Ch: 177 [The war ended]

Ch: 177 [The war ended]

As Natasha continued her fierce battle against Sinestro, I took a moment to assess the situation. Selina was nowhere to be found, and I couldn't afford to waste any more time searching for her. My priority was to help Natasha and take down Sinestro.

I gathered my strength, my red aura crackling with energy, and dashed towards Sinestro with a burst of speed. My movements were swift and precise, as I weaved through the barrage of yellow energy blasts, getting closer to the Yellow Lantern Corps leader.

Sinestro's eyes narrowed, and he directed more fear energy towards me, trying to keep me at bay. But I was determined to break through his defenses.

With a powerful punch, I shattered his fear energy barrier, and another punch sent him flying backward. The force of the impact knocked him off balance, allowing Natasha to capitalize on the opening and intensify her shadowy assault.

Sinestro struggled to defend against both of us, his arrogance giving way to frustration and anger. "You insignificant pests! I will crush you both!"

"You talk too much," I growled, as I used my skill, "Eternal Void."

I channeled void flames into my fist, creating a concentrated ball of energy and threw it at Sinestro.

The concentrated ball of void energy streaked towards Sinestro, leaving a trail of swirling darkness in its wake. The Yellow Lantern Corps leader's eyes widened with surprise and alarm, realizing the devastating power of the attack heading his way.

Sinestro quickly conjured a barrier of fear energy to block the incoming void attack. The collision of the two powerful forces created an explosion of energy, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

I used the distraction to blink behind Sinestro, my red aura flaring with intensity. Before he could react, I kicked his back, shattering his barrier. The void flames exploded, creating a pillar of violet flames.

As the pillar of violet flames engulfed Sinestro, he let out a guttural scream of pain and fury. The void energy seemed to devour the fear energy, creating a chaotic clash of powers. He struggled to maintain his composure, but the combined assault from Natasha and me was overwhelming.

Natasha's shadowy tendrils intensified, coiling around Sinestro like vipers, restricting his movements. The black shadows danced with malevolence, threatening to consume him entirely.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"You will not defeat me!" Sinestro roared, his eyes burning with rage. A burst of yellow energy swept over the battlefield. His body started to glow with an intensified murky yellow energy.

"Damn it, he is powering up and his wounds are healing rapidly. You got a plan?" Natasha asked, wiping the sweat from her forehead.

"Yeah, keep smashing that mug of his with everything we got. But before that..." I used my skill.

*Heightened SE Awakened*

*Damage resistance: 90000*

*Skill Sharing: Target- Natasha*

"Wow! What did you just do?" She asked, "What is this number bar?"

"That's your damage bar. You will be able to take all attacks without any injuries as long as the number doesn't run out," I explained briefly.

Using my Heightened SE (Super Endurance) skill, I increased Natasha's damage resistance to an extraordinary level. The numerical bar represented her resilience against attacks, and as long as it didn't run out, she would be virtually invulnerable.

"Now, let's give him everything we've got!" I shouted, my red aura flaring even brighter.

Both of us dashed forward toward Sinestro. We don't have to worry about any injuries for a while and we have to finish him before the damage resistance runs out.

"Come, time to end this meaningless struggle," Sinestro's voice boomed. He summoned two blades of fear energy and dashed toward us.

His blades of fear energy clashed with our combined assault. Natasha's shadowy tendrils twisted and snaked around the yellow energy blades, while I used my enhanced strength and speed to land powerful blows on his body.

With each strike, the void flames erupted, colliding with Sinestro's fear energy and causing chaotic explosions. But despite the ferocity of our attacks, Sinestro's determination and power seemed unwavering.

He countered our strikes with swift and precise movements, his yellow energy blades cutting through the darkness with ease. But every time he landed a blow, Natasha's damage resistance held firm, protecting her from harm.

"You two are mere mortals, standing against the might of a Yellow Lantern Corps leader!" Sinestro taunted, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Your futile efforts only amuse me."

He increased his speed. It was hard for Natasha to keep up. However, it was a piece of cake for me. As soon as he appeared before me, and tried to plunge his blade into my heart, I grabbed his throat and pulled him up in the air.

"Game over," I said with a smirk, "Ultimate Skill: Void Catastrophe."

The swirling vortex of violet flames surrounded us, and Sinestro struggled in my grasp, trying to break free.

But I held him firmly, channeling the full force of the void into the attack. The void flames intensified, crackling with raw power as they collided with Sinestro's fear energy, creating a chaotic clash of energies.

The ground beneath us trembled as the intense battle between void and fear energy raged on. Natasha stood back, using her heightened damage resistance to withstand any collateral damage from the cataclysmic attack.

The void flames surged, enveloping Sinestro entirely, and a burst of power erupted, sending shockwaves rippling through the surroundings. The cataclysmic force of the attack created a massive shockwave that swept through the battlefield, causing debris to fly and buildings to shake.

When the dust settled, Sinestro was no more. His body was turned to nothing but ashes.

I slumped on the ground, exhausted. Damn, it's so draining. Natasha sat beside me.

"Did we just take down Sinestro?" She asked.

"Yes, we did," I replied, panting heavily. "We defeated Sinestro. But we can't let our guard down just yet. There might be more dangers lurking."

As we caught our breath, the battlefield around us was in ruins. The aftermath of the intense battle between Sinestro and us had left its mark on the city of Sydney. Debris was scattered everywhere, and the city's infrastructure had taken a severe beating.

But amidst the destruction, there was a sense of relief. We had managed to defeat Sinestro, a formidable foe and leader of the Yellow Lantern Corps. It was a victory, but we knew that there might be more challenges ahead.

Natasha looked at me with a mix of admiration and concern. "You're amazing, Alex. I've never seen anyone fight like that before. Your power... it's incredible."

"Oh, I will take a compliment from the famous Black Widow, any day," I said as I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

As I sat together amidst the ruins of the battlefield, Natasha smiled warmly at your playful remark. "Well, I guess we make a pretty good team," she said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah, we do," I replied as I kissed her forehead.

"I wonder where Selina disappeared to," She mumbled.

"She was still alive when she vanished. Who knows, she might have awakened like you," I replied.

"I hope you are right," she snuggled closer to me.

Oh, I missed Nat so much.

As we sat amidst the destruction, I couldn't shake the worry about Selina's disappearance. I hoped she was alright and that she had indeed awakened to some new power. After all, she had been through so much, and she deserved a chance to find her strength.

The city of Sydney may have been in ruins, but with the Kandarian demon sealed and Sinestro defeated, the threat of further chaos had been averted. Still, I knew that our work wasn't done yet. There were still other villains and dangers out there, and we had to remain vigilant.

But for now, as I sat with Natasha in my arms, I allowed myself to feel a sense of peace and contentment. The battle had taken its toll, and we needed some time to rest and recover. I looked forward to spending some quality time with Natasha and Selina, once we found her.

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