My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 58: The fighting continues

Chapter 58: The fighting continues

The next fighter was a woman and she was more cautious around Yun Jhin compared to the man that just died, she saw how easily Yun Jhin took him out even though his cultivation base was lacking compared to them, she knew that he was abnormal or else Kong Luo wouldn't have hosted this tournament for him.

The woman wasn't that old at most 28 years old and she wasn't a good looker, she looked pretty average, her cultivation was the same, Yun Jhin wondered why she would even try to fight here, after all, even if she defeated him she would die to someone else's hand.

But Yun Jhin wouldn't question her, she was just nutrition for him, he never saw her as a person, Yun Jhin saw very few people as something other than tools that he could use.

The woman stood her ground as she unleashed her aura defensively, a grey aura engulfed her and shaped into a shield that protected her, it seemed that she wanted to play defensively. The shield didn't stay for more than a few seconds as cracks started to appear on it.

Yun Jhin already shot 3 blasts of energy from his fingers into it almost cracking it open, the woman's eyes widened in surprise and fear, this was her strongest defensive technique but he easily broke through it, she knew that there was not a high chance of her beating him unless she took him by surprise, but her taking a defensive stance just killed that opportunity.

She realized that she could either forfeit or die at his hands! Almost everyone wanted to live more and the woman had the same decision, she wanted to jump backward and off the arena but Yun Jhin clenched his hand and made a motion that dragged her out of the shield.

Kong Luo narrowed his eyes as he said:

"That's quite the impressive soul power there, to be able to use it to force her out of her ki shield... very few people know how to fight like this."

While soul vs soul fighting wasn't useful at the higher cultivation bases, that would be from the Emperor Realm and up, also Yun Jhin was physically using his soul power, soul power was mostly invisible unless you cultivated special eye techniques or the other parties soul power met yours.

Yun Jhin's technique was him using his soul power to grab and incapacitate whoever got near it, he could do this because of his soul mended to a point that he could use 2% of his full power, it wasn't much but it could be useful in such situations where his enemies would want to flee.

The tactical power of invisible bindings wasn't something that could be ignored.

The woman was in tears as she tried to tap the arena to escape, but before she could get her last hit in Yun Jhin started to choke her with his soul power, her hands directly went to her neck unconsciously as she tried to save herself.

Kong Luo and Pei Fong watched with uninterested looks in their eyes, they didn't care at all if the woman died. Yun Jhin clenched his hand a bit more as a sickening crunch was heard from the woman's neck bones, she died with her eyes wide open, scared and alone, trying to get a better position in this world.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Yun Jhin quickly devoured the corpse and absorbed her nutrients and ki, then he just waited for the next sheep that would come to the slaughter. The 1st stage King Realm opponents started to get flustered and some of them already left, Kong Luo didn't stop them, he just watched disappointedly as they left.

The only one who remained where the few stages 2 and the woman at stage 3.

A stage 2 practitioner jumped on the arena, he was confident but he also didn't underestimate Yun Jhin, he thought he could win as he was 1 stage above the weaklings from before, the difference in stages was pretty big and he thought that he could beat Yun Jhin if he played it well, after all, he was only at the 9th stage of the ki cultivating realm, no matter how talented and strong he was, there should be a limit on how many stages he can jump to fight right?

The man started to create dozens of illusionary clones of himself as he flashed around the battlefield creating yellow points of light everywhere, he tried to confuse Yun Jhin and deal with him swiftly and efficiently.

Yun Jhin closed his eyes as he made 3 hand seals, the air around the arena turned heavy as all of the illusions disappeared and the 2nd stage man stopped from flashing around, he almost fell to his knees as the gravity around Yun Jhin increased. Yun Jhin was okay as his body was tempered to a point that even his natural talent couldn't let him to.

But the other one wasn't as lucky, as mentioned before, most people would focus on their ki cultivation and wouldn't truly train in the arts of body refinement, this guy was unlucky fighting Yun Jhin who was a jack of all trades and a master of all, even though he couldn't say he reached the peak of formations he wasn't far from there.

Yun Jhin watched in satisfaction as the man stopped flashing around and started to strengthen his body with ki so he could withstand the higher gravity, this way he would waste more ki and he wouldn't be able to flash around, now it wasn't time for a head-on confrontation, Yun Jhin saved his ki and hid his techniques for the fight with the 3rd stage woman.

The man tried to approach Yun Jhin a dozen times but he failed miserably as Yun Jhin toyed with him, Kong Luo frowned as he watched the fight and he said:

"I saw enough Yun Jhin, finish him already."

Yun Jhin didn't comply immediately but after a few more minutes of toying around with him, he finally sent out a stealthy blast of pure sword energy into the man's neck creating a hole in it and ending his life.

Before Yun Jhin could eat him, the 3rd stage woman jumped on the arena grounds and ate the body in one fell swoop just like a hungry deadly predator, nothing was spared, it reminded Yun Jhin of the way he ate.

The woman chuckled as she licked her lips and looked deep into Yun Jhin's eyes, her lower draconic half stood crouched on the ground as she said:

"That bitch Mijil died, I wished she would be the one here so I could slash her to bits and tear her flesh apart with my fangs."

Her eyes started to darken as evil energy started to engulf her, her eyes lost her pupils as she growled like a rabid animal, Kong Luo frowned as he observed her and said:

"Isn't this Momo, what happened to her? This energy, it's demonic..."

Pei Fong white eyes scanned Momo for a short while then he said:

"She seems to cultivate a demonic technique now, it's a great question where she could have got her hands on such a technique, after all, we are very far away from hell's entrance, and demons tend to be quite dumb, they wouldn't be able to share their techniques with anyone unless they were nobility..."

Demon Nobility was on the same standing as ordinary devils, devils were quite the annoying fellows as they were slippery and greedy, however, demons were very different from them, they were simple and wrathful, they would attack at the least provocation and they liked to eat anything that moved regardless if it was beneficial to them or not, it helped that they could evolve based on what they ate and their innate talent.

Demon Nobility was the peak evolution of lowly demons that transformed upon millions of years of constant fights and evolution, their standing was equal to devils and they thought of themselves as people that could even stand head-on with devil nobility, but devils were smarter in the end, they gave them some land and made them think they truly deserve it but instead they kept a tight watch on them.

Yun Jhin's lips arced up as he looked at the woman, finally another hint to hell!

Even though he was tempted by the artificial celestial caterpillar evolution he would need to eat, dragon nobility/vermillion bird nobility/black tortoise nobility and white tiger nobility to get it, it wasn't very realistic at this point, first, he would need to get his hands on the easiest and strongest evolution before he went for the hardest one.

Yun Jhin observed the woman as she went insane due to cultivating the technique wrongly, it seemed the demon which gave it to her didn't give her the important tips that needed to be known to successfully cultivate the technique, quite the pity.

Yun Jhin wasn't interested in playing with her much and activated all of the formations at once, but suddenly she started to grow in height as her human half started to morph.

Her mouth elongated into a maw as wings grew out of her back, her teeth sharpened and her hands became claws her upper half started to match her lower half, she was forcefully removing the bloodline limiter that was put on her since birth.

Some talented halflings would have a bloodline limiter put on them at birth or else they might explode due to bloodline instability, this bloodline limiters would help them balance their bloodline and enhance their talent for quite a big deal, however, if they were removed before they were supposed to there were two things that could happen:

1 The halfling would lose control of his body and mutate into a monstrosity that would focus on one bloodline.

2 The halfling would purify both bloodlines and reach a perfect balance between them enhancing both talents and upgrading their fleshily body to their maximum.

It seemed Momo wasn't lucky enough to reach option two, but things would become pretty dangerous from now, even though she became a monstrosity and lost control of her body, the thing was that her cultivation increased by two levels, she was at the fifth level and she wasn't weakened or exhausted.

While Yun Jhin's formations were strong they weren't currently in a ki rich environment so there was a limit on what they could do.

Yun Jhin cursed as he watched the woman run towards him, but it seemed Kong Luo wasn't keen on helping him.

Yun Jhin didn't want to use this technique as it would hurt his body quite heavily but it seemed he had to now, he also didn't trust Kong Luo and Pei Fong to look over his injured body, but it was better than straight-up being murdered by this crazed woman.

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