex, you can do this," I whispered to myself, pushing my focus to the limit.

The energy within me began to settle and harmonize, finding a perfect balance between the darkness and void. I opened my eyes, my red aura flickering back to life with renewed strength.

I blinked across the battlefield, searching for Selina, but she was nowhere to be found. Did she get teleported somewhere else? I need to find her.

Before I could act further, a barrage of yellow energy blasts flew towards me. Sinestro had shifted his attention from Natasha to me. I quickly erected a barrier of red aura to protect myself, deflecting the attacks.

Natasha, seeing an opening, launched another assault of shadows at Sinestro. The giant shadowy entity slammed into his fear energy barrier, causing ripples of darkness to spread. His smirk faltered for a moment, and he struggled to maintain his defenses.

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